I think everyone needs to think deeply on this. Can't most of you see how our rights are contracting instead of expanding? McPurple talks about being worried that he won't get his medicine if he is a felon, and that might be the first step, along with under 18 years of age. Next will be plant limits, and therefore, the amounts you get for free from your growers.
Yes, dispensaries got voted down, but I think all of us need to unite to EXPAND our rights. That means fighting to have a legal way to procure medicine, so new patients do not have to go without, just because they do not have anyone they can trust to grow it for them. They, at that point, have to trust a stranger on life saving medicine.
If they start shutting these places down, go and protest if you are a medical patient. As long as we do not cause trouble, that is within our rights. We have to make our voice heard. We cannot allow the fear of the ignorant to predict where we are going as a group of patients. We have a prescription. Most people PAY for prescriptions, because they cannot make it themselves. Same should be for marijuana. If you cannot grow it yourself, then you might have to pay for a prescription.
I foresee a life like this. Cannabis is legal for all. We have a huge new industry and new, good paying jobs. We have less people in prison for drugs, more money for schools. For people that need it medically at that point, they will get a medical card that either gets them a huge discount on marijuana, or they get it for free. That program could be paid for by the taxes from dispensaries and producers.
Folks like McPurple may be ok with them trying to limit our access to medicine, but I am not. I am tired of the double standard that we have all chuckled about for years! We have a new industry available, and jobs available, and THE IGNORANT will not allow us to do this, and help America out in the process. Supply and Demand, folks. Capitalism at its best.
Stand in line together. Tell your friends and family about how you use the medicine, and how others can benefit from it. Fight the misinformation!
Sorry for the rant, but I am tired of feeling scared about all this. If we see a shop shutting down, post that shit. I will go down there and protest.