Plant overwatered by Storm


Well-Known Member
I'm not under any illusion that I didn't put a lot of stress on my plant. I told everyone who helped me that it was emergency brain surgery. I think the plant would have died for sure if I didn't and might die anyway.

Hopefully it won't and it will be a learning experience
They’re right you jumped the gun if it’s outside and it rains too much it’s generally will be fine. The roots are able to manage the influx of water because they are going to be more extensive than ones bound up in a pot. Also judging from the pictures they’re hungry. You more than likely did more harm than good pulling her up. Just next time let her ride and nature will do her thing.

Also are you feeding them?

Old Name

Yes, they did, and thanks for yours. However they're not hungry. The plants were fine and on a regular nute feeding schedule. When they started showing symptoms of being overwatered after the storm, leaves started yellowing because of nutrient lockout. My other plants were fine, this one seemed to decline and I reached a conclusion of root rot as it got worse and worse over a week (long after the warm weather dried the plants out from the rain).