Planning a small grow...


Active Member
Hey guys, just been browsing this site lately, and I found a lot of information, you guys seem really educated. This only problem was, that I had more specific questions.

Here's the plan/background info.:

I live with a few roomates, and we're all univeristy students, we just want to grow 2 or 3 plants that we can have for ourselves as a hobby, and because we're students so why not save money where we can:mrgreen:

I'd like to use CFL's that we can buy from a hardware store, and figured we could as this is a fairly small op. I'm wondering how many CFL's I'll need, and what wattage. Also I read they need to be different for vegging and flowering, so need that information as well.

Also, when people refer to the nodes, what part of the plant are they referring to, and where abouts to I look to sex the plant when it comes time to do that(I read stuff about balls for males and hairs for females)

Lastly, is it absolutely neccessary to use nutes for the grow? If so, is there an all purpose nute that can be used throughout the entire grow, or do I have to use different ones for vegging and flowering?

I know this all sounds super noobish, but I want the first try to be a success, so I'm trying to get as specific as possible.

Thanks guys! When we get started up, I'll let you guys know how it goes.