Police Shame lol

[insert standard firearms-ownership disclaimers here]

I have never carried. I’ve never felt the need.

I know people who will NEVER leave home unarmed, often with pistol(s), knife, +…

I know people who won’t answer their own door unarmed.

NONE of them are victims of crime, the likes of which they arm against; none have risky occupations; none live in dangerous neighborhoods. ALL of them are “real American patriots” of the sovereign citizen persuasion. EVERY ONE *knows* deep in their bones that they’re not afraid, that they’re out to protect others, but not one has piped up with a tale of their arms coming into play beyond brandishing (aggravated menacing), not one has told me a story about the person they were able to protect *because* they were armed.

Having known most of these jokers for many years, I just don’t believe them when they say they’re not afraid; I think they have a sense of powerlessness that goes SO DEEP that they can’t look at it, can’t let themselves feel it for what it is, so they take up that power stick in the name of others & it becomes the confidence they lack without it. Such people are IMO poor choices for defenders of the public peace…and tend to be crummy neighbors, too.

Whether or not they’re “nice people” is kinda beside the point
Know how? Just curious cause they dint seem like the kind of people that would hang or associate with you . No offense just people tend to “know” people who share beliefs, practices or even ideologies. I do understand the word know, much like friend is used far too loosely nowadays
You seem to describe a very intimate knowledge and understanding of them and for years? Its not fam is it?
Ps brandishing isn’t a crime in self defense only if its used in a criminal intimidation. You seriously think if you come at someone with a knife or other threat and someone breaks concealment so you turn and run realizing you may die if you don’t is brandishing? why are you so anxious for stories of people having to go beyond that? If you need to see people get shot or worse for committing crimes or need to see firearms used in a lawful way to defend life there are plenty, countless mins/hrs of video online. Active self defense channel comes to mind.
Ps brandishing isn’t a crime in self defense only if its used in a criminal intimidation. You seriously think if you come at someone with a knife or other threat and someone breaks concealment so you turn and run realizing you may die if you don’t is brandishing? why are you so anxious for stories of people having to go beyond that? If you need to see people get shot or worse for committing crimes or need to see firearms used in a lawful way to defend life there are plenty, countless mins/hrs of video online. Active self defense channel comes to mind.
That video authenticity is sus but regardless that would be a crime because obviously he cant prove he felt life or limb was in danger. That isn’t at all what I described. New example, a women is walking a hiking trail is appoached by a man she doesn’t know maybe he just claims to be lost and need directions or maybe hes not coy at all and says exactly what he wants, either way he lunges for her she draws a weapon, man runs off. Her gopro was running the hole time. Maybe in the first instance he just jumped to swat a bee? Who knows, she didn’t. Crime?
Ya. First watch I stopped as soon as guy pulled. Idk about Texas but here you’d be rightfully fucked .
But fucking “Cart Narcs” ? Really is that a real thing? That douche should be shot lol
That video authenticity is sus but regardless that would be a crime because obviously he cant prove he felt life or limb was in danger. That isn’t at all what I described. New example, a women is walking a hiking trail is appoached by a man she doesn’t know maybe he just claims to be lost and need directions or maybe hes not coy at all and says exactly what he wants, either way he lunges for her she draws a weapon, man runs off. Her gopro was running the hole time. Maybe in the first instance he just jumped to swat a bee? Who knows, she didn’t. Crime?
That's a man that's scared of a magnet.

He's a radio dude doing a bit. It's fun and games. He calls people lazybones for petes sake. He pokes fun. That's all he does.
Know how? Just curious cause they dint seem like the kind of people that would hang or associate with you.
Yeah, ‘cause you know so much about *me*, right? You know the kind of people I’ve ‘hung or associated’ with ‘cause we’ve been so close for so long, right? How’d you miss THOSE folks if you & I are so close?

Then again, you didn’t know me during my freeper decades. I mean, how long has it been since WE hung out?

Or to put it another way, you don’t know me well enough to have an opinion on who would or would not know me, like me, respect me, earn my respect….

One *is* family, for the record - a good man and a good friend…and he actually DOES go armed: he lives in bear, cougar, coyote country. In town, and in the house, he ain’t packin’.
No offense just people tend to “know” people who share beliefs, practices or even ideologies. I do understand the word know, much like friend is used far too loosely nowadays
People know all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, and under all kinds of circumstances. How well you know ANYONE depends on YOU at least as much as THEM.
Ps brandishing isn’t a crime in self defense only if its used in a criminal intimidation. You seriously think if you come at someone with a knife or other threat and someone breaks concealment so you turn and run realizing you may die if you don’t is brandishing? why are you so anxious for stories of people having to go beyond that? If you need to see people get shot or worse for committing crimes or need to see firearms used in a lawful way to defend life there are plenty, countless mins/hrs of video online. Active self defense channel comes to mind.
Brandishing (menacing) refers to displaying firearms as part of an otherwise unarmed confrontation; showing yourself to be armed in the face of an armed hostile is NOT brandishing (and one cannot ‘menace’ an armed assailant).

I love this part: “why are you so anxious for stories of people having to go beyond that?” “Anxious”? Quite an imagination you have there! My POINT is that relaying situations where BEING ARMED HELPED THEM PROTECT SOMEONE ELSE is *exactly* the kind of stories I expect to hear when gathered with gun guys..but those stories are always stories HEARD ABOUT, read online - not personal experience, which I’m sure you’ll agree is the gold standard for veracity.

Incidentally, I did not suggest I got stories about brandishing to save others - or that I WANTED them (you made that up yourself) - but I did know one fool who *was* charged for brandishing…for showing his pistol to his ex-GF when she came by to see about some money he owed her. Just so happened that I was THERE at the time…. Idiot didn’t even mean to, he’s just one of those who has a pistol in his hand when he answers the door…should have put it away before letting her in (they were ex for ‘reasons’)….
but not one has piped up with a tale of their arms coming into play beyond brandishing (aggravated menacing), not one has told me a story about the person they were able to protect *because* they were armed.
Lmao ya some imagination haha i hope the people you love and know also know how you really feel about them
Having known most of these jokers for many years, I just don’t believe them when they say they’re not afraid; I think they have a sense of powerlessness that goes SO DEEP that they can’t look at it, can’t let themselves feel it for what it is, so they take up that power stick in the name of others & it becomes the confidence they lack without it. Such people are IMO poor choices for defenders of the public peace…and tend to be crummy neighbors, too.

Whether or not they’re “nice people” is kinda beside the point
I don’t want to know you
I love this part “One *is* family, for the record - a good man and a good friend…and he actually DOES go armed: he lives in bear, cougar, coyote country. In town, and in the house, he ain’t packin’.
he gets a pass cause getting mauled by a bear or mountain lion is far more common than armed robbery lmao. ps we aint got mountain lion but we got bears and coyotes and wolves oh my guess im good to go
Youll scream for one just like the rest when a meth head stabs you but ya to each his own
I would be screaming for a medic in that situation. I'm still waiting for the day that I actually need to call the cops. 41 years and no use for a pig so far. I don't even own a gun.
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