Positive people required!!

ya the strep is fading, going into day program weds for sure. kept getting delayed from issues with my councilor kidsgetting sick then me sick. but alas we decided tuesday for drug testing, then the next day I start. fucking hell court was 6 hours to set pre-trial. lawyer bought me lunch since i had to wait. now bail variation is being filled out(fingers crossedI can work)

well time to get ready for someone to show up and m get alittle more high
glad you're feeling better, and I hope the day program works out for you brother!

fingers crossed for ya! :)


Happy Tuesday everybody!!!!

I know I've been away a while, promise to do better! The fur babies had hookup number 8 (that I saw and documented) so Ziggy's projected due date is September 7th. She should have about ten pups but could have anywhere up to 14! Boy am I gonna have MY hands full! :O.o:
Just dropping by and saying hi Rosey! I posted where I've been and what I've been up to down in my coffeeshop so drop by anytime love!

Hope this finds you well and all is groovy with you :joint::peace::eyesmoke:

all is groovy!!!

Glad to hear from you girlfriend!

Cat got me two kittens today, they are cute little critters!!! I've got to come up with some names..any suggestions? One is a cuddlebug and the other one is a little aloof :)

Got company so I'll be back later, hope you are having a fab weekend!!

Be fly and stay high!!

Miss you @roseypeach !

And I miss this thread! Keep the good times going…
I miss it too, been so tied up with other stuff the last couple weeks I haven't had the inclination to get on much. We'll have puppies in two weeks! She's getting so big! She has lost her girlish figure..again :D

On a crazy note, I saw a UFO early this morning!! no shit, not kidding at all! I just looked it up on this website called mufon, there have been several other reports of the same shit I saw just after 3 this morning.

I was laying in the bed trying to go back to sleep and was watching what I thought was an airplane through the window (it was shiny and bright like a star and blinking a little) it was about to disappear and the damn thing started going the opposite direction! no kidding! the thing was going side to side then up and down, kinda like a circular pattern, then it seemed to stop and just stayed in one spot. Girl...the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up! then I saw two more like it on the opposite side of my yard over the tree tops and they got side by side, then the one on the right that was long and red, took off and left while the one just stayed there, doing the same pattern as the first one and dimming to nearly nothing and getting bright as hell again, it did that several times. I watched until it finally dimmed and disappeared, then I looked over to where the other was and it had disappeared too.

I'm telling ya, I never saw any kind of shit like that before in my life! I wanted to wake Cat up but he was already having trouble sleeping so I didn't bother him. He didn't have anything to say when I told him about it but after he left, I got on the internet and found this posted by someone a few hours from me in February this year. Same damn thing, only the ones I saw were in the night sky, the guy said he saw it at daybreak. There were 4 other reports for this year from different places around me, one only 30 minutes away from here. ANYWAYS...You GOTTA check this shit out...

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I miss it too, been so tied up with other stuff the last couple weeks I haven't had the inclination to get on much. We'll have puppies in two weeks! She's getting so big! She has lost her girlish figure..again :D

On a crazy note, I saw a UFO early this morning!! no shit, not kidding at all! I just looked it up on this website called mufon, there have been several other reports of the same shit I saw just after 3 this morning.

I was laying in the bed trying to go back to sleep and was watching what I thought was an airplane through the window (it was shiny and bright like a star and blinking a little) it was about to disappear and the damn thing started going the opposite direction! no kidding! the thing was going side to side then up and down, kinda like a circular pattern, then it seemed to stop and just stayed in one spot. Girl...the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up! then I saw two more like it on the opposite side of my yard over the tree tops and they got side by side, then the one on the right that was long and red, took off and left while the one just stayed there, doing the same pattern as the first one and dimming to nearly nothing and getting bright as hell again, it did that several times. I watched until it finally dimmed and disappeared, then I looked over to where the other was and it had disappeared too.

I'm telling ya, I never saw any kind of shit like that before in my life! I wanted to wake Cat up but he was already having trouble sleeping so I didn't bother him. He didn't have anything to say when I told him about it but after he left, I got on the internet and found this posted by someone a few hours from me in February this year. Same damn thing, only the ones I saw were in the night sky, the guy said he saw it at daybreak. There were 4 other reports for this year from different places around me, one only 30 minutes away from here. ANYWAYS...You GOTTA check this shit out...

@Dr.Pecker would be interested in this for sure.

NIce to hear from ya!
Must have been swamp gas right? Just kidding welcome to the club rosey now we're both crazy! I'm kidding again. I took this picture of one a few weeks ago View attachment 3486243 read this https://www.rollitup.org/t/alien-tech.840622/ https://www.rollitup.org/t/i-took-a-picture-of-a-ufo.881528/
That's some pretty powerful swamp gas to make it up that high!

thanks for the warm welcome brother, I still can't believe what I saw my damn self. Not in a million years did I ever expect to see anything like that, I almost didn't post it on here but I figure if I can't share it with y'all, who can I share it with? too damn crazy to keep to myself. Apparently they really like it here, there are over 2000 sightings in my area within a 100 mile radius. They all saw similar objects, so I'm not crazy.

I don't think..lol

you're funny!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
meant to say before, that is so crazy brother! At least I'm not the only one here that's seen them, so thanks for joining me in my foil hat! :D

I think about it every day. I looked all over internet for about ten years. I couldn't find anything like the one I seen up close. It was really scary, it chased me, read my mind, It knew I was alone and couldn't do anything. This is a copy and paste of what I wrote about it. A friend of mine drew a picture of a strange boomerang shaped craft. He said"it was like something strait out of starwars. it flew overhead and spotlighted him with a blue light. He said it was only going about ten mph and he had three witnesses. I was talking about it to another fella at work someone stops me and says they seen one. He describes it a little and i drew a picture. this guy seen the same thing as my friend, only this one was not moving just sitting still hovering! I have met two other people that seen the same craft one was ten years earlier. I was thinking I would like to see one. All I ever see is strange lights off in the distance and could never make them out although they had erratic flight patterns. One day I'm meeting some friends at the bar so I'm driving along and see a bright light out the drivers side window. I think its a helicopter no big deal then it spotlights me with a real bright blinding light. I look around and see nobody on the road no traffic at all what so ever. I roll the window down and guess what..... no noise at all I slam the breaks the craft hits its breaks I speed up it speeds up It didnt lag at all it matched my speed exactly. At that point I knew something was up. it was almost like it was tethered to my car and it was doing exactly what i was doing at the same time. it maintained this distance of about 50ft and then it moved infront of my car and was flying sideways in front of me as im going down the road and flew over the top of the bar/bowling ally ten feet above the building max no noise at all. as it flew by I was able to see the back of the ship I would say ten feet tall fifteen feet wide and thirty feet long. It looked like it was put together in triangular panels. And it was delta shaped. I looked around the parking lot and ran in the building to find someone anyone and everyone laughed at me all drunk and nobody even checked. This was not a drone It was before drones became big. If it was top secret why did it fallow me for 5 miles, 50 feet away, treetop level, right on the edge of the road?why did it toy with me as I hit the breaks and sped up? Why did it fly ten feet above a public building and let me see it? Oh ya 30 feet long ten feet tall fifteen feet wide. NO PROPULSION SYSTEM THAT I COULD SEE?Top secret my ass! I seen something up close 50 feet away max. it was large and metallic looking with very large rivets or at least appeared to be rivets in the back Im assuming it was the back. It looked like it was put together from triangular panels. It had wings but they were very small maybe 2ft around the edges. . It looked like two spoons put together but flat in the back red light in the back super bright spotlights in the front. the top and bottom had a rounded very smooth look. it was a delta or wedge shape. Flying anywhere from 80 to 5 mph It was matching my speed perfectly. I felt like it was reading my mind. It flew dead center over the place that I was going like it knew whare I was going. Why would it fly sideways in front of my car as i'm going down the road? No noise no propulsion that I could see. Not a helicopter ,airplane or hot air balloon. It was about 30 feet long and 15 feet wide wing to wing and looked heavy. I don't really know shit about physics but I would think you would hear something out of it not dead silence.
I think about it every day. I looked all over internet for about ten years. I couldn't find anything like the one I seen up close. It was really scary, it chased me, read my mind, It knew I was alone and couldn't do anything. This is a copy and paste of what I wrote about it. A friend of mine drew a picture of a strange boomerang shaped craft. He said"it was like something strait out of starwars. it flew overhead and spotlighted him with a blue light. He said it was only going about ten mph and he had three witnesses. I was talking about it to another fella at work someone stops me and says they seen one. He describes it a little and i drew a picture. this guy seen the same thing as my friend, only this one was not moving just sitting still hovering! I have met two other people that seen the same craft one was ten years earlier. I was thinking I would like to see one. All I ever see is strange lights off in the distance and could never make them out although they had erratic flight patterns. One day I'm meeting some friends at the bar so I'm driving along and see a bright light out the drivers side window. I think its a helicopter no big deal then it spotlights me with a real bright blinding light. I look around and see nobody on the road no traffic at all what so ever. I roll the window down and guess what..... no noise at all I slam the breaks the craft hits its breaks I speed up it speeds up It didnt lag at all it matched my speed exactly. At that point I knew something was up. it was almost like it was tethered to my car and it was doing exactly what i was doing at the same time. it maintained this distance of about 50ft and then it moved infront of my car and was flying sideways in front of me as im going down the road and flew over the top of the bar/bowling ally ten feet above the building max no noise at all. as it flew by I was able to see the back of the ship I would say ten feet tall fifteen feet wide and thirty feet long. It looked like it was put together in triangular panels. And it was delta shaped. I looked around the parking lot and ran in the building to find someone anyone and everyone laughed at me all drunk and nobody even checked. This was not a drone It was before drones became big. If it was top secret why did it fallow me for 5 miles, 50 feet away, treetop level, right on the edge of the road?why did it toy with me as I hit the breaks and sped up? Why did it fly ten feet above a public building and let me see it? Oh ya 30 feet long ten feet tall fifteen feet wide. NO PROPULSION SYSTEM THAT I COULD SEE?Top secret my ass! I seen something up close 50 feet away max. it was large and metallic looking with very large rivets or at least appeared to be rivets in the back Im assuming it was the back. It looked like it was put together from triangular panels. It had wings but they were very small maybe 2ft around the edges. . It looked like two spoons put together but flat in the back red light in the back super bright spotlights in the front. the top and bottom had a rounded very smooth look. it was a delta or wedge shape. Flying anywhere from 80 to 5 mph It was matching my speed perfectly. I felt like it was reading my mind. It flew dead center over the place that I was going like it knew whare I was going. Why would it fly sideways in front of my car as i'm going down the road? No noise no propulsion that I could see. Not a helicopter ,airplane or hot air balloon. It was about 30 feet long and 15 feet wide wing to wing and looked heavy. I don't really know shit about physics but I would think you would hear something out of it not dead silence.
That's pretty damn wild right there..

I totally believe you. You wanna know what kills me..makes me LOL? that people give folks that swear they see them so much hell and are arrogant enough to believe this planet of beings is the only one and most advanced of the billions that are out there.

I mean, seriously. Any scientist worth their salt would tell you the same thing. The possibilities are endless. Quantum physics, engineering, they are just barely touching the surface and who is to say that our technology IS the best if we don't know or understand any other?

Again, arrogance makes people silly.
That's pretty damn wild right there..

I totally believe you. You wanna know what kills me..makes me LOL? that people give folks that swear they see them so much hell and are arrogant enough to believe this planet of beings is the only one and most advanced of the billions that are out there.

I mean, seriously. Any scientist worth their salt would tell you the same thing. The possibilities are endless. Quantum physics, engineering, they are just barely touching the surface and who is to say that our technology IS the best if we don't know or understand any other?

Again, arrogance makes people silly.
Sometimes they come back. Get your camera ready, empty the memory card, get new batteries plus an extra set. If you have a telescope set it up.
Sometimes they come back. Get your camera ready, empty the memory card, get new batteries plus an extra set. If you have a telescope set it up.
Wish I had a camera, all I have is this smartphone that I can't use on any network, programming is shot in it. Still takes pics and video just not very good quality.
Wish I had a camera, all I have is this smartphone that I can't use on any network, programming is shot in it. Still takes pics and video just not very good quality.
Call somebody and borrow a camera. You never know some people go their whole lives without seeing one. I've seen 5 good ones and only got a picture of one. You may never see one again.
I think about it every day. I looked all over internet for about ten years. I couldn't find anything like the one I seen up close. It was really scary, it chased me, read my mind, It knew I was alone and couldn't do anything. This is a copy and paste of what I wrote about it. A friend of mine drew a picture of a strange boomerang shaped craft. He said"it was like something strait out of starwars. it flew overhead and spotlighted him with a blue light. He said it was only going about ten mph and he had three witnesses. I was talking about it to another fella at work someone stops me and says they seen one. He describes it a little and i drew a picture. this guy seen the same thing as my friend, only this one was not moving just sitting still hovering! I have met two other people that seen the same craft one was ten years earlier. I was thinking I would like to see one. All I ever see is strange lights off in the distance and could never make them out although they had erratic flight patterns. One day I'm meeting some friends at the bar so I'm driving along and see a bright light out the drivers side window. I think its a helicopter no big deal then it spotlights me with a real bright blinding light. I look around and see nobody on the road no traffic at all what so ever. I roll the window down and guess what..... no noise at all I slam the breaks the craft hits its breaks I speed up it speeds up It didnt lag at all it matched my speed exactly. At that point I knew something was up. it was almost like it was tethered to my car and it was doing exactly what i was doing at the same time. it maintained this distance of about 50ft and then it moved infront of my car and was flying sideways in front of me as im going down the road and flew over the top of the bar/bowling ally ten feet above the building max no noise at all. as it flew by I was able to see the back of the ship I would say ten feet tall fifteen feet wide and thirty feet long. It looked like it was put together in triangular panels. And it was delta shaped. I looked around the parking lot and ran in the building to find someone anyone and everyone laughed at me all drunk and nobody even checked. This was not a drone It was before drones became big. If it was top secret why did it fallow me for 5 miles, 50 feet away, treetop level, right on the edge of the road?why did it toy with me as I hit the breaks and sped up? Why did it fly ten feet above a public building and let me see it? Oh ya 30 feet long ten feet tall fifteen feet wide. NO PROPULSION SYSTEM THAT I COULD SEE?Top secret my ass! I seen something up close 50 feet away max. it was large and metallic looking with very large rivets or at least appeared to be rivets in the back Im assuming it was the back. It looked like it was put together from triangular panels. It had wings but they were very small maybe 2ft around the edges. . It looked like two spoons put together but flat in the back red light in the back super bright spotlights in the front. the top and bottom had a rounded very smooth look. it was a delta or wedge shape. Flying anywhere from 80 to 5 mph It was matching my speed perfectly. I felt like it was reading my mind. It flew dead center over the place that I was going like it knew whare I was going. Why would it fly sideways in front of my car as i'm going down the road? No noise no propulsion that I could see. Not a helicopter ,airplane or hot air balloon. It was about 30 feet long and 15 feet wide wing to wing and looked heavy. I don't really know shit about physics but I would think you would hear something out of it not dead silence.

It was a drone, just not from this planet.