possible rip! help!!!!


Well-Known Member
he just came over one day and said he owns the property that i use to acces the other property, and while he was walking arund the property he smelled pot. so he was going to find it and rip it out.. yeahhh have fun doin that lol
He SAID he smelled it......in all reality, he saw the plant. And gave you a chance to move it.....at least he told you. +rep for that guy haha


Well-Known Member
I just noticed that this plant has wire mesh around the base. I assume this is the one that was chewed. Being that you are missing a portion of the outer "skin" of the stalk is why you are seeing a longer recovery time. The outer portion of the stalk is where water / nutrients travel up and down the stalk.

In addition, what is the white material on your fan leaves? Is that the begining of a PM issue?


Well-Known Member
The old guy was just messn wit you. Prolly laughed his ass off watching you pull em.
Hope Karma was watchin...


Well-Known Member
I can't believe nobody said get some vitamin b1 plant tonic on that bitch the SECOND it gets transplatned into the new dirt. speeds up the recovery rate dramatically!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe nobody said get some vitamin b1 plant tonic on that bitch the SECOND it gets transplatned into the new dirt. speeds up the recovery rate dramatically!
Thought I had mentioned it.....but it was in another thread about a stressed plant

Poplars is totally correct. Go get some vitamin B1 or superthrive and add about 1/4 teaspoon to each gallon of water EVERY watering......and your plant will love you for it.

Sorry it wasn't mentioned to you sooner bro

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
lol well it isnt much easier.. itd be easy reaching into my cupboard lol sorry man any one else got any opinions on this ?


Dude....he definitely didn't smell that shit. No way the trees around it would have smelled alot more than that plant bro........I have 2 gardens with 7+ plants each. They only smell at the beginning of flowering and the end. He would have had to go up and smell the stem of your plant. I think you were just sloppy and he saw you go over there alot with water and shit.
for sure. Mr Neighbor has got your number son. He was softballing you to let YOU know that HE knows. Watch your step friend.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
so the tablets say they contain 100mg vitamin b100 or b1 dont quite remember anyway i wanna know how much of the tablet should i break up into a gallon of water. they are about the size of a jelly bean maybe a bit bigger lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
man those tablets are built for human consumption and have folic acid in them, I don't know if thats bad for the plants or not, but B1 plant tonic is probably one of the cheapest things you can buy for your plant.

don't cheap out on this kinda shit buddy or you really cannot call yourself a grower.


Well-Known Member
How did he find out where YOU live to come and question you? Followed you home? sounds like a child molester, haha and who does he think he is, a k-9 unit?, "i smelled a tiny plant in some random field so I tracked the smell back to your house..?" I would have said dude who the fuck are you, get off my property, and I dont care if YOU are smelling pot somewhere that I dont have any connection too.. then of course I would move the plant :p Honestly though you somehow got sloppy, and hes just basically telling you nicely that he feels its a liability for him to have a grow back there, im betting he didn't want to rip it up himself because of possibly negative retaliation by some bud growin thug lol. hope she perks back up man.