Police Interactions.

you can't have it both ways...you defend the DOJ and the AG, then condemn them about this? if they know what they're doing about trump, then they know what they're doing about being able to get a wire tap or not...
fuck, for all we know, they had several, and just aren't making it public.
but, they either know what the fuck they're about, or they don't...pick one.
i personally, think they're worthless fucks who are going to let trump walk...along with most of his crew of pirates.
that's one reason i'm less than willing to give up my guns, we may all need to be armed soon, because if trump walks free, you haven't EVER seen a fucking riot, but you will.
Will i have to travel to see this riot i mean peaceful protest? They never come here for some reason. No guns no we all need them. Sweet flip flop im in. What about the lack of ammo? We’ll all be fighting with bad clubs?Or we doing the musket thing again. Confused as hell, do i give up the ar and mags or get more. We banning weapons of war or we having one. Make up your fucking mind
i've never really advocated taking people guns away...you all have been asking how it could be done, and i've been telling you...
IF they change the laws, i will follow the new laws, because i'm not a paranoid delusional conspiracy theory fucknut who thinks the government is trying to "gain control"...i've got news for you, they HAVE control...they control the police, the state and national guards, the military...they control power, water, food distribution, the interstate road system...every redneck in the country with an arsenal doesn't mean fuck all to them, they would be a minor bump in the path to the national guard or army. you think for one second that if the government declared martial law and there were armed soldiers stationed on every corner that a bunch of armed rednecks who "practice maneuvers" together would have ten seconds chance?
so all this debate is just a waste of fucking time. if they want your guns, they can and will come for them, and if they have to pry them out of your cold dead fingers to get them, it won't make one fucking bit of difference to them, or to you, when you're dead.

as far as me advocating a riot if trump is never charged...well, the truth is that i'm much, much more interested in charging everyone below trump as soon as possible, but i'm more than happy to let trump go free for a while...until after the 24 presidential election, because i want him to split the republican base and help the democratic candidate win.
the only real reason i would riot would be if trump got re-elected, which is so highly unlikely that it's pointless to discuss the possibility.

by the way, it's a lot easier to find your reply to my post if you type after the bottom quote mark...that puts it outside the quote box..
i've never really advocated taking people guns away...you all have been asking how it could be done, and i've been telling you...
IF they change the laws, i will follow the new laws, because i'm not a paranoid delusional conspiracy theory fucknut who thinks the government is trying to "gain control"...i've got news for you, they HAVE control...they control the police, the state and national guards, the military...they control power, water, food distribution, the interstate road system...every redneck in the country with an arsenal doesn't mean fuck all to them, they would be a minor bump in the path to the national guard or army. you think for one second that if the government declared martial law and there were armed soldiers stationed on every corner that a bunch of armed rednecks who "practice maneuvers" together would have ten seconds chance?
so all this debate is just a waste of fucking time. if they want your guns, they can and will come for them, and if they have to pry them out of your cold dead fingers to get them, it won't make one fucking bit of difference to them, or to you, when you're dead.

as far as me advocating a riot if trump is never charged...well, the truth is that i'm much, much more interested in charging everyone below trump as soon as possible, but i'm more than happy to let trump go free for a while...until after the 24 presidential election, because i want him to split the republican base and help the democratic candidate win.
the only real reason i would riot would be if trump got re-elected, which is so highly unlikely that it's pointless to discuss the possibility.

by the way, it's a lot easier to find your reply to my post if you type after the bottom quote mark...that puts it outside the quote box..
Look ahead to around 2030 when the democrats have been in control for a few election cycles as the demographics change. Old voters die and new ones replace them at say 2% per year, so things will change on the ground as a new generation and ideas gradually take over. I figure the republicans will be locked into racism and stupid for a decade at least, maybe even poisoned to death, should an actual conservative alternative arise. Meanwhile the democratic party is moving more to the center as former conservatives join, since it's the only game on the sane side.

So by 2030 you should have sane gun laws and a domestic terrorist watch list. Robocop and Robodog will collect the guns of those on the domestic terrorist list and other lunatics with arsenals. Their fantasies about blowing away big guberment agents coming for their guns will be just that, fantasies. A drone will drop a 10 pound bomb straight through the roof of their house to their basement bunker, before detonating...
I think sometimes we forget the military is made up mostly of people who wouldn’t take arms against their own people while in a military role. It’s divided as the civilians. We cant advocate for riots and elude to violence level and call for gun control simultaneously. It doesn’t and won’t work that way. You love saying rednecks but the truth is alot of you are extreme as alot of them. Most of us dont buy it. As far as laws and following them, I’ve already stated I’ve lived by them for life in a very regulated state. Im not for any control but If the majority of the country wants me to give up the ar and the ar only i will . The majority of the country would have to show me a reasonable way they plan to get every one of them, not just mine and the registered ones . Without that its theft. Yes theft because there wouldn’t be any choice. Hand it over peacefully or else is armed robbery. Your comments as well as many others comments from both parties ,along the lines of “ you ain’t seen nothing yet “ is why im reluctant as well
I think sometimes we forget the military is made up mostly of people who wouldn’t take arms against their own people while in a military role. It’s divided as the civilians. We cant advocate for riots and elude to violence level and call for gun control simultaneously. It doesn’t and won’t work that way. You love saying rednecks but the truth is alot of you are extreme as alot of them. Most of us dont buy it. As far as laws and following them, I’ve already stated I’ve lived by them for life in a very regulated state. Im not for any control but If the majority of the country wants me to give up the ar and the ar only i will . The majority of the country would have to show me a reasonable way they plan to get every one of them, not just mine and the registered ones . Without that its theft. Yes theft because there wouldn’t be any choice. Hand it over peacefully or else is armed robbery. Your comments as well as many others comments from both parties ,along the lines of “ you ain’t seen nothing yet “ is why im reluctant as well
Thankfully not all gun owners are unreasonable. Military grade assault rifles will become illegal in my life time. Citizens with respect for the law and love for their country will turn them over, and the rest will be become criminals.
I completely understand where your coming from. Believe me, I do. Ive respected the law and will continue to until its unjust. Right? Isnt that what all these protests etc over the past couple been about lol. Equality means everyone not just mine because i have respected the law and boss man knows where mine are. At that point i say fuck the law like most have been saying for years. If the national guard get involved then i guess its fuck my country too. Sure wish I could get all those coffees and meals back though. If i have to be the worst criminal youve seen to protect me and mine it will be so. Stop making ammo it will run out hahaha that kinda sucks for a few billion victims before it runs out though huh……..lets hope the authorities start with criminals before knocking on doors with no records……..
I think sometimes we forget the military is made up mostly of people who wouldn’t take arms against their own people while in a military role. It’s divided as the civilians. We cant advocate for riots and elude to violence level and call for gun control simultaneously. It doesn’t and won’t work that way. You love saying rednecks but the truth is alot of you are extreme as alot of them. Most of us dont buy it. As far as laws and following them, I’ve already stated I’ve lived by them for life in a very regulated state. Im not for any control but If the majority of the country wants me to give up the ar and the ar only i will . The majority of the country would have to show me a reasonable way they plan to get every one of them, not just mine and the registered ones . Without that its theft. Yes theft because there wouldn’t be any choice. Hand it over peacefully or else is armed robbery. Your comments as well as many others comments from both parties ,along the lines of “ you ain’t seen nothing yet “ is why im reluctant as well
i think you're mistaken about how many would refuse to take up arms against armed criminals who refuse to comply with the law of the land. you may think it unlikely, but most people will comply with the law, and those that don't aren't going to seem like reasonable people refusing to comply with an unreasonable law, they're going to seem like criminals to everyone who has complied, and to everyone who never owned a gun...public perception will NOT be on their side.
i love saying redneck because that's my name for retarded fucking idiots who shouldn't be allowed to make any decisions beyone what they're going to have for lunch today...which are mostly MAGATS...
and in reality, no one would have to show you anything, you don't have veto power over federal laws...they WILL do what they do, and all of us WILL comply, or deal with the consequences...that's the way it is now, was 200 years ago, and will be until the present form of government falls for whatever reason..
So be it. Quick question after you all comply first in line and all, we will have no choice but to comply with anything else ordered by the feds moving foward right?
So i guess magats as you say and preexisting and freshly made criminals ( not their doing) will have them . When im an outlaw do i get a cool name before high noon. Most will comply with the law of the land? Yes yes we all follow every law of the land lol
I think sometimes we forget the military is made up mostly of people who wouldn’t take arms against their own people while in a military role. It’s divided as the civilians. We cant advocate for riots and elude to violence level and call for gun control simultaneously. It doesn’t and won’t work that way. You love saying rednecks but the truth is alot of you are extreme as alot of them. Most of us dont buy it. As far as laws and following them, I’ve already stated I’ve lived by them for life in a very regulated state. Im not for any control but If the majority of the country wants me to give up the ar and the ar only i will . The majority of the country would have to show me a reasonable way they plan to get every one of them, not just mine and the registered ones . Without that its theft. Yes theft because there wouldn’t be any choice. Hand it over peacefully or else is armed robbery. Your comments as well as many others comments from both parties ,along the lines of “ you ain’t seen nothing yet “ is why im reluctant as well
You are so fearful of something nobody proposes.
So be it. Quick question after you all comply first in line and all, we will have no choice but to comply with anything else ordered by the feds moving foward right?
you keep assuming that they're talking about a total and complete ban on all guns...revolvers, semi atuomatics with 5 round or less clips, bolt action hunting rifles, non assult modified shotguns...they aren't going anywhere, it's only high capacity, high powered, assault style weapons that people are cranked up about...so mostly handguns 9mm or over with huge magazines, carbine style rifles that are relatively easy to conceal and maneuver with, and shotguns that have been sawn off, had high capacity magazines added, have foldable stocks attached...that's what will probably be targetted...so even then you wouldn't have to give up semi automatic handguns, just magazines over 5 rounds...
so don't get all "hand over your rights if you want to...i never will."...first, your rights aren't granted by gawd, they're granted by the laws of this country...if those laws are changed, then so are your rights...it's the second "amendment"...it was added as an after thought, and can be changed with another after thought. and if they did come for "EVERYONE'S GUNS"...then there would be armed resistance, and deservedly so...but they won't come for all guns, just those select ones. they could render most of them useless by just outlawing 5.56 ammo, wouldn't even have to come for them, just no more ammo, make what you got last, and don't let anyone know you have it, either.
the world has never been black and white, and neither have issues like this. but i doubt you'll ever see them come for "everyone's guns"...even when they finally succeed in outlawing assault weapons, they probably wont try to confiscate any, except in extreme cases of hoarders and white supremacist assholes trying to declare war on the US in retaliation, so relax, and don't try to act like this is even really that big an issue for anyone except the gun nuts. rational gun owners will do what they have to do to stop kids from getting killed in schools, and won't fucking whine about it, either.
Thankfully not all gun owners are unreasonable. Military grade assault rifles will become illegal in my life time. Citizens with respect for the law and love for their country will turn them over, and the rest will be become criminals.
Military-grade assault rifles such as infantry are issued are effectively unavailable since their inception.

Our troubles are currently coming from derivative “tacticool” semi-auto assault-style carbines and subguns.

We need a new word.
Assault rifle describes the modern infantry carry arm.
Assault weapon is an inelegant and uninformative redundancy whose primary aim is to sound scary.

Perhaps Military Baroque. Especially the overadorned “my willy may not work but I got THIS” or even “if World of Warcraft had guns” black spiky messes.
Military-grade assault rifles such as infantry are issued are effectively unavailable since their inception.

Our troubles are currently coming from derivative “tacticool” semi-auto assault-style carbines and subguns.

We need a new word.
Assault rifle describes the modern infantry carry arm.
Assault weapon is an inelegant and uninformative redundancy whose primary aim is to sound scary.

Perhaps Military Baroque. Especially the overadorned “my willy may not work but I got THIS” or even “if World of Warcraft had guns” black spiky messes.

I’ve read about it. It’s an improved AR-type platform with just enough changes that mean the billions of aftermarket AR bits won’t fit the new spec.

With a significant amount of SIG’s revenue from civilian sales, I’m sure (like, to the total max) that was a minor oversight.
where is the hue and cry for bodycams always on? Tampering with a body or vehicle cam should be cause for immediate firing, placement on a do-not-hire list for anything uniformed, and a felony trial.

Anyone see why the Democrats couldn’t or wouldn’t be aggressive about this? It seems like partner legislation for gun control, with both part of a public-safety subplatform.