plse help my weed projects

Sorry hooka

@verny so does the Russian girl have a body or is she just a smiling head ......a second pic would be confirmation that she is infact a real girl ....otherwise it's just another copy paste from the old innerwebs
Mountain grown, real talk

You realize changing people's quotes can bring unwanted attention ..

But also there's a report button for such things ...I personally won't hit it on you but others here who don't like dirty little socks just might .....

I knew he was full of shit the minute he said the Russian bitch didn't like drinking ........more like she called Vern a pussy for not drinking enough ,going to bed early sucking his thumb ...
Are you the one growing where you can be executed for growing?
go ahead suicidal now...i got no life,no job,n now e only love of my life dumped me....this is where i stay...SINGAPORE...make a call..they will come hang me...plse...i dont fear death..{i fear jail though,me being vegan n non violent and all that..but i can still fight.pretty fit for a vegan}..i belong to shiva..maybe il go chill in kashi..just weed, the ganga river n shiva!
go ahead suicidal now...i got no life,no job,n now e only love of my life dumped me....this is where i stay...SINGAPORE...make a call..they will come hang me...plse...i dont fear death..{i fear jail though,me being vegan n non violent and all that..but i can still fight.pretty fit for a vegan}..i belong to shiva..maybe il go chill in kashi..just weed, the ganga river n shiva!
You should probably smoke a bowl, bro.
Alright Verny, I'll donate ya some seeds..lmao
i dont need seed bro there is another guy who came up with that
Alright Verny, I'll donate ya some seeds..lmao
lets rally the weed whackers in riu n help these guys out man...first find out if they r legit...and can u imagine if each member pays n online seed vendor just 9 bucks for a seed?do e maths
go ahead suicidal now...i got no life,no job,n now e only love of my life dumped me....this is where i stay...SINGAPORE...make a call..they will come hang me...plse...i dont fear death..{i fear jail though,me being vegan n non violent and all that..but i can still fight.pretty fit for a vegan}..i belong to shiva..maybe il go chill in kashi..just weed, the ganga river n shiva!
Don't they eat executed prisoners in Singapore? Specifically, part them out and give the meat to the poor?
she is real guys..we met online..i placed n ad in e personals for a lady who knows tantra.she replied..and on e first date we had instant rapport....its no cut n paste..u think im a mad teenager? child yes..genius yes...guitar i dont fake my love life,

It is safe to say that I do not think you are a genius.
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she is real guys..we met online..i placed n ad in e personals for a lady who knows tantra.she replied..and on e first date we had instant rapport....its no cut n paste..u think im a mad teenager? child yes..genius yes...guitar i dont fake my love life,
Does she shave, or have a landing strip?
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