Police Shame lol

Cops are just people doing a job . The problem is they’re leadership and the politicians giving orders to leadership. Thats why they bust a couple oz of pot but everyone’s running around on meth stabbing people. Priority problems. Keep voting it will get better lol. Sounds like its time to carry a bigger knife. Its the same every where. Imo the real shame is people just stand by and video nowadays gotta get that vine its more important than humanity itself. When a bus full of people are terrorized by a couple fools and all balls and bravery are gone you better get used to the smoke and lacerations
With all do respect mate fuck cops all know is anyone i knew who became cops when they grew up were cunts to begin with and only joined to become even bigger cunts lol thats maybe just my opinion but it will never ever change also the police arent there to protect you the reason they were set up is the reason they still exist to this day to keep people in line to stop protests rebelions etc also you maybe have a different experience with em vs me each to there own i just disagree is all
I have no issue with police themselves. I've been busted multiple times for countless stupidity and have near 20k in fines lol. As i was not an ass, they were always decent with me. Most of the issues here come form entitled asshats thinking they are above the law tbh.

I havent learned my lesson and never will. An 8 strong bunch of thugs were assaulting an old man last year and i intervened. 70 stitches later and a plate in my jaw and im all good. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. As you mentioned, everyone stood around screaming and filming.
Least you were a man and tried you did the right thing take a beating or not in my book you were in the right
With the amount of parents bringing their kids to drag burlesque lap dances I didn’t realize they were undercover anymore
Every damned one I’ve ever met sucked. Harassed by the sonsofbitches just because they could. Never met one willing to turn their back even for the most minor issue. Fuck ‘em all.
I was raised to hate the boys preached to me my whole life but I was also raised by a pack of bikers lol but told you don’t respect or talk to pigs
I respect their job i dont trust anyone including them but ive had run ins with cops that were fuckhead punks too. Its just the criminals i know and i do know a few and the way we played we knew the rules and punishment. If we got caught we said something along the lines of ya you got me and accepted the results. Now everyone wants to be a fuck head punk with no dignity and blame everyone including the cop for their actions. Im not saying love the cops im just saying get better at avoiding them
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My dad and his wife almost got locked up because a high ranking detective he was friends with forged my dads banker wife's name on loan applications so he could gamble it away. Luckily they proved they weren't accessory to this pigs financial crimes.

Dude cost his family everything. This is in line with the rest of my experience with police. They are a gang. Legalized violence.

I have a general rule: If someone needs to carry a gun they probably aren't a good person. That's all encompassing.