Please check my Pics, do I have a Nitrogen problem


Over the past few days getting worse, please look at pics using Old Age Grow 12-6-6 accord to what I have read yellow leaves at the bottom means not enough Nitrogen because new groth takes all the Nitro?? I use 1 oz per gallon of Old Age Grow every other day. Too much? Not Enough?


Well-Known Member
Did you say 1oz per gallon every other day? That seems like alot seeing that the recommended is 1-2tbsp per gallon and most people nute 1 to 2 times a week. Either way they arent burnt and they are showing a classic nitrogen defficiency.


Well-Known Member
I agree with mechanical, every other day seems like a bit too much, every other watering would be better off (2-3 times per week).


What is a good source of Ca, Mg and K? I Ummm yeah the instructions say 1 ounce per gallon once per week, however the cool guy at the hydro store says Old Age Grow is pretty cheep stuff, so use it every other day.... Hmmm so you guys think too much Nitro? I have a book called marijuana Garden Saver by JC Smith that says yellowing leaves from the bottom of the plant is caused by lack of Nitro. Perhaps my PH is off and blocking the Nitro. I am on well water and it is a little high 7.5 to 8.0 so I am using a few drops of PH down to get me in the 6.0 to 6.5 range. Perhaps my test strips are a joke... Temps are in the mid ninties. Fogot to mention the plant right next to it is in much better shape and on the same diet. First two plants closest have no yellowing leaves and look pretty good during this veg stage. But

the two further plants have yellow leaves??

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Next time you water that plant. Water it enough to get like 1/2-1 gallons of run off. Mix this and take a PH reading of this run off and get a PPM reading also. I bet they are out of wack.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
if you have a nitrogen deficiency then the nutes you are using must be old. fertilizing as much as you do they should be either dark dark green or dead for over fertilizing or over watering