Please give me advice ordering from Attitude

I ordered from Attitude, got the candies and tshirt. Came really quickly, no shipping problems, chose cheapest shipping method, hadn't been opened by customs. The only thing is, I could have sworn that they ask you if you want the seeds in their original packaging, or if you want them removed from the packaging. Now, this is my first time ordering from them, so I don't know how they are originally packaged, but I've bought seeds from Sensei while in Amsterdam in their shop, and the Sensei seeds came in a little cardboard and plastic package, with instructions. I figured the Attitude seeds would just be in a sealed bit of cellophane, stuffed discreetly somewhere in the package, but no-

I tore open the candies, thinking they'd opened them, put the un-packaged seeds inside, and re-glued the candy box shut. The seeds were in their own tiny manilla envelope, like the size of a credit card, wrapped inside the tshirt. And they were in cardboard packaging, with their strain and brand! So was the free bonus seed!

I was just hoping the package got through in the first place (I'm in New York, USA), so, mission accomplished, but I was still surprised, you know? I expected a bit more...discretion.


Well-Known Member
I ordered about a month ago... Sent to my P.O. Box in my name with my CC and used the tracking numbers throughout and it was pretty darn accurate. Took 9 business days from ordering to my house. No problems. Order them up and expect them in a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
As a future seed buyer thanks for sharing your experiences....have been wondering about reliable and discreet seeds.