Possible to clone?


Active Member
So ill just sum this up real quick. I have pythium and im currently to broke to combat this adversary at the moment. Any way i could just take as many clones as possible and transfer to soil? Im unsure if the sickness would just carry on to the clones or not. When ever i get some extra cash i plan to extreme clean as well as adding bennys so i can continue growing hydroponically, but in the mean time im trying not to start from ground zero. Any positive info would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Yeah since posting ive read a thread where someone had the same problem and he did it successfully. I have already taken clones but into rockwool cubes and plan to transfer to soil when rooted. My setup is a DWC, which are notorious for pyth.


Active Member
Thanks for the tip man. Im probably on the wet side, i need to shake out some moisture. How long before you see roots for you personally on average?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Mmm,,,did you use a rooting gel or powder? What type of lighting are they under? Yeah that does make a difference.
Dipped in a rooting gel, under 4 four foot T5's, around 8 - 12 days to transplant - breed dependent. That's in RootRiot, under a domed lid, using a pHed/ feed formula at 1-1-1. Add CalMag as soon as roots appear.....Should be about the same maybe +2 days....

Question; What was your tank/pot solution temp at the hot part of the day? If over 70 F for even short periods could be your base cause...

Good Luck


Active Member
So basically its condition based on how long it will take. I should have figured that already. Yeah ive already figured out why im getting pyth and a warm rez is one of the causes. Thanks for the concern though.

skoobie dew

Well-Known Member
If your moms are healthy you should see roots out of the bottom of your rockwool/media in 7-10 days. Hard to clone plants can take up to 21 days. If your rockwool is too wet, drain it by turning the tray to a 45 degree angel. That works on rockwool that isn't wrapped. Rooting homones help, but aren't necessary. If you want a great clone tutorial go to better grow hydro's fact page. Most of what they have is on the mark.