Police / Dea Ip Tracking??


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question.
I have a grow journal in the journal section, and was wondering if police or dea was watching this site, is it possible for them to get my IP address and get my address??

Sorry if if this is a dumb questions i was just wondering, maybe im just paraniod? haha Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I think we all wonder this question:blsmoke:
If you are worried about them tracking your I.P adress you can use a proxy server to block it or i.p blocking software.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it right now. When you see that a large amount of us are being busted..that is the time to worry. Besides, I don't think that the DEA is really worried about small grow ops right now. There are MUCH bigger fish in the sea.


Active Member
yes we are watching . . . what do you expect us to use helicopters or some shit?


Well-Known Member
hell yeah Im watching! and when I fucking catch you... you're going to the slammer for a long time buddy!!!

note: that is actually me.... a cop. duh. note the red hair!



Well-Known Member
Yes, the feds can check your emails and your log ins.
With 100s of cannabis forums and 1000s of people, its hard to say if one will get busted or not.
Alot of man power is needed and this crazy thing called proof of what you say or show is true.
We(so far) have no laws when it comes to photos of cannabis or talking about.
-But I'm sure that day is coming.
By growing we are taking money away from the DEA,ATF,CIA once they realize how much, then I'm worried.


Well-Known Member
Yatzeee.... im gulity Miss officer! You can bust me now
lol. yatzee is a great game!!

I dont have any cuffs. they broke. so it would not be safe for me to arrest you. I wouldnt want you making any sudden moves that could put me at risk. haha. I do have a gun though. its a cap gun but hey!


Well-Known Member
Yes, the feds can check your emails and your log ins.
With 100s of cannabis forums and 1000s of people, its hard to say if one will get busted or not.
Alot of man power is needed and this crazy thing called proof of what you say or show is true.
We(so far) have no laws when it comes to photos of cannabis or talking about.
-But I'm sure that day is coming.
By growing we are taking money away from the DEA,ATF,CIA once they realize how much, then I'm worried.
everything i say on this forum is a complete lie. i dunno about you but i dont even know how to grow marijuana! :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
lol. yatzee is a great game!!

I dont have any cuffs. they broke. so it would not be safe for me to arrest you. I wouldnt want you making any sudden moves that could put me at risk. haha. I do have a gun though. its a cap gun but hey!

"Im a peaceful man" (quoted from half baked) i broke my cuffs too, otherwise id say you can borrow them... sometimes sudden moves are the best! Do you have a permit to carry your cap gun??