please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)


Active Member
ok so three weeks in the soil i was feeling good but they werent growing very fast, so i do two things mix up some urine, and water... and i also upgrade from about 90 watts of flouro, to 400 watts of metal halide.
so i didnt exactly mix the urine 1/12 like i was suppose to, and i put the lights really close to my plants... well i have moved the lights back now. the leaves are wilting over really bad too :(

the questions...
how long does light burn produce new effects on the plants after the light has been moved... ( i did the hand heat test and the plants should have been fine

is my 400 watt mh still to close? judging by pix

any i even right in my diagnosis? is it one thing different... oh yeh i also have these little black bugs with wings and the dish soap with water trick aint working, so a home made pesticide would be nice if any one knows one

i read that the mix of high nitrogen with strong light can really mess things up

do i need to flush my soil or do you think its just the light burn...
oh yeh the light is about 24 inches from the plants now, to close? for sprouts?

thank you for your help, and this is an incredible forum



New Member
Urine?? I would flush the pots with fresh water, ph 7, and don't add any more urine to your soil. 24 inches should be fine for seedlings, you can go even closer during veg. The new growth should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Stop using urine. Even if it is a good thing (which is debateable), they are too small and you don't seem to be taking the dilution very seriously. Also, the light is probably too far away from the looks of things. The burn is from urine. Stop. No more urine. If the problem persists after you stop, then something else is afoot.



Active Member
i sprayed the urine dilution directly on the young leaves... are these plants going to die they have been getting worse over the last couple of days... heat is not a problem for sure


New Member
Thats even worse, foliar feeding with piss...hahaha. Yeah, I wouldn't do that anymore. The new growth should be fine, just mist your plants with fresh water and don't let your soil get to dry, as it looks in the pic. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
dude, you should be fine, this looks like the strain I just had. with the growth of the first three sets of leaves, the previous set turned yellow, brown, then died. After that, it grew like a bush. It was so compact it looked like it was budding when it was in veg. Definately watch the heat though, and pissing on your plants is a little drastic, we do not expel the nutrients a plant needs, and certainly do not do so in a consistent manner. You are not always going to have 100ppm nitrogen in your urine, it will vary. Regardless, keep it under 90 F, water it when the soil is dry, and circulate air, and your plant will be fine. Oh, and stop pissin on it, :)


Well-Known Member
i sprayed the urine dilution directly on the young leaves... are these plants going to die they have been getting worse over the last couple of days... heat is not a problem for sure
thats fucked up...if i were those plants i wouldnt yield shit just to spite you from spraying piss on them. its highly debatable as to whether or not urine is beneficial, but foliar feeding with it just sounds retarded. flush/spray with water and move the light closer. llol..


Well-Known Member
i have read this a couple of times that people are using piss to feed their plants, why is his just go buy some real nutes not only are they better but they arent your own piss that shit is fucked up people are crazy i swear


Active Member
ok i washed all the roots and got complete new soil (happy frog) i dont wanna loose these babies... they are put in the new soil... now i am going to talk your guy's advice and just do the heat test... but that is going to put the light really close i hope your right.... i am talking less than 7 inches on some... but big fan so no heat


Active Member
oh and i didnt piss on the damn plants i mixed it in a bottle like a civilized man hahaha