please help.growsetup having issues already

greetings all. first i am a noob. sorry. next,i want to thank you all in advance both kind/helpful and brutal truth/helpful comments. i decided to go with a grow tent due to spacial issues and somewhat steathy. it is 2x4x5. i would like to grow using an LED UFO light. i know there is alot of controversy but i have done extensive research and from a horiculture side, its is looking ok. i was wondering if i should keep the fan setup with charcoal filter but since there will/may not be direct major heat issues, it or what should i do about ventilation or air flow? wanted to also stimulate growth by adding in a co2 tank with automatic features. please help in anyway possible. good or bad. i really do appreciate it.tnx again.



Well-Known Member
Dude if that is the way that you want to go with the lighting that is your choice.But the yeild will be no where near has large has if you used a hps.The kind of lighting that you are on about have not got the back bone.A friend of mine tried the same lights and his yeild was not even harf.But horses for courses so he goe's you will still need a carbon filter or you will have odour from the tent 100% leave in the filter.The next one is you are gonna need some kind of fan rig to simulate the wind and give the plants more vigar.But this will be a intersting one keep me posted on your results.But if you have not bought the lights yet then stick to hps if you don't have hps then get one.The co2 tank wants to be on the outside of the room with a tube comeing from it into the back of the fan but mind it don't touch the fan blades.The fan will help the co2 get around the room.Or go to i grow cronic on you tube his co2 system is good he has fans of while co2 is on.co2 supplamentation will allow you to have the temps a little higher and will be a great addition to your gear.The main problem that i have seen with this kind of grow that you are wanting to do is plants are very unpredictable and if one gets to big on a higher level then the ones on the lower it will overshadow the rest.


Well-Known Member
Hi grantstomb,,,, I grow with led lights.... I use them in my veg space and to keep my 2 mothers going.... I use hps for flowering... my system seems to be working fine. I like to grow large plants 4/5+ ft,,The LEDs are great for veg (especially if your veg space is compact and there are issues with over heating,,but I dont think the buds are too great so thats why I do it that way (if I could I would use LEDs the whole way thro but I wont let myself).. my LEDs are not ufos and I have heard mixed reports on the ufo's... but you need to follow yr intution with this... cfls would work just as well and be cheaper to buy,use a little extra elec then the LEDs but the lifespan is way shorter..LEDs keep their effectiveness for 7 plus years with constant use..and use little power....
LEDs are a interesting possibly amazing direction technology is taking us....
I do think you should keep your ventilation on line as you never know when you are going to need to use it

this is one of the LEDs I use and this is another

this one was home made by a friend of mine