Please help!!! Deficiency, (with pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow growers, so i have a problem, from day one.up until now my girls have shown signs of a deficiancy, its mobile and is spreading up my plant from the oldest leafs, first turning a pale yellow before getting bronze coloured markings and also crisping on the tips, im worried it will eat the plant up if i dont sort it.

My girls are exactly 3 weeks old today, my media is canna coco coir and perlite 70/30, my ferts = canna coco a and b, rhizotonic, cannazym, and im currently feeding them 1.0 ec thats with my 0.2 tap water included. My ph ranges from 5.8 to 6.0, depending on how long the tank has been stood, and i hand water my girls, there drinking a litre every other day, until recently now there drinking a litre and half every other day
My temps range from 79f-81f with a RH of 65%, 75% when the lights are off. I always leave water to stand for at least 48 hours, and the tap waters soft at around 100ppm eutech, 7.2 ph..

I would appreciate some advice from someone with good knowledge of what my def might be, please only reply if you know what your talking about, as ive come across way to many on here that like to point growers in the wrong direction through lack of knowledge yet think its still acceptable to tell others how to do things, i dont want any wiki links, or copy paste pictures of defs,. Obviously ive put alot of time into my girls and they mean alot so please respect that before you reply, and i dont mean to come off rude but ive been on here a while and see it all to often new growers like myself getting told stuff by guys who dont know what there doing thereselves or basing all there knowledge of internet blogs.. if your that guy please dont reply..

Heres some pics that best explain my problem


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I'd guess a magnesium deficiency. The cal/mag in your tap water is in a large molecule form that is very difficult for your plant to take up. I'm guessing magnesium because I don't know for sure what is in your canna coco, but guessing it is not in there.
I'd guess a magnesium deficiency. The cal/mag in your tap water is in a large molecule form that is very difficult for your plant to take up. I'm guessing magnesium because I don't know for sure what is in your canna coco, but guessing it is not in there.
I have cal mag, i did use it at the beginning but stopped as my baby leafs started to go a little yellow so i thought the cal mag might have something to do with it.. would it hurt to supplment my tank with it?
I have cal mag, i did use it at the beginning but stopped as my baby leafs started to go a little yellow so i thought the cal mag might have something to do with it.. would it hurt to supplment my tank with it?

The yellowing could of been from lack of Nutes. Have you been feeding since the start? Cocoa comes with nothing added, I know with coco you can normally get away with feed daily I do when I use it as long as it's a low dose. Or every other watering. It does look like some mag def if it's starting from bottom and spreading upwards. Normally light green between veins with fading then to brown crispy burn edges etc. do small dose of the cal mag with ph water and see if that helps you out. Little burn on tip but not bad at all. Also check new growth as it comes in, the leaves won't go back to being all nice and green.
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The yellowing could of been from lack of Nutes. Have you been feeding since the start? Cocoa comes with nothing added, I know with coco you can normally get away with feed daily I do when I use it as long as it's a low dose. Or every other watering. It does look like some mag def if it's starting from bottom and spreading upwards. Normally light green between veins with fading then to brown crispy burn edges etc. do small dose of the cal mag with ph water and see if that helps you out. Little burn on tip but not bad at all.
Yeah ive been feeding from day 1, started on 0.3ec and gradually worked my way up to 1.0, i dont know were im going wrong, im actually hoping its a cal mag def, then at least abit of cal mag might sort it out, im only feeding everyday until the root ball properly forms as i trandplanted a few days ago so i dont want to risk drowning the roots by giving a heavy feed that will last a few days..
Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
Yeah ive been feeding from day 1, started on 0.3ec and gradually worked my way up to 1.0, i dont know were im going wrong, im actually hoping its a cal mag def, then at least abit of cal mag might sort it out, im only feeding everyday until the root ball properly forms as i trandplanted a few days ago so i dont want to risk drowning the roots by giving a heavy feed that will last a few days..
Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.

No problem man, you'll know it's ca when you start seeing the little brown spots on a leaf. With your pics I would point to mag. Try to do a small dose and work your way up till it gets corrected. Don't want to over do it trying to correct it. If your feeding daily try to do a water with correct ph and just the ca/mag so it takes just that up. Also to much of some Nutes can lock others out so I would def try with just a water with the mg and correct ph.
I have cal mag, i did use it at the beginning but stopped as my baby leafs started to go a little yellow so i thought the cal mag might have something to do with it.. would it hurt to supplment my tank with it?
Yes, supplement with cal/mag. Magnesium is vital to photosynthesis and will show as interveinal chlorosis begining at bottom and working up. An epsom salt spray is an easy way to quickly address but I would get cal/mag back in your daily diet.
No problem man, you'll know it's ca when you start seeing the little brown spots on a leaf. With your pics I would point to mag. Try to do a small dose and work your way up till it gets corrected. Don't want to over do it trying to correct it. If your feeding daily try to do a water with correct ph and just the ca/mag so it takes just that up. Also to much of some Nutes can lock others out so I would def try with just a water with the mg and correct ph.
Yes well i did think about just giving water with cal mag as im sure they have plenty enough nutes stored in the coco. Lets hope it is what we think it is, ive had this same problem with previous grows but the problem seems to go a week or two into flower when the new growth explodes it seems to outgrow the def, but id still like my veg plants to look better.
calmag is more calcuim then mag, abundace of calcium locks out mag... if your having mag issues use EPSOM SALTS like tokingqueen said... 1tsp per gallon .... chill with the calmag till ur mag lock out or deficiency is corrected
Yes, supplement with cal/mag. Magnesium is vital to photosynthesis and will show as interveinal chlorosis begining at bottom and working up. An epsom salt spray is an easy way to quickly address but I would get cal/mag back in your daily diet.
Cheers dude.
calmag is more calcuim then mag, abundace of calcium locks out mag... if your having mag issues use EPSOM SALTS like tokingqueen said... 1tsp per gallon .... chill with the calmag till ur mag lock out or deficiency is corrected
I know this is a noob question but what is epsom salts and were can i get it??
calmag value is.... nitrogen 2.0 calcium 3.2 mag 1.2 and iron .2 .....u can get epsom salts anywhere i got myne from walmart for 5 bucks....
Yeah, epsom salts can be found at just about any pharmacy. 1/2 to 1 tsp per gallon is usual dose for foliar spray. Dissolve it in hot water, let it cool, and spray on underside of leaves when temps are cooler.
Lol dont have walmart in Ireland, ive just seen a bag of epsom salts on ebay, is any brand ok to buy??

You don't have a pharmacy most of them carry Epsom salts. I know ultra Epsom salts I've read is pretty good. There's tons of companies just read the label if it's posted to make sure it doesn't have some other random stuff in it
If they sell it in the pharmacy its all good i live a 2 minute walk from mine, ill have a walk down in the morning!! What do you think will be the best treatment? Foliar or adding to some ph water?