Police Interactions.

You have a solution? I gave you mine, democratically chosen laws enforced equally and to the letter for everyone by way of AI.

Except that only amounts to equality of oppression, which isn't the same as equality of justice.
Since all laws are not just, the enforcement of those laws themselves IS the injustice.

Your "solution" is fair in the sense that all are punished equally, but to punish ANYONE, over an unjust law is really part of the problem that shouldn't be ignored.

Equal enforcement of "victimless crime" laws is about control and revenue generation. The United States has the most laws and the most people in prison, because it is a Police State, basically a normalized criminal organization, with a hierarchical structure and sudsidiary plantation system.

Some of the prisoners (those not in cages) are used as useful idiots to continue the system. They are the ones who willingly pay to be extorted, "so they can be protected from people who might extort them". Believing in two opposing things at once, that a captor is also your protector is the self evident proof of my premise. What is "normal" is not always what is right.

You should read the words above two or three times until it sinks in, it identifies the root problem, which most will never get to or acknowledge. Only when root problems are addressed do lasting solutions occur.
UK police in 2010
Well tooled up for a fight
Half bottle of Whiskey was standard issue back then

They are much more sophisticated now........
And it's our taxes that are are paying for it.
I mean, how much is a baseball bat compared to a Heckler & Cock G36Q Assault rifle anyway?

Little Nazi's taking a field trip into San Diego.

Most of the cops seemed relaxed, but then as they were panning the cops @1:32, this hero is bouncing his baton like he can't wait to crack some skulls like a douche.

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@EvilScotsm@n, at somepoint in that other conversation, I came across this video I was point here. Imagine this highly educated Republican kid going door to door for a political campaign getting the cops called on him and arrested because of some racist scared that a black kid was walking around their neighborhood.

Obviously he was not doing anything wrong and was illegally detained due to racial profiling by the officer.

Black and other minority people in our country are under a constant aggression, it is a steady constant pressure that no matter what they are doing eventually is felt. Eventually people get pushed to anger and they should not have their lives possibly upended with a police record because we think we need to 'dominate' everyone into submission.

So this post changed for me after the second video, I don't really have a point to it now other than how scary it is when you give people power over others. I have no ill will towards the police, but they do scare the crap out of me, always have. I have never been in any altercation with one, and as soon as it is obvious I am going to be pulled over, I pull over get everything out on the dash, and put my hands on the steering wheel. I did once have to talk to a cop who pulled my neighbors teenage kid over and ended up with him being in back of the car outside his house because of a expired plate, which sucked that the kid was put through that.


This guy must feel like a real man.


I was going to make the post about that, but then this video popped up. It is nuts.

Best not to be searching through your glove box looking for insurance or even reaching for your wallet. When you get pulled over, put the vehicle in park, and just wait. When they ask for id and insurance, then you can get it out for them. Doing so before they come to your window could lead them to believe you are hiding something or going for a weapon.
So this post changed for me after the second video, I don't really have a point to it now other than how scary it is when you give people power over others. I have no ill will towards the police, but they do scare the crap out of me, always have. I have never been in any altercation with one, and as soon as it is obvious I am going to be pulled over, I pull over get everything out on the dash, and put my hands on the steering wheel. I did once have to talk to a cop who pulled my neighbors teenage kid over and ended up with him being in back of the car outside his house because of a expired plate, which sucked that the kid was put through that.


This guy must feel like a real man.


I was going to make the post about that, but then this video popped up. It is nuts.

in the first video at 1:21, she tried to kick the officer.
Best not to be searching through your glove box looking for insurance or even reaching for your wallet. When you get pulled over, put the vehicle in park, and just wait. When they ask for id and insurance, then you can get it out for them. Doing so before they come to your window could lead them to believe you are hiding something or going for a weapon.
The few times I got pulled over it was so obvious the cop was going to pull me over I was pulling onto the shoulder before their lights even came on.
in the first video at 1:21, she tried to kick the officer.
So you think that is ok? The dick didn't even need to open the door when she kicked it. The guy at the end calls it, police can't react emotionally anymore, we need to take better care of our police and not put so much paperwork and everything else they have to deal with that they don't necessarily have the skills to deal with.

That guy obviously blew up and completely overreacted and beat that woman who was zero threat to him. That is a crime.