Well-Known Member
BiBle print,,,Again',,,Please state your point.
google communisim before you say hell no ,---its more or less like star trek or smurfs or care bears
yea communisim is not what you were brought up to belive
Competition will force prices down. Thats why computers dont cost $1000 or why most people have cell phones. Sure companies could get together and agree not to drop their prices but then theyve committed collusion which is illegal.So you are relying on businesses to drop their retail pricing 28% and pass that on to the consumer and once you add the 28% back in taxes, the price is the same as it is today? there is a problem with the core of that logic and that is businesses are owned by shareholders that expect a return on their investments. Do you honestly believe that the $4 gallon of milk will drop to nearly $3 after the IRS is abolished? No, the new tax savings will go on the balance sheet as a win for investors, not consumers.... And therein lies part of the problem with the fair tax.... It's a rich man's dream and everyone is being told to get on board.... Be careful what you wish for...
Competition will force prices down. That’s why computers don’t cost $1000 or why most people have cell phones. Sure companies could get together and agree not to drop their prices but then they’ve committed collusion which is illegal.
Let’s say Company A doesn’t drop the price of their product after the fair tax is enacted but Company B drops their price by 1/2 the amount they saved. Company B starts taking Company As customers. Company A then drops it’s prices by 3/4 the amount saved. Company B then counters with 90%. Add on it goes. Sure there will be areas that don’t see an immediate reduction but other companies will noticed the large profits in the industry and they will want in eventually force the price down.
So you are relying on businesses to drop their retail pricing 28% and pass that on to the consumer and once you add the 28% back in taxes, the price is the same as it is today? there is a problem with the core of that logic and that is businesses are owned by shareholders that expect a return on their investments. Do you honestly believe that the $4 gallon of milk will drop to nearly $3 after the IRS is abolished? No, the new tax savings will go on the balance sheet as a win for investors, not consumers.... And therein lies part of the problem with the fair tax.... It's a rich man's dream and everyone is being told to get on board.... Be careful what you wish for...
Number one, Social Security is NOT an entitlement, like any other retirement plan, it is funded by the employee and the employer.
Number two, The Department of Education is an investment in tomorrows.... without it, your tax base is going to shrink up and all jobs requiring degrees will be held by B1 foreigners...
other than that, i agree with most of what your saying.
And in the middle of it is the consumer, paying out the ass while competition works out a new pricing scheme.... sounds like a great plan. You expect this to happen rather quickly do ya? that isn't the way corporations stay in business... they'll realize a tax savings and the board will issue themselves new raises. They'll tack on parachutes, medical plans, and maybe give employees a raise for retention purposes, but drop retail prices 50%? I'm not buying what you are trying to sell...
. now i know why super rich are all for it...
Here's a crazy idea - how about making the federal government produce a balanced budget like states have to. Let congress deal with the budget as a revenue problem (raise taxes) or a spending problem (lower spending). But we need to STOP letting them kick the can down the road by simply spending money we don't have and printing more as they go. Everybody from states down to each family has to balance their budget, but not the feds.
Corporations stay in business by making a profit but they have to have customers. If large corporations want to keep their current prices I’m sure some smaller companies will be more than glad to take away their customers.
You need to reread what I wrote. I didn’t say 50% of the price I said 50% of the savings. Yes it will happen rather quickly. In highly competitive markets like soft drinks, restaurants, cigarettes, gasoline, clothing I think it will happen quickly, in as little as a day in some cases, but other areas will take longer.
Economies of scale will little or no competition will take the longest but it will eventually come down. Which sucks because people will pay more for power and water for a little while but we’ll be better off in the long run.
It's all a scam until they actually spend less than what they take in I declare Shenanigans on all of the politicians. And the key to this isn't raising taxes, Import taxes and tarrifs yes, but otherwise No New Taxes
Yeah they need to stop fronting...they shouldn't spend any money untill they have it and then they should try to spend less than they took in....If that means things need to change big time, then so be it, it is the only solution that makes sense.Here's a crazy idea - how about making the federal government produce a balanced budget like states have to. Let congress deal with the budget as a revenue problem (raise taxes) or a spending problem (lower spending). But we need to STOP letting them kick the can down the road by simply spending money we don't have and printing more as they go. Everybody from states down to each family has to balance their budget, but not the feds.
Hell No !!!!Maybe eliminate the debt by capping private wealth
If you and the majority of people are still seriously thinking along these lines we will lose either wayIt's odd that we think lower classes have to go without to solve things and then we say they have to accept lower pay, not union rights, no rights to health care no rights to housing , no rights to social security but Vote republican in 2012.
Seems to me it will be a Democrat victory in 2012.. Maybe for many decades to come.
Yeah they need to stop fronting...they shouldn't spend any money untill they have it and then they should try to spend less than they took in....If that means things need to change big time, then so be it, it is the only solution that makes sense.
I couldn’t agree more.Amazing when you think about it. How much prices have risen. As much good as abolishing income tax would be, ending the Federal Reserve is equally important. Inflation is the cruelest tax of all, because it affects us all. Especially the poor.
I’m a terrible typist and the world’s worst speller, well I may be better than Dan Quayle so I have to run everything through spell check myself.(edit) It takes me a long time to post because I type so slow and my internet connection is just one step up from two cans connected by a string, so Bud, you're exactly right. As a business, if you can sell more product at a lower cost and still keep your profit... that's a no-brainer.
Free markets, less regulation, less taxation and competition will make us a great nation again and along with a reasonable foreign policy, we will have more friends and less enemies.