
Well-Known Member
Ph isn't directly connected to what your ppm is..i can have tap water at ph 8 and dump a cup of vinegar in it and ph drops completely but ppm isn't affected. Ph is simply the concentration of hydrogen ions in your water.

That’s what I am saying. I have low ppm but high ph. But the ph is easily changed due to the low ppm


Well-Known Member
Check the PPM, if it's low it's probably okay to use tap water?
ppm is at ~150. got some distilled water at store after adding all my nutes its ph 5.5 lol
im gonna air some tap water out and add my nutes would i still need to add calmag?
also my ppm after adding everything into distilled was around 1k following feeding schedule


Well-Known Member
You may have a small issue with low nitrogen, but the main issue seems to be low levels of magnesium. I have never used RO water or cal-mag, so not sure how much you should add, but you need to up the magnesium levels quickly! By the time the yellowing between the veins has turned necrotic like yours on some lower leaves, the deficiency has been there for weeks!
can it be lockout for some reason? or i just have to catch up on feeding? i started light feeding at day 15 when it started showing signs im about day 33 rn from sprouting. i gave them what the schedule asks for 2 days ago. not sure how long till i see change. also i let some tap water sit out overnight to get ready. gonna try it next