Plants dying from bottom up

I’ve looked high and low not seeing anything what kind do you think?
I'm thinking thrips and mites possibly.

Thrips are going to be hard to find they're fast they don't like light or movement. They go to town on your plants when the lights are out. From the speckles on some of the lowers I also suspect mites. Those tend to go after buds. I would look for webbing somewhere.
I'm thinking thrips and mites possibly.

Thrips are going to be hard to find they're fast they don't like light or movement. They go to town on your plants when the lights are out. From the speckles on some of the lowers I also suspect mites. Those tend to go after buds. I would look for webbing somewhere.
I’ve had mites and thrips this is not that kind of damage
This far in , I would just try to ride out the last weeks out of it. Looks like multiple things happened.
Not really correctable at this point.Looks like possible ph swings / bugs / lighting ( lanky growth ) / missing fans / magnesium deficiency / etc.

Just try to get it to finish proper.
Ya definitely not fixable was hoping could figure it out thanks
Yep the guy I get a lot of my clones from said I probably got it from a clone lol
Shit I'm sorry that sucks. I'm always paranoid when a new plant comes inside the house. My wife recently purchased a Egyptian walking onion plant. I came home and shit a brick seeing it sitting on the kitchen counter. It's now sitting in the yard where it belongs haha.