Plants not Growing Very Big? Please Help


So my plants are around about 3weeks and I have been conpairing them to other peoples journals and my plants look very small.. They have been out in the sun for the last 3weeks I have just put them indoors for the next couple of days because its going to rain and No Sun!

I'm using self watering planters MG soil - With Nutz.
Tap Water and Sun light.


Active Member
is that a halogen light? If so that could be your problem right there. they don't put out the right spectrum that your baby needs. get a cfl any kind will suffice for a little one like that.


Well-Known Member
Have patience my friend, for the young ones take a while to root before they will show growth. My outdoor took almost 3 weeks before I saw growth and now it grows 1" + every 2 days or so..


ya i got like 2 foot ones right now and they r growing fast but i got a coupe little guys and they are growing worth shit yet, need roots


Sorry for the late response been busy... They have been OUTSIDE all there life except for 2days when it Rained very heavy..
Avg. Temp is around 72*


or put it outside... i dont think that light has what it takes.
ya i got like 2 foot ones right now and they r growing fast but i got a coupe little guys and they are growing worth shit yet, need roots
Have patience my friend, for the young ones take a while to root before they will show growth. My outdoor took almost 3 weeks before I saw growth and now it grows 1" + every 2 days or so..

Thanks All I guess its just a waiting game lol.. I just wanna be like yall Pro's
whats the saying Hmm? I got Wine taste on a beer budget?


Well-Known Member
Self watering in MG? That could be causing the time release nutes to constantly release and cause nutelock, stunting , etc....signs of overwatering...


Self watering in MG? That could be causing the time release nutes to constantly release and cause nutelock, stunting , etc....signs of overwatering...
I was thinking that myself but then I second guessed myself by lookin how green it is.... In pic i have seen of Nutz Stunting the leafs look brown. Mine are very green


Active Member
Have patience my friend, for the young ones take a while to root before they will show growth. My outdoor took almost 3 weeks before I saw growth and now it grows 1" + every 2 days or so..
Well said Simply Smoked. Best advice in the thread.

Other than patients the best one can do is use Superthrive and/or Mycorrhizal Fungus to help the plant grow a bigger root system.

It's not good to compare your plant to others due to different strains, nutes/ferts and environment.


dont worry it is normal......dont try to compare your outdoor plant with the ones growing indoor! the indoor have 24 hours of light while yours gets at best 16 hours. so they have an advantage of light and temperature/humidity conditions (controlled environment).......your advantage of growing outdoors could be better give it a try a wait...I am doing the same:-)