Poorly planned guerrilla grow - ON MY LAND


Well-Known Member
I have an ethical dilemma and would love some input.
I have a pretty large (~25 acres) patch of land that my house sits on. I was taking a walk with the wife the other day along a well marked path on the outskirts of my property. We've been walking this path together for the last 10 years.
We hit an area that is very open due to the fact that I cleared it a couple of years back so my friends and I could camp there in the spring/summer. I was amazed to see that someone clearly new to the game had planted 10 clones, all very close together in a very organized patch. Mind you, I've never done a guerrilla grow before but common sense would dictate that you don't want to plant in such an obvious and open location. I also couldn't imagine you'd want to make it look so organized. If a chopper flew over, which quite a few do, they would know what this garden was from about 5,000ft. up. It's that obvious looking and open.
I feel like some kid who just got done watching a Cervantes DVD decided to start guerrilla growing but skipped all the information regarding making it stealth. :)
If this weren't very clearly my property, I would be on my way. Since this is my property and puts me in such obvious risk I should just take the plants and leave a note, per my wife's suggestion.
Maybe I should leave note detailing why this is such a bad location (i.e. private land and very, very open) and give them a few days to clear out.
Would it be bad karma to just take the plants and leave a note saying "sorry, try again on some public land" or should I let the grower know how much this puts me at risk and they need to clear out immediately?
I had to laugh when I saw it since I've read so many posts on this site about guerrilla growers plants getting taken and how upset they were. I never thought I'd be the one taking the plants. :lol:

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I'd be tempted to threaten to shop them to the cops in exchange for a couple of them...

...y'know "Your in the shit for trespassing on my property...UNLESS theres some other way we can sort this out between just us...:wink: :wink:"

Top 44

Well-Known Member
I like your wife's suggestion, maybe the loss of 10 plants will make them think a little more next time.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the wife is VERY wise, indeed. Infinitely more so than myself. :lol:
I'm still on the fence about this one. Half of me wants to go snatch the plants and the other half wants to leave a polite but authoritative note detailing why this is a bad place to setup a garden.
It's not like I need the plants. My grow rooms are already maxed out I just don't like the idea of someone else putting me at risk. Like I said, I get a lot of fly-overs which is the reason I don't grow outdoors.
I do feel like it's a kid or kids that need to learn a valuable lesson. Not sure. Maybe I'll take the plants and leave them some seeds and a letter.


Well-Known Member
50 gallons of concentrated salt water for the plants and a note saying "You put me at risk, you pay the price. Please grow elsewhere."


Well-Known Member
I have an ethical dilemma and would love some input.
I have a pretty large (~25 acres) patch of land that my house sits on. I was taking a walk with the wife the other day along a well marked path on the outskirts of my property. We've been walking this path together for the last 10 years.
We hit an area that is very open due to the fact that I cleared it a couple of years back so my friends and I could camp there in the spring/summer. I was amazed to see that someone clearly new to the game had planted 10 clones, all very close together in a very organized patch. Mind you, I've never done a guerrilla grow before but common sense would dictate that you don't want to plant in such an obvious and open location. I also couldn't imagine you'd want to make it look so organized. If a chopper flew over, which quite a few do, they would know what this garden was from about 5,000ft. up. It's that obvious looking and open.
I feel like some kid who just got done watching a Cervantes DVD decided to start guerrilla growing but skipped all the information regarding making it stealth. :)
If this weren't very clearly my property, I would be on my way. Since this is my property and puts me in such obvious risk I should just take the plants and leave a note, per my wife's suggestion.
Maybe I should leave note detailing why this is such a bad location (i.e. private land and very, very open) and give them a few days to clear out.
Would it be bad karma to just take the plants and leave a note saying "sorry, try again on some public land" or should I let the grower know how much this puts me at risk and they need to clear out immediately?
I had to laugh when I saw it since I've read so many posts on this site about guerrilla growers plants getting taken and how upset they were. I never thought I'd be the one taking the plants. :lol:
you should leave a note saying that its a bad idea to grow here because its on your property and that its in the wide open. and that you would help him find a place for his plants even. and that if he won't listen to you then you will have no choice but to take them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the wife is VERY wise, indeed. Infinitely more so than myself. :lol:
I'm still on the fence about this one. Half of me wants to go snatch the plants and the other half wants to leave a polite but authoritative note detailing why this is a bad place to setup a garden.
It's not like I need the plants. My grow rooms are already maxed out I just don't like the idea of someone else putting me at risk. Like I said, I get a lot of fly-overs which is the reason I don't grow outdoors.
I do feel like it's a kid or kids that need to learn a valuable lesson. Not sure. Maybe I'll take the plants and leave them some seeds and a letter.
If you have the time/knowledge you could set up a surveillance camera to see who is growing there before you decide but that might take time depending on how often they visit which obviously puts you at more risk of a helicopter picking it up.

ultimately I would say dig up the plants even if you don't keep them make sure they know that this land is not a secure guerrilla grow site.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey Taint! Yeah, Id take them becasue they put your op at risk. Leave a nice note like the wife suggested. Bob Newbie not cool to threaten any grower with cops... shame on you


Well-Known Member
BTW t@int's next post is post 420 :D
Haha! Thanks for the heads-up. I didn't even notice. Excellent occasion to heat up my vape! Cheers, KaliKitsune.
Thanks, everyone, for all the advice.
I'm leaning towards taking the plants and leaving them some Sour Diesel seeds and a note explaining how little I'd like to end up in jail for someone else' grow.
F*cking Cervantes. Filling kids heads with the idea that you can just grow anywhere you want. Fake-dread wearing dork. :lol:

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
If you wouldn't grow on your own land, I sure as hell wouldn't risk leaving them there for any amount of time. Dig em up and leave a note telling them how much they put you at risk and they should be glad you didn't make the effort to find out who they are. Besides, it's early enough in the season for them to find somewhere else and start over.

Leaving them some nice seeds would be a pretty nice touch.


Well-Known Member
I'd leave a note simply telling them "Sorry, not on my land" and leave it at that. Take the plants. Don't leave ANYTHING.


Well-Known Member
I think they are pretty lucky they ran across a kool property owner. I think you should throw some kind of scare into them. They could have run across some jerk that turned them in and they should realize that however you choose to handle this. I hope that if my outside grow is ever discovered a nice farmer leaves me some sour d seeds!


Well-Known Member
That kinda sucks man. You are in alittle ethical dilemma. My brother grew outside for years, and every year someone stole his shit. He started having 2 spots, one for a back up. I think they need to be taught a lesson, and you should just rip them up. I would not leave the note. It just brings it back to you, and you don't know who or what type of people they are. But I'd do it sooner or later so they don't waste alot of time watering them and caring for them. Your intentions are good for wanting to leave a note. But in the end, you have to think about yourself and your own safety. And its not like your stealing them.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Get rid of them. Not worth getting busted for someone else's grow. Especially when it looks like someone who doesn't know what their doing. Leaving a note saying they could get you in trouble can easily be traced back to you because they then they can just look up who's land it is. You don't know this guy. If you take his plants he could be the type of person that doesn't realize how lucky he is that you didn't call the cops and try and mess around with you.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt leave a note if you think its kids, why? Because kids are assholes. If you leave a note they know that you took the plants, and they might do some stupid crap to your house. Id just take all the plants, he made a bad decision so they can pay the price.


Well-Known Member
i would start to stay away from those plants so you cant get linked to them .

just let them grow them and if it gets found you wont get in trouble most likely.

i would let them grow but tax 10% (pinch buds)


Well-Known Member
and if you want to take all the plants just do it!!

its your land!!!!!!!!!

teach him to hide them better next time lol

id forget about the note idea tho