Please help figuring out my sealed room! Spent $$$


Well-Known Member
So I've spent a lot of $ on my set up and it's not working like I thought it would!

I have a 4x4x7 tent with a 1000wHPS in it.

I want my tent sealed because I have a Co2 controller that will keep the Co2 at 1500ppms

Problem is that the HPS makes the tent around 100F if no A/C

So I bought a portable A/C unit and put it in the sealed tent. Well that didn't work because I guess it sucks in all the air which sucks the sides of my tent in and then the A/C starts spitting out lukewarm air.

So I put just the cold air part of the A/C into the tent but then the opposite happened and the tent walls started bowing outwards. Which was forcing my Co2 out the cracks of the tent wasting a lot of Co2



starters you prolly don't have an air-cooled reflector, if not that would help. you'd need to pull air through the reflector from outside the tent with a second fan and ducting. seal the reflector with some foam tape that can take the heat and make sure all duct work is sealed with duct tape. vent that heated air outside your grow room. bet that will cure most of your problem.

once you are air-cooling your reflector. I bet the AC cooling the room will be enough to bring your temps in line.

good luck

if you have to cut holes in the tent for the air-cooled hood so be it.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are not running a dual hose portable AC. You need a dual hose system that pulls air in from the outside of your tent and of course also vents it outside the tent. The dual hose unit for my room draws in air from the crawl space under my house and vents it into my attic. A single hose unit will also just suck all of your Co2 out


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are not running a dual hose portable AC. You need a dual hose system that pulls air in from the outside of your tent and of course also vents it outside the tent. The dual hose unit for my room draws in air from the crawl space under my house and vents it into my attic. A single hose unit will also just suck all of your Co2 out
he's on the right track.....


Well-Known Member
Yes I have an aircooled reflector that I have pulling air from outside the tent and exhausting outside the other side of the tent. DAMN about the dual house A/C... They said it was to late to exchange the one that I already bought... What should I do???


get a aircool tube for your light it encloses the light in a tube but lets you take the hot air away from the grow space


Well-Known Member
get a aircool tube for your light it encloses the light in a tube but lets you take the hot air away from the grow space
I have the same size tent as you but with a electronic 600w, as far as I can see your gonna battle with the heat issue. Definately a cool tube and the proper A/C unit and ya might get away with it. Gonna have to spend some more cash I'm affraid.
Good luck dude


yea , you could do a cheep temp fix but I dk how long it would last because I saw a thing that you take a water pump , put it into a cooler , add mostly ice and some water , take copper tubing and hook it up to the water pump. Have the tubing come through the top and have a fan there and do a bend or 2 and have the non conected end go back into the water.


Well-Known Member
Damn well my only option is to buy another fan for the light. I am going to have a 6" inline blowing air across the light then another 6" inline pulling heat from the light, hopefully this will make the bulb almost chill to the touch... I'll keep the a/c on for only 20 min then have the Co2 at 1500 for the rest of the hour before I exhaust it all and start the same cycle again until I can afford the other kind of a/c... hey does anyone want a single hose portable a/c for cheap? haha


Damn well my only option is to buy another fan for the light. I am going to have a 6" inline blowing air across the light then another 6" inline pulling heat from the light, hopefully this will make the bulb almost chill to the touch... I'll keep the a/c on for only 20 min then have the Co2 at 1500 for the rest of the hour before I exhaust it all and start the same cycle again until I can afford the other kind of a/c... hey does anyone want a single hose portable a/c for cheap? haha
get a cool tube for your light its gonna keep temps down and if your woried about the hot air from the light getting tracked you could always run the line through the tent and have a fan taking some of the a/c air and putting it in with the hot air from the light


Active Member
I sold my portable unit. Made a frame for a window unit (100 bucks HD brand new). NO air exchange as the condenser hangs outside the tent. Air temp, humidity, reservoir temp, co2 and air circulation all controlled.