Police Interactions.

Exactly, when your argument is proven wrong, you resort to personal attacks. Ive got to quit responding with valid points, ill get banned from this thread by the Rollitup Gestapo like I did the last one :lol: Funny you call me an Authoritarian, while buddying up with those who silence anyone they don't agree with bongsmilie
yeah, you got banned for telling the truth....happens to a lot of trumptard white supremacist...you guys should get together and start a class action suit...proudboys et al. against ....everyone who isn't a racist douchebag.
@hanimmal wants to protect rapists so Jill can sell drugs.
you're on a weed webiste, trying to champion a narrative that it's ok for the cops to use genetic evidence gathered in the investigation of a crime, against the victim of that crime, in the future...and you expect ANYONE here to agree with you? that's just motherfucking stupid...and you're a troll for even suggesting it
All that book burning must have impacted your ability to read.


Or are you just playing stupid? Either way really, just more trolling bullshit.
i think it must be all the ink fumes he inhaled
you're on a weed webiste, trying to champion a narrative that it's ok for the cops to use genetic evidence gathered in the investigation of a crime, against the victim of that crime, in the future...and you expect ANYONE here to agree with you? that's just motherfucking stupid...and you're a troll for even suggesting it

Tell me how a victims DNA being used to convict them of a crime they committed, has anything to do with growing weed?
Tell me how a victims DNA being used to convict them of a crime they committed, has anything to do with growing weed?
most of us are currently, or have in the past, broken old, repressive, out dated laws...but they were still laws, and most of us won't want our own dna, collected because someone committed a crime against us, being used to convict us of growing or selling weed at a later date...
did i really have to make that simple of a leap of logic for you? you really aren't that smart, are you?
remember when the police were who you went to if you were in trouble?....
i guess most minorities don't remember that...maybe because they were never who minorities went to if you were in trouble, they WERE the trouble, and it looks like they still are....
i hope they not only nail these stupid cops to the wall, i hope they release the guy, are forced to make a public apology, and face HUGE fines for hurting his kid....and their superiors are included as well....this shit has to stop. NOW
You're willful ignorance cracks me up everytime :lol: Let's say Jim is a rapist, he's raped dozens of women. Then ol Jim gets a taste of his own medicine. His DNA should be inadmissible in a trial against him, because at one point in time he was a victim? You're so full of shit :clap: And this is coming from. San Francisco, what a surprise :roll:
I don't think you understand what is going on. They are using the women's DNA the same as they would the general criminal data base. Your 4th amendment rights protect you from unlawful searches and seizures.

And it looks like the whole state has been doing it. It was just san fran that brought it to light.
I don't think you understand what is going on. They are using the women's DNA the same as they would the general criminal data base. Your 4th amendment rights protect you from unlawful searches and seizures.

And it looks like the whole state has been doing it. It was just san fran that brought it to light.
he doesn't want to understand, this has all been explained to him multiple times, and he is either unable or unwilling to understand...
i'd be ok with that verdict, if they throw in chemical castration...or just let me hit him one time with a 10 pound sledge hammer....
Just to get the train back on the track I'll tell y'all about my last encounter with the man.

Early last Dec the wife and I were late for an eye appt about an hour from home and I got nailed for speeding about 10 miles down the road from my place. 126 in a 100kmh zone but he only put 116 on the ticket so I at least wouldn't get an excessive speed fine. 5 demerit points too instead of 3 which concerns me most. Very little interaction with him and just said thanks, have a good day and drove on.

Anyway, I've always contested my tickets and won most so showed up at court on the date and time on the ticket only to find it closed. Called the court in the city and got the number for the duty counsel and texted her the deets. She texted back that she would enter my not guilty plea and get back to me with a new court date. Half hour later I'm gabbing with a buddy that works at the feed store I'm getting dog food at and my phone buzzes.

The crown has withdrawn the ticket! Whoo-Hoo! happydance.gif

That's 20 years now without a mark on my driver's abstract. Speeding ticket Sept. 2001.

And the wife wanted me to just pay the ticket online and be done with it. Saved $146 and 3 points so who's the silly girl now! :)

I love a happy ending. perv.gif

https://www.rawstory.com/miami-police-2656965415/?cx_testId=4&cx_testVariant=cx_undefined&cx_artPos=3&cx_experienceId=EXC93HV4HK4I#cxrecs_sScreen Shot 2022-03-18 at 9.48.00 AM.png

According to the Miami New Times, a South Florida police union boss has been suspended from the Miami Police Department after he pulled a gun on a Grindr date gone wrong.

"According to a January 11 Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) report obtained by New Times, Miami Police Department Sgt. Tommy Reyes, who is president of Miami's Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) union and openly gay, was nearly charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after pulling a gun on his Grindr date after the man allegedly stole Reyes' wallet," reported Joshua Ceballos. "Although police were dispatched to a reported robbery, TPD officers later established probable cause to charge Reyes. On February 17, Reyes was relieved of duty with pay pending MPD's ongoing internal affairs investigation into the incident."

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Reyes has not been charged with a crime, and maintains that "I was a victim of a crime, and Tallahassee PD victimized me again."

The Miami Police Department has come under controversy in recent months for its internal practices. Former Houston, Texas police chief Art Acevedo was removed just months after taking a job as Miami's police chief after powerful city officials were enraged by his investigation of city commission's interference in police investigations. It later came out that a civilian interaction the council cited as one reason to fire Acevedo involved a member of the far-right Proud Boys.