Police Interactions.

Is that lizard big enough to collar and leash? I couldn't tell from the pic. I love turtles and have bought a share for Fusa and a penguin Tehuelche. Each purchase of a share goes to their respective Conservatory Societies. The animals have GPS so I can see them in their travels. You get a cool Chrystal bracelet for share purchase.

What type of turtles do you have? I once rescued a Loggerhead- he was upside down on a road trying to get to canal. He definitely was mad but knew he'd be happy once it was over. He was. He dragged himself down into the canal. All's well that ends well!

In South Florida, 'they' set-up whole houses and have a kid inside babysitting; often whole houses in same neighborhood.
he's about a foot and a half long now, he'll get twice that size, easily. i have a string i use as a leash for him, with a hoodie string slider on it to keep it just tight enough for him to not be able to get out of it. i tried making him a little harness out of leather, like they ones they sell, and he didn't like it worth a fuck, spent the entire time trying to squirm out of it. he doesn't seem to mind the string at all, until he gets to the end of it.
we rescued a box turtle that had gotten run over by a lawnmower...fucked up her shell pretty good, but otherwise she seemed ok. we tried to let her go after a week, but she kept coming back and sitting in front of the door....so we kept her. one of the grandkids named her Turbo and it stuck.
and two yellow belly sliders, Gomez and Morticia, that we got as a gift..they were both the size of a quarter when we got them, now they're bigger than my hand.

i don't understand your last sentence...who are "they" and what about babysitters?
he's about a foot and a half long now, he'll get twice that size, easily. i have a string i use as a leash for him, with a hoodie string slider on it to keep it just tight enough for him to not be able to get out of it. i tried making him a little harness out of leather, like they ones they sell, and he didn't like it worth a fuck, spent the entire time trying to squirm out of it. he doesn't seem to mind the string at all, until he gets to the end of it.
we rescued a box turtle that had gotten run over by a lawnmower...fucked up her shell pretty good, but otherwise she seemed ok. we tried to let her go after a week, but she kept coming back and sitting in front of the door....so we kept her. one of the grandkids named her Turbo and it stuck.
and two yellow belly sliders, Gomez and Morticia, that we got as a gift..they were both the size of a quarter when we got them, now they're bigger than my hand.

i don't understand your last sentence...who are "they" and what about babysitters?

You mentioned a corner of your home which is about 15 degrees warmer. We were talking about cops having heat sensor devices. Some people say in South Florida, the set up is whole houses and there's a person there trained to care for the crop..the whole house would be warm; sometimes whoever sets up these grow houses have multiples in a neighborhood.

Please let me know if I need to further clarify.
i feel like you aren't worth wasting time on...you know i was talking about interpersonal relationships, not your entirely fucked up wrong interpretation of...well, just about every law that was ever written, and the definitions of most terms that have anything to do with the law or politics...so back on ignore, you aren't entertaining enough any more to take off for more than one post at a time.

I'm sorry you're so angry that my exposing your duplicity has caused you to become so grouchy. I'll try to do better entertaining you.

You mentioned a corner of your home which is about 15 degrees warmer. We were talking about cops having heat sensor devices. Some people say in South Florida, the set up is whole houses and there's a person there trained to care for the crop..the whole house would be warm; sometimes whoever sets up these grow houses have multiples in a neighborhood.

Please let me know if I need to further clarify.
no i got it, didn't realize the context you were using babysitter in
I was imagining turtle houses.

Aye and I'm the one who needs less fabric, more stitching:lol:

I literally take a few moments for deciphering before clicking to see what he means and if I got it right.

I do wish to mention that I noticed when those black cops were arrested for beating Tyre (rather quickly I might add versus George Floyd incident which was as clear as the Sky Cop) outrage was decreased demonstrably. Ben Crump didn't even show.
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Aye and I'm the one who needs less fabric, more stitching:lol:

I literally take a few moments for deciphering before clicking to see what he means and if I got it right.

I do wish to mention that I noticed when those black cops were arrested for beating Tyre (rather quickly I might add versus George Floyd incident which was as clear as the Sky Cop) outrage was decreased demonstrably. Ben Crump didn't even show.
If you reread the post, there is no break between turtles and houses. My read is plausible, I contend.

There is some fun imagining a guy with a van doing a circuit of pet shops and shows selling those indoor hydroponic krypto-grade chelonians.
If you reread the post, there is no break between turtles and houses. My read is plausible, I contend.

There is some fun imagining a guy with a van doing a circuit of pet shops and shows selling those indoor hydroponic krypto-grade chelonians.

That's the point and thinking about @Roger A. Shrubber and his menagerie..?:lol:

He has a cute little string for his guy..n'awwwwww:hug: What's his name, Roger? If you told me I forgot, sorry.
it’s a start, is it?

I'm not sure if it is. Maybe. But I have personal history that says maybe not.

I worked for a vile company quite a while back. It was Silicon Valley darling start-up. We had just gone public and we were trying to execute a plan that had an unworldly growth plan. It was also a filthy manufacturing process that sent tons of Freon into the atmosphere at a time when governments were clamping down on Freon emissions.

So, we were put on notice by the Bay Area Air Quality regulators that they were not going to license any new equipment using that process. However, new equipment had been purchased and was ready to put on line. That equipment was needed to make our growth numbers. The VP in charge or our division had a bonus package that hinged on the division making its growth numbers. He was determined to make those numbers come hell or high water. The guy in charge of Compliance got that veep on a conference call with him and some lawyers. When the veep said he planned to hook those tools up and use them without permits, they told him that because he had been personally notified that the company would be out of compliance and fined if it happened, he would also be fined the same amount -- $30,000 per day -- and he would also face jail time.

So, it was the threat of personal action that brought him around. He was OK if our company was fined and sanctioned but when it got personal, he balked. So, I'm not sure if making a city responsible is enough. There are people who only care if they are held personally responsible.

But I'm willing to give it a try, just a bit skeptical. It's a start. I just think it misses the point. We need fewer armed warriors in our police department and more peace officers.
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I'm not sure if it is. Maybe. But I have personal history that says maybe not.

I worked for a vile company quite a while back. It was Silicon Valley darling start-up. Hhad just gone public and we were trying to execute a plan that had an unworldly growth plan. It was also a filthy manufacturing process that sent tons of Freon into the atmosphere at a time when governments were clamping down on Freon emissions.

So, we were put on notice by the Bay Area Air Quality regulators that they were not going to license any new equipment using that process. However, new equipment had been purchased and was ready to put on line. That equipment was needed to make our growth numbers. The VP in charge or our division had a bonus package that hinged on the division making its growth numbers. He was determined to make thost numbers come hell or high water. The guy in charge of Compliance got that veep on a conference call with him and some lawyers. When the veep said he planned to hook those tools up and use them without permits, they told him that because he had been personally notified that the company would be out of compliance and fined if it happened, he would also be fined the same amount -- $30,000 per day -- and he would also face jail time.

So, it was the threat of personal action that brought him around. He was OK if our company was fined and sanctioned but when it got personal, he balked. So, I'm not sure if making a city responsible is enough. There are people who only care if they are held personally resposible.

But I'm willing to give it a try, just a bit skeptical. It's a start. I just think it misses the point. We need fewer armed warriors in our police department and more peace officers.
That is a sobering tale, and it only reinforces my deep dislike of certain people rapidly promoted to Italian-suit status.

In this instance, the devil will be in the details. Seeing who is proposing it, I am skeptical as well, but it just might set a lever into the right groove to begin dismantling blue omertà.