Please Help, Beginning of 3rd Weed Veg


Well-Known Member
30% runoff means if you feed them 3 liters you should get 1 liter of runoff

Dont let the coco dry out too much you can water everyday even if they arent drinking that much, but you don't have to. just never let the coco dry out

Dont worry about your bulb its pretty much the same as any of HPS light. They don't vary that much from one HPS to the next

1 1/2 feet is good, but dont go an inch closer

Hard to say how much you will yield, that depends on how good of an environment you give the plants

A pound could be possible if you don't do anything wrong


Active Member
Here is some stats for you all, watering 1.5l of nuted water at 4.2ml of a and b per day and they are always thirsty at watering time,
None are now drooping etc... lost about 5 leaves to the nitrogen deficiency but saved about 10 which are now fully healed, plant's are varied between the height of 19 inches and 21 inches
Going to raise the light from today to sunday to increase the growth in height during these 2/3day's.
Nute dosage will be raised to 4.3 - 4.4ml's next feed and then 4.5 - 4.6ml's during the first week of budding.
Temperature of the tent, 26 - 27degrees (english reading) on lights off and between 30 - 32 lights on (too hot i know need the extractor fan kit)
Anyone know how long till they start to really kick up a smell

Looking forward to in 8 week's time chopping these down.
Really looking forward to starting next grow
Thank you all for all the help, soon there will be no bailiffs at my door, lots of clothes for my little girl and some new clothes for me, bye bye debt and hello driving licence :)
No reasons i can see for me being raided in the next 8 weeks i have a tight crew a good group of mates were all strong together they are the only ones who know and family and they are all behind me till the end.
Possibly a car within the next year that would be good
Haven't seen my daughter in 6 months she is 1 next week missing her terribly have to go court to get the right to see her :/
Living over 100miles from your little girl is horrible but i won't stop growing till i have my little girl back seeing her daddy and me being able to afford the travel to see her
Enough respect out there to all the fathers who are having to go through the same thing
Hope my little girl remembers me love her too bits


Active Member
I have kids and can't even think what it would be like without them
so have some ideal what you must feel like
its good that you have friends and family behind you
no one has ever seen my grow room, the only time i get to talk to about it is on here
i have friends and a good family but i can't think of any reason why any of them needs to know i grow it

I would not raise the lights keep within (18"-24")from top of plants, close to 18" is best but not if temp to high keep 27-30c
if you lift the lights, yes the plant will stretch and have stretch nodes, spaced buds, and weak stem at top of plant, if the buds get big it will bend top of plant not good, your plant height is good for flower it will grow 25-50% higher anyway
i like my plants 28-30"
most the good buds is grow on the top 12"-16" of the plant under that most is popcorn bud not good
so i wait till 3rd week in flower and strip all growth under 16" from top of plants
after the 3rd week the growth it slows down on most strains that take 9 weeks or less
and it starts smelling stronger after you turn to flower, if you do well it will stink up your house up by week 3 without carbon filter
with a good carbon filter and powerful fan, there is a low smell that stays where you want it.
i find the best way is short stocky plant with lots of nodes and very large root mass
that would give you a very big yield


Active Member
They are extremely bushy compared to some i see, where the angle of the hps has given the pure ak most light at one side and it has small fan leaves so a lot of light got into the nodes on that side, one of these is basically going to be a second main cola so i look forward to seeing how that goes although i have lots of string etc, if it is going to be needed.
If anyone has any quotes for me about what to look out for while in the budding phase, and how to treat the plant's to avoid bad stuff and how to get the good stuff.
Thank you


Active Member
They are extremely bushy compared to some i see, where the angle of the hps has given the pure ak most light at one side and it has small fan leaves so a lot of light got into the nodes on that side, one of these is basically going to be a second main cola so i look forward to seeing how that goes although i have lots of string etc, if it is going to be needed.
If anyone has any quotes for me about what to look out for while in the budding phase, and how to treat the plant's to avoid bad stuff and how to get the good stuff.
Thank you
if you can water all the plants without moving them

and if you remove all ungrowth in week 3
put some pea netting over them, this will hold the nodes where you what them
and give the top/buds most the support they need


Active Member
when you give them a light feed in veg it makes them short and bushy

you got it just right by the sound of it


Active Member
I think it was something to do with the fact they started under a 250w cfl as seedlings went about a month without any nutes, they were really healthy as you can see in previous pictures on this thread, they grew about an inch in that month but had about 12 leaves at 2 - 3 inches and ever since it's stayed bushy


Active Member
keep a note of what you

when the plant started having yellow leaves

try feed 4 day earlyer next time

so you just get one or two yellow leaves


Active Member
Half the messages/views have disappeared from this forum? i don't get the update and why it has done that.
Either way
Anyone have any facts/figures/opinions on how much pk 13/14 and boost increase yield/ how much i will miss out on if i don't use them
Contacting the "farm funder" tonight so need to plan up everything i have been keeping my eye on to order


Active Member
Half the messages/views have disappeared from this forum? i don't get the update and why it has done that.
Either way
Anyone have any facts/figures/opinions on how much pk 13/14 and boost increase yield/ how much i will miss out on if i don't use them
Contacting the "farm funder" tonight so need to plan up everything i have been keeping my eye on to order

check this link, he keeps it simple and uses grow and bloom nutes that it
i use fish food/grow/bloom nutes

i don not know if p13/14 or boost helps some grower but you can get very good yield and smoke without them


Well-Known Member
Completely lost this thread 'til just now since the restore have only been posting here for a month lol

Half the messages/views have disappeared from this forum? i don't get the update and why it has done that.
Either way
Anyone have any facts/figures/opinions on how much pk 13/14 and boost increase yield/ how much i will miss out on if i don't use them
Contacting the "farm funder" tonight so need to plan up everything i have been keeping my eye on to order
RIU and a bunch of other V Bullitin sites got done over by a hacker, no info stolen or anything just replaced a few bits with a weird video, the admin team had to do a restore from a backup done in february'ish, so we lost a months info basically, no biggy.

And I've read ridiculous things about side by side comparisons with 'how much more the boost and pk stuff' have yielded compared to normal... But yeah you can do it just as well keeping it simple, I'll be running the Canna Boost and PK 13/14 in my flower phase if I get some £ by then.

I'm way behind you so you wont know the results till after your grow lol

Anyhoo, how they doing so far?


Active Member
They had some dam yellowed leaves again, only little leaves though, now 1.5l's to 5.2ml's of a and b, going to raise it day by day up till 6...
Got the funding coming next week
Getting the 4" carbon filter kit
Hopefully canna boost and pk 13 14, will have to see if i can get a bit more funding to get them all
Apart from that doing well, pure ak is 2ft tall yes they have been growing while getting this 12 hours darkness, no second pistles just the normal amount still.
Plant's have a damp plant smell to them i guess it's the thc toxin's getting stronger since from when they were in veg

Could do some advice with this
Was going to spend about 10 20 quid on getting a way to hand fan upside down so it can rotate around getting the draft to them plant's
also the fact the grow room stats were 34degrees and 40percent humidity
Ended up getting a long metal wire twisting it up made a little hanger it's secure and is working fine.

Now lights off 24degrees and 50percent humidity
Lights on 37 - 45 humidity degrees i don't know yet with the fan in there will have to get back to you on that

My main question will this 50percent humidity throughout 12 hours a day mould buds or will the be fine as humidity goes back to around 40 when lights on?
Don't want to spend like 100quid on dehumidifer but then again, don't want to get mouldy horrible buds

Thank you all


Well-Known Member
your humidity should be fine, the recommended humidity is 50 until the last 2 weeks and then 40 but I've done full flowering cycles at 60 humidity and had no problems with a mould resistant strain.

FYI you can grab a good dehumidifier for about £20 from argos lol, I got one from there and it's ace!


Active Member
Oh, i thought normal dehumidifiers wouldn't be the same as a hydro one, with humidifiers do they have settings so they will only turn on if it goes over a certain amount and they will stop before the humidity goes too low?


Well-Known Member
Oh, i thought normal dehumidifiers wouldn't be the same as a hydro one, with humidifiers do they have settings so they will only turn on if it goes over a certain amount and they will stop before the humidity goes too low?
no i dont think you can tell them to turn on and off but just have it on at intervals for a few hours at a time and it usually does the job


Active Member
Just a couple of questions
Tomorrow night will be the first feed with advanced nutrients Big Bud heard some bad reviews and some good but i'm not in the position to spend 40 50 odd quid on boost
If i get a small bottle of pk 13 14 as you need to use big bud from the start of "week 2 through 4 of your flowering phase" i'm sure this means start using at week 2 for 4 weeks rather than week 2 to 4.
Take it i should follow instructions and not use it for any longer than it states?
The NPK is only 0 - 1 - 3 so probably is overrated but they claim to have a "secret ingredient" that no one knows what it is, even though i'm sure you are not allowed to sell products without including all ingredients on the description i wanted to give this secret a try.

Can i continue to keep using my canna coco A + B when using this big bud nutrient? i want to still have some N involved or is this not going to be good as the N will be higher than the P and K It's just my over 2 ft tall plant's are rather prone to nitrogen deficiency.

Can i use Canna PK 13 14 as it instructs 3 weeks before harvest so as soon as i stop using the big bud?
PK's NPK say's it all in the name 0-13-14 rather good, i'd like to pay to give my girl's the extra boost after the adv nutes big bud if i can without this having any side effects

thank you all, happy growing


Active Member
Just a couple of questions
Tomorrow night will be the first feed with advanced nutrients Big Bud heard some bad reviews and some good but i'm not in the position to spend 40 50 odd quid on boost
If i get a small bottle of pk 13 14 as you need to use big bud from the start of "week 2 through 4 of your flowering phase" i'm sure this means start using at week 2 for 4 weeks rather than week 2 to 4.
Take it i should follow instructions and not use it for any longer than it states?
The NPK is only 0 - 1 - 3 so probably is overrated but they claim to have a "secret ingredient" that no one knows what it is, even though i'm sure you are not allowed to sell products without including all ingredients on the description i wanted to give this secret a try.

Can i continue to keep using my canna coco A + B when using this big bud nutrient? i want to still have some N involved or is this not going to be good as the N will be higher than the P and K It's just my over 2 ft tall plant's are rather prone to nitrogen deficiency.

Can i use Canna PK 13 14 as it instructs 3 weeks before harvest so as soon as i stop using the big bud?
PK's NPK say's it all in the name 0-13-14 rather good, i'd like to pay to give my girl's the extra boost after the adv nutes big bud if i can without this having any side effects

thank you all, happy growing

if your going to use lots of different nutes in flower, you should use a ec meter and keep it round 1.2.
pk 13/14, big bud,bloom,grow it will make it difficult not to overfeed/underfeed, the feed charts will not help if using lots of different nutes
as i said before i would keep simple and have a very high chance of good yield/smoke
on a first time, lots of nutes in flower no ec meter could you will end up with low yield and bad smoke
hope i am wrong
good luck


Active Member
if your going to use lots of different nutes in flower, you should use a ec meter and keep it round 1.2.
pk 13/14, big bud,bloom,grow it will make it difficult not to overfeed/underfeed, the feed charts will not help if using lots of different nutes
as i said before i would keep simple and have a very high chance of good yield/smoke
on a first time, lots of nutes in flower no ec meter could you will end up with low yield and bad smoke
hope i am wrong
good luck
the first sign of buds is magnesium deficiency lots of yellow on new growth
you can use Epson salts in first week of flower to help, 1 teaspoon dissolved in boiling water per gallon (one off feed)
yes you should use low amount of grow nutes till 4 weeks before harvest, it will reduce yellow leaves,
big bud should be use from early formed buds to week 5 after this it will affect smoke
pk13/14 meant to increase bud size,use 1-2 weeks before you flush your plants