Plants are TOO BIG to force flower outdoor. Alternative ideas? Stress Force Flower?


Well-Known Member
they're definitely all female. they are showing hairs but not really any explosive budding growth yet
They may well be in flower then, it take about 2 weeks to shift into flower under a 12/12 cycle so you may already be almost 2 weeks in.


Active Member
Build a simple green house and place tarps where they can be covered and uncovered easily. Aren't plants already flowering right now


Well-Known Member
He has no options other than waiting or getting and covering them with a big tarp, we have had daylength decreasing for a while now, the plants will flower soon and about the same time regardless of if he covers it so it gets 12 full hours of dark (which it doesnt need to flower outside anyway) or not so he'd just be giving his plant less energy to grow with everyday while going through the hassles of covering them or something like that.