Plant drinking a lot! Help


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I commiserate with the problem. I run two 3.5 gallon bubble pots -- by the time the roots are grown I can fit only about 2.5 gallons of water in there. So when they're drinking a gallon a day, it's a bit of a pain. But the tent is in my studio apartment, and I check ppm/ph twice a day anyway and fill up then. I also like to keep an inch or two of air between the pot and top of the water, but when they're REALLY drinking I don't mind filling up past the pot a 1/2 inch or so -- they'll suck it down pretty quickly!

And I do try to look on the bright side -- good drinkers = healthy plants in my book!


Active Member
I also have been using 2" pots in a 5 gallon pale. It is a little less sturdy to move by hand but having a box fan blowing on 2 bushes they don't move any from where you set it. I have a 18 gal res now but before I set that up. Topping the bucket off was just a matter of just sliding the top to the side. Very easy and quite a bit cheaper. Also takes less median as well.