Plant problem progressing rapidly


Well-Known Member
Dude, from here I can see water spots all over the tops of the leaves. These act like tiny magnifying glasses with the light and can burn the leaves quick.(Notice how the leaves closest to the light is already dry?)
Also, if you went to the trouble to foliar, did you do the undersides of the leaves?
Yeah i know that the water bubbles can magnify the light and burn plants but i figured that was only with HID lights, are you sure that cfls can burn plants this way?

george xxx

Active Member
OK, I still think you over did it with the dolomite, bone and blood meal.
I'm looking at your 2.8 cu.ft., 1 cu. ft., and your 25% added, which comes up to less than 5 cu.ft.
I know as you add things, they add volume, but you can't really count the volume of bone meal and blood meal when you figure out how much lime you want, and vice-versa.
I think you're over double the dolomite you wanted,as well as double what you would want for blood meal, and 4 times for bone meal.
That's just rough math, but I think I'm close, going at 1 tbsp/gallon for both blood and bone meal, 1 tbsp/gallon for the lime, and 7.48 gallons per cu. ft., 16 tbsp/ cup.
Going by this, your nitrogen would be way high, potassium high, and your PH real high as well.
Sounds like good assesment. Those ratios are also short on K. Cannot keep green without K. High volume of N & P will lock out mag and K. With that mix I do not know how, but you need to balance the nute content. Foliar feeding epsom may help the green a little and give it some mag but it will not take the mag with high N&P.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck... i wish i would have just went hydro now, i did this whole pre-mixed soil shit because i thought it would make things easier and it seems to have only made things more complicated, sorry for doubting you chuck, i just took what i thought what was good advice from one of the best growers i knew of. I just don't get it rumple said he grew in this stuff for years if the soil was that bad it doesn't seem like he would have stuck with it for that long, i dunno what I'm gonna do now or how to correct the problem with out scrapping the soil entirely. I think I'm going to wrap the air pot sides with saran wrap next time i water so i can get an accurate ph reading and try watering with Epsom salts for a week or so to see if that gets them any better, if not i guess ill just transplant into an inert soil and knock off as much of the old shit from the root ball as i can.
Sorry to see those plants, dude! :sad: I'm new at this and can't really contribute anything ....but all I have to say is +1 rep for those bad ass looking pots!


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are pretty cool a side from the fact that its impossible to get an accurate ph reading on the run off of my plants, i tried wraping the sides with saran wrap to stop the water from by passing the soil and it helped a bit but i believe the run off test are still not accurate i watered with ph 7.0 water with 2 tsp of Epsom salts and the run off came out as 6.8 on both plants, last time i watered the run off came out the same as the water i put in it at 7.0.
I still had a bit of leakage most of the run off was clear not the dirty brown that i am used to with normal air pots, i really do think that i had just enough water run straight threw to bump me up .2-.3 points which would have me sitting at 6.5-6.6, which should be fine, if i am correct that i should be balancing ph according to the soil parameters not hydro.


Well-Known Member
Well fuck... i wish i would have just went hydro now, i did this whole pre-mixed soil shit because i thought it would make things easier and it seems to have only made things more complicated, sorry for doubting you chuck, i just took what i thought what was good advice from one of the best growers i knew of. I just don't get it rumple said he grew in this stuff for years if the soil was that bad it doesn't seem like he would have stuck with it for that long, i dunno what I'm gonna do now or how to correct the problem with out scrapping the soil entirely. I think I'm going to wrap the air pot sides with saran wrap next time i water so i can get an accurate ph reading and try watering with Epsom salts for a week or so to see if that gets them any better, if not i guess ill just transplant into an inert soil and knock off as much of the old shit from the root ball as i can.
No problem dude, we always want to think it's an easy fix (or at least wish it is).
Good luck, stay with the forum, and chalk this up to a learning experience!
We all make mistakes :)


Well-Known Member
Well its been a day since i foliar feed and i haven't noticed any changes yet but i probably messed up by not spraying the under side of the leaves, i just got done watering with Epsom salts though so we will see what they are looking like in a few days.



Well-Known Member
foilar feeding wont burn plants. dont believe me try and purn your plants using it i bet you you never suceed (or at least i havent yet and i have tried a few times now)

not sure what your issue is, if PH is correct I doubt its a deficiency which leaves toxcicity, new growth looks fine. maybe just leave it be for a few days see where that takes you.

how fast is this spreading? looks like only 3 leaves are effected, just pinch them off and it will look normal again.

sounds like your doing an organic the bone and blood meal you put in is not in available form untill the micro's can break it down a bit. did you let your soil "bake" for a couple weeks before planting or just mix it up and go?

theres so many possibilities i really dont know but what i would do is just leave it alone, make sure PH is correct t o rule out that and see what happens, your not going to starve that plant to death man


Well-Known Member
yep they were.

and the foilar feed and burn thing is possible with salt based nutes in the water as osmosis will kill the cells on the leaf and the spots where the water sat will turn yello and eventually die and may look like the sun(light) burnt them


Well-Known Member
foilar feeding wont burn plants. dont believe me try and purn your plants using it i bet you you never suceed (or at least i havent yet and i have tried a few times now)

not sure what your issue is, if PH is correct I doubt its a deficiency which leaves toxcicity, new growth looks fine. maybe just leave it be for a few days see where that takes you.

how fast is this spreading? looks like only 3 leaves are effected, just pinch them off and it will look normal again.

sounds like your doing an organic the bone and blood meal you put in is not in available form untill the micro's can break it down a bit. did you let your soil "bake" for a couple weeks before planting or just mix it up and go?

theres so many possibilities i really dont know but what i would do is just leave it alone, make sure PH is correct t o rule out that and see what happens, your not going to starve that plant to death man
I am going to use that ph test method you suggested in the other thread to make sure that the ph is right, this whole ph situation with these air pots has been a real pain in the ass, i was contemplating putting them in some regular pots but that would be shelving $90 worth of pots. As far as how fast its spreading it seems pretty rapid to me i started this thread on the 6th at that time the white Russian showed no symptoms of what ever is going on accept for the purple stems now the leaves are looking just like my blue cheese i will post some pics up in a minute. Yes this grow is pretty much all organic this soil came highly recommended for beginners from rumple forskin so i figured i would give it a shot to make my first few times easy, and I'm not sure what the term bake means.
This soil is actually pretty old i mixed it up about 2 years ago and have used it once or twice but had to cancel the grow shows the tubs have been in storage for quite a while though i have had the soil sitting in rubber made tubs for a while so i doubt there is much in the way of microbial activity going on.


Well-Known Member
"bake" pretty much means keeping the soil mist before you plant in it to inhibit the growth of micro organisms so that the immidiate nutrient value is sufficient for the plant. and your right dry soil does not grow much for microbial life which is the buiblocks for organic gardening without them you have no food for your plant


Well-Known Member
yep they were.

and the foilar feed and burn thing is possible with salt based nutes in the water as osmosis will kill the cells on the leaf and the spots where the water sat will turn yello and eventually die and may look like the sun(light) burnt them
FUCK! I just foliar feed the plants 2-3 days ago and i used Epsom salts and reverse osmosis water, i have noticed spotted yellowing on the younger leaves but i thought it was the problem progressing.


Well-Known Member
as far as your plants look i just veiwed the pics form yesterday and they lok alright to me a few yellow leaves but overall decent looking plants man. maybe get a AACT (compost tea) brewing and water with that to boost the soil life


Well-Known Member
"bake" pretty much means keeping the soil mist before you plant in it to inhibit the growth of micro organisms so that the immidiate nutrient value is sufficient for the plant. and your right dry soil does not grow much for microbial life which is the buiblocks for organic gardening without them you have no food for your plant
I've been wanting to get some black strap molasses for my soil for a while now but no stores around here carry it i guess ill have to make a trip to town.

I'll be posting updated pictures shortly.


Well-Known Member
FUCK! I just foliar feed the plants 2-3 days ago and i used Epsom salts and reverse osmosis water, i have noticed spotted yellowing on the younger leaves but i thought it was the problem progressing.
;ook into that a bit but i would like to say your right as far as its th eproblem spreading

not really sure what reverse osmosis wate ris but i do know osmosis is pretty much the salt content of a liquid eithe pushing water or taking water from a semi permeable membrane to even out the salt content. or something like that its been a while since my last biology class


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to get some black strap molasses for my soil for a while now but no stores around here carry it i guess ill have to make a trip to town.

I'll be posting updated pictures shortly.
just use unsulferd molasses it really dosent have to be black strap. all the molasses is is a high sucrose/fructose (suger) food for microbes and lets them multiply at really high rates


Well-Known Member
;ook into that a bit but i would like to say your right as far as its th eproblem spreading

not really sure what reverse osmosis wate ris but i do know osmosis is pretty much the salt content of a liquid eithe pushing water or taking water from a semi permeable membrane to even out the salt content. or something like that its been a while since my last biology class
Ah yeah i get ya i was wondering if you meant the salt would kill the cell threw the process of osmosis or if you were referring to using salt based fertilizers with revers osmosis water, after i posted it i realized you probably meant sucking all of the water out of the cells, Reverse osmosis water is basically 0 ppm water filtered by reverse osmosis.

just use unsulferd molasses it really dosent have to be black strap. all the molasses is is a high sucrose/fructose (suger) food for microbes and lets them multiply at really high rates
And thanks for mentioning that ill pick some up soon.