Police Detection


Well-Known Member
your completely wrong, you can grow very potent marijuana outdoors. just last season I grew T. Timewarp, very potent shit, it could be compared to Indoor. People were willing to pay $3000 a pound for it.

"these days outdoor fetches you crap"

what exactly would make nowdays, different from any other time period, that it wouldnt allow you to grow good marijuana outdoors anymore?

as for 9 out for 10. those are very high numbers, you are exxagerating.

I lose about 30% of my crop due to weather/mold/animals/bugs/thiefs.

if i grew 50 plants, id expect to lose around 15. other 35 would be split in half after sexing, or if i grew fem seed, then id have around 35. but then again, there is always variables that cannot be predicted every year. but nothing so drastic as 90%, unless there is a natural disaster, or other such extremes.

you just have to plant accordingly to how many you predict you will lose. from previous results.

if you grow small like 10 fem plants, you can easily watch out for them and have them all survive. Neem Oil + chicken wire fences, copper around the base of the stock. you minimize risk of animals, and pests. plant in a deserted location, you minimize theft.

ive gone through many small grows without losing any. shit tends to happen when you start growing more, and stop putting so much attention into the individual plant.
Yeah agreed, i believe you get what you put into it. Where i'm from pounds go for like 4000.

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
If you want a great tip on where to plant some weight? well a friend of mine had (rest in peace) an uncle who used to fly the heli down here and my frend said just plant along highways and generaly near pavement all the cam will pick up is the hot glow of the ashfault.


Active Member
think about it kitty that would solve nothing it would fuck up grows but the wild cannabis would grow like a shit storm allover humboldt not a solution at all really


Well-Known Member
Within 10 years most state governments will be using unmanned drones to detect our crops. Theyre already being used for all kinds of things, like patrolling our borders and casing out residences for swat teams all the way down to such humble things as enforcing speed limits. Its only a natural progression they will soon be used to detect marijuana grows. Sorry i dont have a link to site for this information but i just recently read this in a reputable source, a news magazine called "The Week".


Well-Known Member
Within 10 years most state governments will be using unmanned drones to detect our crops. Theyre already being used for all kinds of things, like patrolling our borders and casing out residences for swat teams all the way down to such humble things as enforcing speed limits. Its only a natural progression they will soon be used to detect marijuana grows. Sorry i dont have a link to site for this information but i just recently read this in a reputable source, a news magazine called "The Week".
huh....u really think so? that sounds crazy....i think it will be legal within 10 years...hopefully


Well-Known Member
It does sound crazy but it would actually be cheaper, and since law enforcement groups are ever expanding i see it at a natural progression.
I sure do hope it will be legal soon but never hurts to stay aware.
i have had grows of 10 and 20 taken by 5-0 and I have had bigger grows taken, usually they dont bother until those bad boys are deep into the flowering stage. All the sucker leaves are yellow and the plant it easily spotted. The rule is a general proportion, if you wanna go big you need alot of light, which means a lot of visibility. What do you do? The best thing I know to do is to play the numbers game.... Like Toke said your probably gonna lose 30% due to whatever, so if you want 70 plants, grow 100.


Well-Known Member
your completely wrong, you can grow very potent marijuana outdoors. just last season I grew T. Timewarp, very potent shit, it could be compared to Indoor. People were willing to pay $3000 a pound for it.

"these days outdoor fetches you crap"

what exactly would make nowdays, different from any other time period, that it wouldnt allow you to grow good marijuana outdoors anymore?

as for 9 out for 10. those are very high numbers, you are exxagerating.

I lose about 30% of my crop due to weather/mold/animals/bugs/thiefs.

if i grew 50 plants, id expect to lose around 15. other 35 would be split in half after sexing, or if i grew fem seed, then id have around 35. but then again, there is always variables that cannot be predicted every year. but nothing so drastic as 90%, unless there is a natural disaster, or other such extremes.

you just have to plant accordingly to how many you predict you will lose. from previous results.

if you grow small like 10 fem plants, you can easily watch out for them and have them all survive. Neem Oil + chicken wire fences, copper around the base of the stock. you minimize risk of animals, and pests. plant in a deserted location, you minimize theft.

ive gone through many small grows without losing any. shit tends to happen when you start growing more, and stop putting so much attention into the individual plant.

about cops, they cant spot shit, if you plant in twos majorly spaced. what gives away outdoor marijuana ops, is giant patches. my friend even leaves his shit out when everything else is dead pretty much, all you see is green plants in the center of a forest. he never gets busted.

plant by water, you never have to lug shitloads into the spot. camo your spots of 2, along other plants. dont have them just sticking out.

plant in deserted locations where nobody can observe you constantly checking your spot.

bring some "excuse" with u, whenever checking the spot, that way you have a alliby.

wear gloves when touching any equiptment, and dispose of gloves after, or bring them home. leave all equiptment hidden in your grow forest.

cops have no chance of spotting spots of two, and i doubt random cops would be walking around random forests in the middle of nowhere.

chances of getting busted are around 1% if you read up on all techniques, and have common sence, and some background knowledge on how police bust outdoor grows.

P.S. i know of people easily gettin around cops with 200-400 outdoor plant grows.

he got busted last year, because he had 6' monsters in his backyard. nosey neighbour called cops, they seized the plants, got a search warrant for his house, found another 50 sprouts in veg room, 25 flowering plants. his stupidity. gets busted because he had 3 6' (around there) plants in his backyard. yet he got away with big illegal ops in his house and outdoors. lol. its the little things that fuck you.

me myself, i dont biz with giant ops. i dont sell so i dont need to grow more then 10, for personal use.