Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
You have a solution? I gave you mine, democratically chosen laws enforced equally and to the letter for everyone by way of AI.
Except that only amounts to equality of oppression, which isn't the same as equality of justice.
Since all laws are not just, the enforcement of those laws themselves IS the injustice.
Your "solution" is fair in the sense that all are punished equally, but to punish ANYONE, over an unjust law is really part of the problem that shouldn't be ignored.
Equal enforcement of "victimless crime" laws is about control and revenue generation. The United States has the most laws and the most people in prison, because it is a Police State, basically a normalized criminal organization, with a hierarchical structure and sudsidiary plantation system.
Some of the prisoners (those not in cages) are used as useful idiots to continue the system. They are the ones who willingly pay to be extorted, "so they can be protected from people who might extort them". Believing in two opposing things at once, that a captor is also your protector is the self evident proof of my premise. What is "normal" is not always what is right.
You should read the words above two or three times until it sinks in, it identifies the root problem, which most will never get to or acknowledge. Only when root problems are addressed do lasting solutions occur.