Portland Oregon. The Time is Now. Cannabliss. The New Standard is Set!

no offense taken my man. none at all. and trust me i have thought this out before i i know the effects of american greed more then most, i feel safe in saying. but i do hold to the fact that marijuana is TOO easy to grow, i do not doubt that there will be some very large outputters selling decent quility at a cheap price in vauumed sealed glass jars etc. but i truly doubt that there wouldn't be a market for and profitability toward self sustainabity for any small produce growers. i.e. farmers markets. if you produce a good product and do not mind advertising it as a good product and charging a decent price without compromise i dont see how you could be muscled out. i sell 6000 dollar VACUUM cleaners dude. six THOUSAND dollar vacuums. cause they work, and they are worth every penny. so the market value instillaed in people by "walmart" says not to pay more the 100 bucks on some cheap bullshit. so when i come by with something a little bit better i can charge WHAT EVER I WANT cause its the BEST out there. and that is the only way of the future. quailty has to continue to increase if the playing fields getting crowded. small farmers will always produce a better quilaity then any mass producer (i have a freind who grows tobbacco and sells it and that shit is SO smooth and SO tasty its retarded.) so i am not saying corparate america isnt a meat grinder to be feared and respected but it is a bit of a joke. if you want to buy something that works do you buy it from walmart???? or do you spend a little bit more money and get your shit somewhere else where you know the people behind the counter and you can ask questions about the products and get something better then "i donna man i get paid 7 bucks an hour and still live with my mom" im not looking in selling out. i just want to make a NICE living doing what i love and working hard at it. that's my american dream.

p.s. i think we are agreeing. i am saying i just dont want limitations on what i can as a "personal farmer", not a corporation, can grow. i think its only fair that since i have a card handed to me by the state of oregon stating i can grow marijuna, its stupid i have limits on the number of people i can grow FOR nad how much i can grow and ultimately harvest. thats not "FREE" that controlled.
no offense taken my man. none at all. and trust me i have thought this out before i i know the effects of american greed more then most, i feel safe in saying. but i do hold to the fact that marijuana is TOO easy to grow, i do not doubt that there will be some very large outputters selling decent quility at a cheap price in vauumed sealed glass jars etc. but i truly doubt that there wouldn't be a market for and profitability toward self sustainabity for any small produce growers. i.e. farmers markets. if you produce a good product and do not mind advertising it as a good product and charging a decent price without compromise i dont see how you could be muscled out. i sell 6000 dollar VACUUM cleaners dude. six THOUSAND dollar vacuums. cause they work, and they are worth every penny. so the market value instillaed in people by "walmart" says not to pay more the 100 bucks on some cheap bullshit. so when i come by with something a little bit better i can charge WHAT EVER I WANT cause its the BEST out there. and that is the only way of the future. quailty has to continue to increase if the playing fields getting crowded. small farmers will always produce a better quilaity then any mass producer (i have a freind who grows tobbacco and sells it and that shit is SO smooth and SO tasty its retarded.) so i am not saying corparate america isnt a meat grinder to be feared and respected but it is a bit of a joke. if you want to buy something that works do you buy it from walmart???? or do you spend a little bit more money and get your shit somewhere else where you know the people behind the counter and you can ask questions about the products and get something better then "i donna man i get paid 7 bucks an hour and still live with my mom" im not looking in selling out. i just want to make a NICE living doing what i love and working hard at it. that's my american dream.

p.s. i think we are agreeing. i am saying i just dont want limitations on what i can as a "personal farmer", not a corporation, can grow. i think its only fair that since i have a card handed to me by the state of oregon stating i can grow marijuna, its stupid i have limits on the number of people i can grow FOR nad how much i can grow and ultimately harvest. thats not "FREE" that controlled.

I get ya on a lot of these points, and yes, we are on the same side. I just think you have more faith in the spending habits of Americans than I do. There is a reason WalMarts exist, and it is because their business models kill other businesses. What it does is this.....takes away your marginal customers, which normally help a small business get out of the red every year (make a profit after expenses).

I think our limits are good right now, for medical marijuana, I just want legal dispensaries. I grow plenty of good medicine, but I want the opportunity to try as many strains as possible, to keep ahead of the curve of the public.

I think once it is legal, and legal to produce, they need to limit farms to privately owned entities, so the corporate bullshit cannot take away your (and my) marginal customers. I think we both come from the same school.....produce the best product and they will come running, but what happens when you do just that, and your margin has been dwindled by the large scale competition (competition that does not care about employees, just investor returns). You will be producing the best weed in the world, and going broke doing it. Trimming even 12 plants can be daunting....cannot imagine the time and labor it would involve to trim 1000 plants.

Anyways, not trying to argue, and I appreciate the informed opinion that you provide. We just differ a little in faith in consumers. haha.
I don't understand how asking for street prices for medicine is anyway a legal donation for cost of materials. (I just spent barely $150 on a super soil organic mix, that will last all year, and under a grand for room equipment). These friendly drug dealers, opps! I mean "farmers" are more than likely many cycles in on their equipment, why the street prices? The whole thing is a big joke and I'm just waiting for the doors to get kicked in at all these places. Cannabliss by far is the best looking of the three I have gone to but don't kid yourself, there are basically four drug dealers pushing product at street prices in that tiny little room. Talk about putting a target on your back. I prefer Wake n' Bake out in Hillsboro, can't beat $6.78 a gram for primo buds. But like I said above there is no telling when these places are getting shut the fuck down, just hope to get my garden up before then.
love what you just said man. and so true im surprised they are still open still. fuck paying for meds
I don't understand how asking for street prices for medicine is anyway a legal donation for cost of materials. (I just spent barely $150 on a super soil organic mix, that will last all year, and under a grand for room equipment). These friendly drug dealers, opps! I mean "farmers" are more than likely many cycles in on their equipment, why the street prices? The whole thing is a big joke and I'm just waiting for the doors to get kicked in at all these places. Cannabliss by far is the best looking of the three I have gone to but don't kid yourself, there are basically four drug dealers pushing product at street prices in that tiny little room. Talk about putting a target on your back. I prefer Wake n' Bake out in Hillsboro, can't beat $6.78 a gram for primo buds. But like I said above there is no telling when these places are getting shut the fuck down, just hope to get my garden up before then.

I am finding this strange right now, because you bitch about the price, but yet, you still go there to buy your stuff instead of the street........No offense, but if you do not like it, do not donate for medicine.....go get it on the street, or grow your own. The nice thing is this......that you, as a patient, have OPTIONS, even if you do not know any street dealers....so this helps some people get their meds....

I give away a lot of meds, so don't try to call me greedy. The truth of the matter is this: the price will come down as more competitions springs up.....right now, legal supply is low, so price is high. If you have more legal supply (meaning more dispensaries, etc) this will help the price drop. Simple economics.

Also, do you know how much those farmers are paying to RENT the booths down there? I bet money you have no idea. I can inform you, if you want me to.

Not trying to be mean to you, Norcal, you sound like your heart is in the right place, but just give it some time, to let competition come in to play. The few shops that had the guts to open and BE THERE FOR YOU, they pretty much have a monopoly, so until they legalize dispensaries, we may not see a whole lot of competition.

And just so you know, I have never been a grower for Cannabliss, I just think you need to give the industry more time....they have only been around for about 6 months, tops.

Good luck with your grow, and enjoy that great variety of meds you get to choose from, even if you think it is overpriced, it is better than the choices we had 10 years ago, and will only keep getting better.
I'm thinking about getting a VW bus, and paint a sign on the side that says, "OMMP PATIENT NEEDS MEDS FROM OTHER OMMP---HONK TO PULL ME OVER--PEACE--LOVE"

Drive around Hawthorne blvd, Foster, downtown, Park av, Old Town. I figure I could do as well as those "Work for Food" franchises that I see on freeway exits. I bet I could get a pound over a weeks time, maybe even some bucks for gas and food. I might get pulled over so I'll have a designated driver.

I could sell my tent and equipment. Rent out the VW bus to other OMMP card holders. Rake in the moola. Retire, again, and live in Jaimaca, mon.

I have a dream.
I am finding this strange right now, because you bitch about the price, but yet, you still go there to buy your stuff instead of the street........No offense, but if you do not like it, do not donate for medicine.....go get it on the street, or grow your own. The nice thing is this......that you, as a patient, have OPTIONS, even if you do not know any street dealers....so this helps some people get their meds....

I give away a lot of meds, so don't try to call me greedy. The truth of the matter is this: the price will come down as more competitions springs up.....right now, legal supply is low, so price is high. If you have more legal supply (meaning more dispensaries, etc) this will help the price drop. Simple economics.

Also, do you know how much those farmers are paying to RENT the booths down there? I bet money you have no idea. I can inform you, if you want me to.

Not trying to be mean to you, Norcal, you sound like your heart is in the right place, but just give it some time, to let competition come in to play. The few shops that had the guts to open and BE THERE FOR YOU, they pretty much have a monopoly, so until they legalize dispensaries, we may not see a whole lot of competition.

And just so you know, I have never been a grower for Cannabliss, I just think you need to give the industry more time....they have only been around for about 6 months, tops.

Good luck with your grow, and enjoy that great variety of meds you get to choose from, even if you think it is overpriced, it is better than the choices we had 10 years ago, and will only keep getting better.

Not sure what you think is strange. I'm calling Cannabliss out for what they are... a drug dealing den. I also said in my post Wake 'n Bake has primo buds for $6.78 a gram which is a much more reasonable donation for "cost" of growing. I went to Cannabliss once and I'll never go again based on my experience there. It felt like I was walking down the street in New York with dudes trying to sell me crap. "Hey look at this!" "Hey I got the kill right here" Shut-up DEALER! Why would I go back when I can find a reasonable care giver on budbook, or go to Wake 'n Bake which destroys what the dealers at Cannabliss are asking for.

I'm not trying to be mean either but you just don't get it. The law does not allow for a legal "free market" to take place as far as medical marijuana is concerned. Supply and demand does not apply here. This ain't LA county. Read the law. It does not protect these gray market opps. Wake 'n Bake included but their business model is much safer than this drug den we are discussing here.

So those dealers have to PAY for those booth spots? This gets even better. Yea, I'm sure everyone involved with Cannabliss has patients needs in mind. If you are charging street prices for medicine then you are a drug dealer. Plain and simple. There is no reason for those goons at Cannabliss not to lower their prices except for G R E E D. I guess that makes sense though how else could someone afford to rent out a historical building? If they bend everyone over that's how. F Cannabliss!
Not sure what you think is strange. I'm calling Cannabliss out for what they are... a drug dealing den. I also said in my post Wake 'n Bake has primo buds for $6.78 a gram which is a much more reasonable donation for "cost" of growing. I went to Cannabliss once and I'll never go again based on my experience there. It felt like I was walking down the street in New York with dudes trying to sell me crap. "Hey look at this!" "Hey I got the kill right here" Shut-up DEALER! Why would I go back when I can find a reasonable care giver on budbook, or go to Wake 'n Bake which destroys what the dealers at Cannabliss are asking for.

I'm not trying to be mean either but you just don't get it. The law does not allow for a legal "free market" to take place as far as medical marijuana is concerned. Supply and demand does not apply here. This ain't LA county. Read the law. It does not protect these gray market opps. Wake 'n Bake included but their business model is much safer than this drug den we are discussing here.

So those dealers have to PAY for those booth spots? This gets even better. Yea, I'm sure everyone involved with Cannabliss has patients needs in mind. If you are charging street prices for medicine then you are a drug dealer. Plain and simple. There is no reason for those goons at Cannabliss not to lower their prices except for G R E E D. I guess that makes sense though how else could someone afford to rent out a historical building? If they bend everyone over that's how. F Cannabliss!

The gray area includes Wake n Bake. You still have a choice as a consumer, and I think that is a good thing. Otherwise, what would you do right now.....pay street prices? hahaha.

No worries, man. I support prices being brought down, but beggars can't be choosers. There are plenty of ways to find medicine around Portland, but the easiest is to walk into one of these establishments. Point being made by you walking into Wake n Bake.

When you grow your own, here in a few months, you can dictate how generous you want to be with your meds. Why don't you come down to a social at MAMA and donate some free meds when you finish? I would love to sample them, and I will certainly be down there giving out free hash for patients during the socials. Let me know how to get your donated meds.....I will look forward to it.
I'm not going to quote myself but I said Wake n' Bake was included in this grey market we got here. Now you're just being cute. I've never gone "to the street" to buy medicine. It always has been friends or friends of friends. I would much rather give them street prices than some place that is claiming to be one thing and is the complete opposite.

Look I don't give a rats ass what people do with their medicine, as long as you are real about it. What does bother me is Cannabliss (such a stupid name) is claiming they are there for the patient when they are allowing "growers" to charge street for what they are SUPPOSED to be getting a DONATION for grow cost. They aren't even making an effort at trying. Just the "free market" in some back crowded room. I won't contribute to something that is taking advantage of patients. Its BS. At least give the patient a break. It reminds me of these fucking bankers, how much profit is enough?
I'm not going to quote myself but I said Wake n' Bake was included in this grey market we got here. Now you're just being cute. I've never gone "to the street" to buy medicine. It always has been friends or friends of friends. I would much rather give them street prices than some place that is claiming to be one thing and is the complete opposite.

Look I don't give a rats ass what people do with their medicine, as long as you are real about it. What does bother me is Cannabliss (such a stupid name) is claiming they are there for the patient when they are allowing "growers" to charge street for what they are SUPPOSED to be getting a DONATION for grow cost. They aren't even making an effort at trying. Just the "free market" in some back crowded room. I won't contribute to something that is taking advantage of patients. Its BS. At least give the patient a break. It reminds me of these fucking bankers, how much profit is enough?

Soooo, you are saying you will not be giving out free meds when you grow? How much will you charge for your donations? I would like to hear what you plan to do?

I am still encouraging you to go to MAMA, and give out some meds when you have grown something. That would be a great way to lead by example, and show just how generous this industry can be! I will be there for many events this summer, so come on down, and let's see what you grow.

As for getting cute, I am being serious with you. All I have seen is you complaining about the situation, but what are you going to do different when YOU grow, and have those decisions to make? Oh, and at Cannabliss, they pay 875 dollars a week to sit down there for you, last time I checked.

Do you just have your card, so you will be growing 6 plants? If so, put up a grow journal, so we can all see how you are doing, and where all the free meds will be when you are finished!! Good luck, man!IMG_1266.jpgIMG_1242.jpgIMG_1262.jpgIMG_1239.jpg
You are one of the biggest clowns I have come across online in a long while. You keep trying to make this about me like I'm the one ripping patients off. Its like reading comprehension is not one of your strong points or something. I'm not complaining about any "situation", the facts are the facts.

$875 a week? 4 people in there? x 4 weeks. 14gs a month? In "rent"? Yea, sounds like a "non-profit" to me. Sounds like the Feds are raiding this place first and I wont be there when they do.

/end of discussion.
just think of how much pocket cahs they are making as well if they can make enough to afford that then im sure they are raking in the cash
Still waiting on those free meds, you self righteous son of a gun. Stop bitching about it and go out and change it. I asked you what your plans were to make it better, and you call me a clown. I ask you where YOUR free meds are going to be, and you have no answer? Because you are a hypocrite. There will not be any discount meds coming from Norcal transplant.

I think there are several people online that have gotten Hazo meds for free.

Oh, and can you show me where I am trying to make it look like YOU are the one rippiing people off? YOU don't even GROW yet, dude. And you do not know enough people with good meds, otherwise you would not have to go to these places to get your meds. So now, you bitch about the only place that will help you out..........I just think that is weak.

And I agree, 875 is WAYY too much for the grower to pay at Cannabliss. I educated you that the OWNERS are usually the greedy ones, and that is usually pretty true. The growers are just trying to make their way in life, not many of them are getting rich. So if a grower is at Cannabliss, they have already incurred 875 in MORE EXPENSES to recoup, just to be there for a week. So do the math....that grower has to pay back 875 BEFORE they get anything. As well as recouping their initial expenses. So stop calling growers greedy for charging MARKET VALUE for their product.

I wonder what this joker has to say about the actual pharmaceutical industry? hahaha

Everyone is waiting on their free meds! Get it done, NorCal! LOL
NorCal, I don't mean to get involved in this, but I have been reading this thread, and I would like to add something. I too agree with some of what you are saying. When I first got my card, and was looking for a grower for myself I ran into a lot of peeps wanting to charge me for my meds even as my grower they wanted to charge me. I had a big problem with this. When I was in need of meds until I got my first meds from the grower that I did find I went to a place, and they wanted 10.00 bucks a gram ( street prices ). This too was a hard pill to swallow because of my budget, but I can understand as not only did they have expenses of growing, but also a lease to pay and electricity on the place etc... So you need to keep those things in mind about the disp. As for Hazorzo He is one of the most stand up guys you will meet in the community. I can personally attest to this as he DONATED for FREE over a half to me ( without ever meeting me ) while I was waiting for my grower to give me my first meds. He has also GIVEN me hash, and three of differnt kinds of strains to sample just for the hell of it. So he is one person that is sweeping his own porch before speaking. I think what he is trying to convey is that until you are GIVING away meds for FREE than you need to take each situation into account for what it is. https://www.rollitup.org/members/hazorazo-211407.html
I agree with Zild. Met Hazo at the MAMA pot luck and he was giving out samples to anybody who wished to partake. HazoHash was a nice afternoon uppity high for the afternoon.

The co ops are just an option/resource for some. I'd use them to pick up something different to try...blah blah. I've never been to Wake n Bake, but I do W/B most days. Prices are basically the same as when I had to pay for it. CBliss, you can grab a zip for 160-170 of a slow moving bud, or whatever. But all the stuff down there is pretty deece so my glassware has no issues.

Other than growers, who smokes Jack Herer all day long/night for meds if they are watching their cashola? Have you had your four buck a gallon gas yet? Wait until the middle of summer and you'll think back to the good old days of 4 buck a gallon gas.

So why the fook am I going to drive all the way to Hillsburrito for 6.78 a gram for? That is still about 200 for a zip. And when I chop my own down and jam them in jars, I might still swing by a co-op now and then...just for something different, maybe try something that I was curious about when considering seed options etc. But would I pay a membership fee to get into the joint? Oh hellsinki no. Do I think the growers at these co-op, resource places, med joints are really into looking out for the patients?

Reading comprehension is not a strong point for any of you people. This was never about me or Hazo, though he sure likes to make it about me and what I'm doing. When did I say I was going to give any of my grown meds to anyone? I am simply calling out Cannabliss for what it is, a rip off. If you like being bent over for meds by greedy fucking growers, by all means go there! I have over 10 cycles under my belt, I know what it costs to grow. So if you ask street prices claiming you are recoving costs you are a liar. $14,000 a month in rent from "farmers".... Nice. But I know, they a there for ME.
Well maybe I did go to public school, and not into that book learning stuff, but I didn't take the short bus. I don't think he stated what you were going to do with your meds. I think he was calling you out, that until you give your stuff away for free than you have no room to talk about someone charging for it. I agree with you that some of those places charge more than they should, but that is neither here nor there. A lot of companies charge more than they should for their goods, and or services. That is why for the most part you have the freedom to take your biz somewhere else, in this case it is Wake, and Bake for you.