Plants in the flower stage.

Okay so the light period gives them the energy to get big and what the dark helps them finish?? What exactly does the darkness do for the plants
Okay so it's been a minute but I think dark is enhanced cellular respiration but don't hold me to that. Mostly it's a hormonal thing. The plant detects the change in season based on the length of uninterrupted dark per day. It ripens faster because as that uninterrupted dark gets longer it thinks it's closer to the winter and it goes through a last ditch effort to make seeds.
DIY really isn't as bad as it used to be. you can get some slide on plug and play connectors for the wiring... it's more expensive but a lot easier to build the frame out of 80/20 extrusion and you can order the pieces precut online.
I probably sound stupid to you but it seems really hard to build your own light. So your saying you can just buy parts on line. Quality parts and just build your own
DIY really isn't as bad as it used to be. you can get some slide on plug and play connectors for the wiring... it's more expensive but a lot easier to build the frame out of 80/20 extrusion and you can order the pieces precut online.
So what would diy kit that can compare to like a timber fatty or gavita led something big I'm lighting up a 40x8
Think of it this way: we're hot wiring the plant.

Evolution has given it a drive to create seeds and survive. To do this female plants produce large buds and trichomes to protect those buds from the elements to get ready to make seeds. By stripping out the males they never get pollenated and we get big keefy buds.

Same type of thing for the dark. It tries to reproduce before the winter as days get shorter so we can control the dark period to make them ripen when and as fast as we want.
Okay so it's been a minute but I think dark is enhanced cellular respiration but don't hold me to that. Mostly it's a hormonal thing. The plant detects the change in season based on the length of uninterrupted dark per day. It ripens faster because as that uninterrupted dark gets longer it thinks it's closer to the winter and it goes through a last ditch effort to make seeds.
So the darkness tricks it into a different stage cause it thinks winter is coming
So what would diy kit that can compare to like a timber fatty or gavita led something big I'm lighting up a 40x8
I would do the LEDGARDENER strip builds. Probably 4'x4' sections so that I can make it mobile but that's up to your floorspace/room design.
Yea I'd do 4x4 sections, two wide for the length of the space. Is it an all-in-one veg/flower space or separate?

There was a thread on here that Arrow or one of the big chinese sellers was doing a blowout on Samsung H strips..... like 80% off or something stupid.
Just make sure the color temp on the light is balanced 3,3.5,4k strips if you're doing an all-in-one light...maybe add something with deep reds too.
Yea I'd do 4x4 sections, two wide for the length of the space. Is it an all-in-one veg/flower space or separate?

There was a thread on here that Arrow or one of the big chinese sellers was doing a blowout on Samsung H strips..... like 80% off or something stupid.
Just make sure the color temp on the light is balanced 3,3.5,4k strips if you're doing an all-in-one light...maybe add something with deep reds too.


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Yea I'd do 4x4 sections, two wide for the length of the space. Is it an all-in-one veg/flower space or separate?

There was a thread on here that Arrow or one of the big chinese sellers was doing a blowout on Samsung H strips..... like 80% off or something stupid.
Just make sure the color temp on the light is balanced 3,3.5,4k strips if you're doing an all-in-one light...maybe add something with deep reds too.
So basically a full spectrum
So basically a full spectrum
Correct. If you have say a separate flower/veg space you can make customized lights for each room but if you're doing an all-in-one space you need to make sure you get a balanced combo of strips. LED strips come in 3 temps normally plus some specialized red/blue/deep red strips
If you look up the HLG 550 series boards they come in an RSPEC (flower) and a BSPEC (veg) option based on added blues or IR/Red/Deep Red