Plants dieing. Don't know why. Please help


Active Member
Okay, so here they are, couldn't get a recent picture, but they are about a week older than these, and about twice as bad as they are. There is new growth on a couple of them, but the new growth on the smaller plants is frayed and looks eaten away at the edges of the leaves, but there are NO bugs.

I watered with half strength organic nutes 2-.5-1.5 per suggestion from these forums. It did nothing but decrease the rate of yellowing progression, the PH is somewhere between 6.8 and 7.2. I do not know where to go from here, expert advice is needed, ALL the older fan leaves are drooping and dieing off, turning yellow. I will try to upload some new pics later tonight, any advice anyone can give me will help, here is a link to my previous post.

I also gave them a really good flushing prior to feeding them half strength nutes, and then watered today...6 days later they are in 5 gallons buckets.



Well-Known Member
well the leaves look like they are yellowing, so im gonna go out ona limb here and say you have a nitrogen def...


Well-Known Member this , check ur ph, if ur in soil it should be like 6.8. in hydro 5.8. what kinda nutes are u using, i mean...thats the only thing that causes that sorta problem, idk what else it could be. over watering maybe.? whats ur watering schedule?


Active Member this , check ur ph, if ur in soil it should be like 6.8. in hydro 5.8. what kinda nutes are u using, i mean...thats the only thing that causes that sorta problem, idk what else it could be. over watering maybe.? whats ur watering schedule?
The PH is about 6.8-7.4. The nutrients I use are called Buddha Grow, it is a 2-0.5-1.5 mix.
I was suggested by some people on the forum to flush them, and then give them a good watering with half strength nutes, which I did. This was about a week ago, they have not gotten any better, but worse. There is no nute burn, just yellowing on the bottom fan leaves and mid fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
ya...well then its a nitrogen def. they were wrong in telling u to flush, all u needed to do was add more nitrogen to ur watering and that woulda corrected the issue. there arent burns, there is not curling, no drooping, no orange, purple black brown white i mean...u can simply go back to the regular feed, just get something with nitrogen in it, use blood meal, or bone meal, dried blood. fish emulsion. w/e u can find with a high N. but then again...i do hydro...and i have to check my plants for def all the time so i kinda know what to look for when it comes to that sorta area. u can check here====> i always look at these to double check myself PlantProblems , try it urself and findout for sure.


Well-Known Member
yea its nitrogen def. your nutes are all fucked up. you want a higher N ratio than P for vegging. and the other way around for flowering. thats why i asked you if your flowering and you said no. you want like a 5-1-1 ratio for vegging not 1-5-1 or w/e you have


Well-Known Member
I will go out on a limb here and say it is a Nitrogen deficiency. This could be caused from a nutrient lockup. Your soil too dry or are you watering it properly. It can also be caused by a ph imbalance. There are a number of reasons why you have nitrogen deficiency but by looking at it, that is what it looks like even though you say you are giving it plenty of N.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are going out on a limb, he has at least 4 threads asking the same question but refuses to beleive it could be a nitrogen deficiency.
Some people cant be helped.:hump:


yeah i also looked your soil too dry so are you watering it properly may be its definitey cause of the shortage of water just cheakced it daily


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are going out on a limb, he has at least 4 threads asking the same question but refuses to beleive it could be a nitrogen deficiency.
Some people cant be helped.:hump:
Oh ya, I remember trying to help him 2 weeks ago. He was giving his plants a couple tablespoons of water/nute solution and would not believe me when I told him to give it more.


Active Member
Oh ya, I remember trying to help him 2 weeks ago. He was giving his plants a couple tablespoons of water/nute solution and would not believe me when I told him to give it more.

No, I gave them twice as much as I was giving them, and yesterday I gave them two TBS per gallon, and Liebe, I said I'm feeding them MORE NITROGEN THAN PHOSPHATE, 2-0.5-1.5
damn, I'm not not believing you all, but I HAVE FED THEM PLENTY OF NITROGEN, like, WAY way WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY too much in my opinion. I water them once a week about. I guess I'll just continue giving them nitrogen.

Don't be dumbasses though, read before you post dumb shit....(Liebe)


Well-Known Member
Well then, if you already know so much and are calling people dumbasses,
why do you keep starting so many threads asking the same questions??
Those NPK figures 2-0.5-1.5 are very low, probably good for your average indoor plant, but mary is fast growing and some strains like lots of nutes.
Most people will be using an NPK of 20-20-20, but start with 1/4 strength and slowly build up.
But even 1/4 strength is nearly 3 times stronger than what you are using.
Your pictures clearly show nitrogen deficency, and no matter how many threads you start, the answers will be the same.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Well then, if you already know so much and are calling people dumbasses,
why do you keep starting so many threads asking the same questions??
Those NPK figures 2-0.5-1.5 are very low, probably good for your average indoor plant, but mary is fast growing and some strains like lots of nutes.
Most people will be using an NPK of 20-20-20, but start with 1/4 strength and slowly build up.
But even 1/4 strength is nearly 3 times stronger than what you are using.
Your pictures clearly show nitrogen deficency, and no matter how many threads you start, the answers will be the same.:blsmoke:
So what do you suggest I do, give me advice, and I will do it.


Well-Known Member
When leaves yellow as much as yours have, it does not always recover. Watch the new growth and 2 Tbsp may not be enough. In addition, are you flooding the pot until it runs out the bottom? Then wait for it to dry. The pot should feel light before re-watering, and then it should feel heavy after watering. You have them in 5-gallon buckets, this may require at least a gallon or more of water each bucket. What kind of light are you using? Do they have enough penetration to get to the bottom leaves?

In your last post a few weeks back when we talked about your watering procedure, you said they looked better after a few days. Now you are saying it is getting worse. Therefore, have you been watching them and watering when it gets dry or are you letting it dry out too much again. In addition, remember when I say watering, I am referring to your water/nutrient formula that you are following. If this does not solve your problem, then I suggest a new nutrient formula for your plants.


Active Member
When leaves yellow as much as yours have, it does not always recover. Watch the new growth and 2 Tbsp may not be enough. In addition, are you flooding the pot until it runs out the bottom? Then wait for it to dry. The pot should feel light before re-watering, and then it should feel heavy after watering. You have them in 5-gallon buckets, this may require at least a gallon or more of water each bucket. What kind of light are you using? Do they have enough penetration to get to the bottom leaves?

In your last post a few weeks back when we talked about your watering procedure, you said they looked better after a few days. Now you are saying it is getting worse. Therefore, have you been watching them and watering when it gets dry or are you letting it dry out too much again. In addition, remember when I say watering, I am referring to your water/nutrient formula that you are following. If this does not solve your problem, then I suggest a new nutrient formula for your plants.

The new growth is fine, I fed it full strength nutes yesterday, and the stunted plants started growing quickly again seems like once I feed, they get better for a day or two, then start deteriorating again.


Well-Known Member
Then your not feeding it enough nute/water solution. If the soil was wet, in a five gallon bucket... the roots would search out for more moisture/water/nutes and should last you a minimum of a few days seeing how your plants are so small and you're using 5 gallon buckets.