please help! is this overwatering or what?!!?!


hello there, this is my first grow! i would greatly appreciate any help. im using a bubbleponics system. i got my clones last night and got my 6 gallon res set up with some foxfarm big bloom and grow big. water running on them all night. i wake up this morning and they look droopy and some a tad yellowish. is this just from over watering? is it nute burn already? should i use just water right now? please help!!


Well-Known Member
It's too early for Grow Big..... Stick with just Big Bloom untill you have solid roots. That GB may very well burn those clones.


thanks very much for the advice. do you think i should drain the res and use just ph adjusted water to flush? then use big bloom in a few days?


Active Member
hey man thanks for the message...i am very unfamiliar with dwc but i will try to help as much as i can.
they do look a little burnt but you said you were using nutes...i would hold of on the nutes untill they have a good root system...i am also not sure if you are supposed to start clones on nutes in a dwc but i would go reall light on nutes.
if it was me i would switch them to normal ph water and if they get worse add a tiny bit of nutes.
lemme know if you got any more questions


thanks a bunch man any and all advice is good. considering what you and the other guy sad im gonna go flush my res and use some good old ph water. ill post pics tomorrow after the night of flushing.


Well-Known Member
thanks a bunch man any and all advice is good. considering what you and the other guy sad im gonna go flush my res and use some good old ph water. ill post pics tomorrow after the night of flushing.
that will be a good place to start. with all of my grows anytime i get clones and start them in my hydro system the plants start to look bad until they get used to the new environment and it takes about a week before they will bounce back and make some progress. keep the nutes low and keep your ph in check and you wont go wrong.


thanks a lot to everyone who has helped me out here. and u know? one of the leave that was cupping earlier today has started uncupping. this makes me very happy. flushing my res now and gonna just use1/2 a dose of big bloom this time and no grow big.


motoracer110, so you saying theres a really good chance they will pull through this? how far above my plants should i have the lights? im running 4 150w cfl's for like 30k lumens is that too much? i just flushed my res and used only half the amount of big bloom it calls for. ph was a tad high so i added some ph down. now its nicely between 5.6-6.0 let me know what u think


ok so lots of recent reading leads me to beleive i have too much light on these babies. i was giving them about 30k lumens at 18 hours a day within 1.5 feet. i switched them for a while to 12/12 and only about 6k lumens. gonna see how this works. wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
See how moist that Rockwool is, that's not good keeps all that moisture against the stem and holds salts.... try ditching that RW and clay and just use A Neo plug and basket pots, you can use 2 inch and cut the bottoms out of the pots for the roots... This will leave you with no excess moisture sitting against your stem and no needless expanded clay..... As soon as I see and roots popping off my clones I put them in 150-200PPM feedings and run up to 300 quick, so nutes should not be a problem if you have roots... That soaked rockwool looks bad and your PH is ten times over crucial when you are in hydro.... Someone commented about how it's easier to fix problems in hydro then soil, correct, but ten times easier to fuck them up to, so Ph being on dial is huge... Alot of these elements are only uptaken at very precise ph numbers and if not correct one can easily lock out another... Now, light from cfl's, ccan be dropped way down as long as you have air running over your canopy, so a foot and a half seems like plenty far away but that all depends on what kind of light your clones were under before you go them


so i did what i said i was going to do. i changed my lights from 30k lumens to between 6-7k. and the green is starting to return in some of the leave tips. im very happy. also i switched the light to 12/12 and it seems to be working. once they get a bit larger i will go to 18/6 and so on..


Well-Known Member
You are gonna mess your plants all up switching the lights back and forth from vedge and flower. Don't go to 12/12 unless you are ready to flower, otherwise stay at at least 18/6


well everyone!!! today is the first day im seeing improvements!!! blueberry hogs breath is perking back up and so is my blue dream!!! im sooooo pleased!! i will post pictures later. they had gotten worse since my first set of pics but like i said they are improving!


sooooo. this ones roots have finally penetrated the bottom of the rockwool! pic 1 is before and pic 2 is 4 days laterIMG_8255.jpgIMG_8331.jpg