plse help my weed projects

Not even gonna listen to it. You suck. Please leave...
bro i love u as my frnd...maybe its just over the net...but i feel and think of u as tyler my frnd...just that i see a computer sceen and words...but u r real man....i admire u...
i fuck for 5 hours man...u can do the same if u read this secret manual....swear...carefull though...u need to take pee breaks or ur fuckin balls will hurt like hell!!!! luck bro!!!
At least my drunk doodling sounds like drunk doodlin....why dont u sing or something?huh?what do u do apart from putting poor lonely fuckers like me dwn?
dude u ther?plse tell my russian girlfriend to love me..n that im a nicr guy

A pic of this Russian girl would definitely help inspire me on what to tell her for you ....

Your missing the point with Tyler .....he said you could suck his dick after a few beers ....that means he's willing to have a few beers with you .....I'm disappointed because you didn't sing AGAIN!!!....I'm sure tyler is as well may have lost your best friend and critic over having to much pride to just sing a simple song for him let me down and you let durden down .....

Some pics of the Russian girl and a song for Tyler with words may help smooth things out could even have the Russian girl sing while you play for Tyler .......other wise you failed again Vern ......

Your welcome tyler
dude i think i shldnt have done that!damn she is gonna b mad for puttin her pic here!oops!what have i done!plse tell her im a nice guy n i need time to stop drinking...and obviously im a little crazy man child!...n to let me grow up!...say something link e reply,,,but use another page..i dont want her seeing her pic here!
@verny Dude I hope you are not mainliner or iloveskywalkerog. I kind of took a liking to you. If you are one of those two don't venture in my thread again.

If you are one of those two people, good job. You suckered me. Don't happen often.
A pic of this Russian girl would definitely help inspire me on what to tell her for you ....

Your missing the point with Tyler .....he said you could suck his dick after a few beers ....that means he's willing to have a few beers with you .....I'm disappointed because you didn't sing AGAIN!!!....I'm sure tyler is as well may have lost your best friend and critic over having to much pride to just sing a simple song for him let me down and you let durden down .....

Some pics of the Russian girl and a song for Tyler with words may help smooth things out could even have the Russian girl sing while you play for Tyler .......other wise you failed again Vern ......

tyler....sorry man...beiber again!

Your welcome tyler
@verny Dude I hope you are not mainliner or iloveskywalkerog. I kind of took a liking to you. If you are one of those two don't venture in my thread again.

If you are one of those two people, good job. You suckered me. Don't happen often.
whats mainliner n skywalkerog? not american dude!..i dont get ur lingo at times
@verny Dude I hope you are not mainliner or iloveskywalkerog. I kind of took a liking to you. If you are one of those two don't venture in my thread again.

If you are one of those two people, good job. You suckered me. Don't happen often.
what time is it anyway?...i mean whee ur is it morning?...its 2 30 at night here
@verny Dude I hope you are not mainliner or iloveskywalkerog. I kind of took a liking to you. If you are one of those two don't venture in my thread again.

If you are one of those two people, good job. You suckered me. Don't happen often.

Whitebb, that is possibly the first sign of a serious condition. Please see a doctor and admit to liking verny. You may find yourself getting expedited care.
Whitebb, that is possibly the first sign of a serious condition. Please see a doctor and admit to liking verny. You may find yourself getting expedited care.
Its not that. If verny is the one that made a thread about growing in a place that you could be killed for doing it showed balls. Big balls.

You are right. I am leaving now to go to the ER.
Amatuer i may b bro...heartless i am not
Seriously? No one is THAT amateur at forums...i don't believe you for a second.
