Poorly planned guerrilla grow - ON MY LAND


Active Member
I agree with the posters that said rip the buggers up!

Little shits, doing illegal things on your property and potentially attracting the rozzers.

And how are they doing?


Active Member
Def. take the plants. Leave a note if you wish but do not feel bad about doing it. They are putting you at risk.


Well-Known Member
ever wonder how many people get stoned by finding plants due to loose seed? And camping, and hiking trips. I do. My homie had one get all the way to harvest on a college property. hahahaha, so funny, it was out in the open too. People never even noticed, granted it was indica, i think. Very short. And it didn't really stink as bad as the dogwoods.


Active Member
I would certainly take them without a note. As an alternative, take them, put em under light for a week with a vague note saying that he can pick up his "plants" from you...if hes not at your door in a week take down the note and they are yours.

Leaving a note when taking the plants permanently just opens yourself up for a really pissed (and possibly) vindictive guerrilla grower who knows exactly who took his plants.

Leaving a note and leaving the plants gives law enforcement proof that you knew about the grow and chose to leave it on your land.

The grower will learn his/her lesson whether you leave a note or not, and has absolutely no right to endanger you like that...you are the only one with a right to do that. If he/she is stupid enough to grow on such an obviously trafficked area, then the loss of the plants is to be expected. You or your wife are the only ones with the right to say otherwise.


Active Member
I would take them for sure, hack the one's you leave into stalks so no one can tell they are weed but the guerrilla to send him/her the message.

indy kuh

Active Member
no, you need to take them and leave a note that says something like " bitch you better grow on your own land"


Well-Known Member
come on now if its kids ( teenagers ) just starting to try and grow! take the plants and leave one! we all were beginers at one time. if you got the time print out a copy off some link about how to properly grow outdoors and put it in an envolope and stick it on the plant and on the envolope state that he needs to take his plant but you got some info for him! yea thats you prop. but he might not have known that. a kid might have thought he was plantin off the trail of some woods or somthing! peace out

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
"Don't do this on my land, you put me at risk. But here's some seeds to some better shit that you can grow elsewhere."
Hahaha. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Wow - I thought this thread died months ago! :lol:
I just took the plants and tossed them. No note was left.
Kids will be kids, I suppose. They can be kids all they want on their parents land. :mrgreen:


Active Member
good thing you didnt leave a note since it would have been a written confession that you had knowledge of the plants.