Possible to safely make BHO at an apartment?

Possible to blast safely at apartments?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 20 58.8%

  • Total voters
I like GreyLord's idea. My plan is to blast into a mason jar and boil off the butane, then vac purge and winterize... saw a good shatter tutorial on youtube but apparently the video is gone atm. I could see doing the first 2 parts in the woods blasting straight into a mason jar in hot water bath. And I am talking personal grow so I guess I will be getting something like a 28g or 50g tube. Still have about 2 weeks to figure this out and start buying shit.
No need to vac before winterization.

Mason jar glass can not withstand thermal shock and be sure to crack.

Use a vessel made of borosilicate pyrex for this.

use a thermos you can find them at wally world for 5 bucks, a metal thermos thats what we do butane soaks in
Thanks for the advice,
although I use soaked in a thermos since 2010 and spent a lot of letters to promote this method.

But the question raised concerned the vessel, which is poured butane to evaporate.
For this purpose, a glass jar is not suitable.
I use a thin-walled Pyrex kettle.
Another suitable cookware is a french coffee press.
How much butane do you guys use when you do a long soak? Butane to material ratio? I noticed I tend to use a lot more tane with this method and don't yeild too much more compared to straight blast. Maybe I'm doing something different?
I make bho in my kitchens... I take my 4 inch inline fan set it right next to my pyrex dish with the intake right next to it and have 4 inch ducting going out my lil doggy door slider so when I blow butane it gets sucked inti the inline and out my back door
haha. in a condo? in an apartment? in a kitchen. holy fuck, im just gonna sit and wait for the explosion stories. this ought to be good.

haha. in a condo? in an apartment? in a kitchen. holy fuck, im just gonna sit and wait for the explosion stories. this ought to be good.

Ur a dipshit man saying everyones gonna blow up if u now how to make airflow or use a inline fan to suck the butane out of ur house how u would using an inline fan in a tent just exhaust it out of ur house....even iso I use that shit all the time dont tell me about fumes I work in a nylon ink printing shop I deal with 5 gallon buckets of lacquer and alcohol everyday plus all the fumes from the inks ...people get headaches in like 5 minutes being inside my workshop and we have pretty shitty ventilation
just promise me that you post back when you blow something up or have a fire.

its not a matter of IF it will happen. its WHEN.
Just so we don't kill each other here, the truth is most of us face some form of hazardous danger for a living and know we might suffer harm. Once your in acceptance about that, like a skydiver is about splatting you tend to ease up on controlling your existance. I wouldn't call a fireman a dipshit for going into a burning building, but I would call him a dipshit if he did it for recreation with his buddies. This is what separate's let's say you working a job that will kill you with ink to feed your family, from killing yourself because you got nonchalant about your recreational oil making because you work a hazardous job. Not judging your particular indoor tek, it's just it helps make the analogy. Just because i can use a chainsaw while smoking a cigarette doesn't translate to skillz at fueling a car while smoking a cigarette.

Anyhoo I just don't understand how we advocate the mellow aspects of our medicine but turn into straight fratboy bully's once we get a few dabs in and grab a keyboard.
So far the discussion has answered allot of those "but hey couldn't I just xyz into a widget" I mean we went from WTF blasting on a balcony to, hrm ok your balcony sounds like a 20% risk factor vs the 85% blowup defcon counter it did last post. Somebody is going to read this in 3 year's and decide to put the tane down for just 1 weekend and end up living if we can just avoid kicking each other in the balls by page 5 of every dam thread i read.
its better to be safe than sorry. there should be no reason someone - especially an unexperienced one at that - should be blasting and/or purging indoors. most of you obviously havnt felt the butane powered flame on your skin yet, or understand what its like to causing $100,000+ in damage to a place. ive felt the flame, thank god I havnt damaged property.

do it right or dont fucking do it at all comes into play here.

I might be an asshole and hurt some of your over sensitive feelings, but at least im not stupid. im sure youd rather be alive and butthurt, then dead. ive blown it up OUTSIDE before... doing it inside is just asking for trouble. like I said, its not a matter of if, its when, and until then... ill be waiting for darwinism to take its course.
I would be worried about sucking butane through an inline fan, or any fan, because of potential sparks from the brushless motor. And now thanks to vacpurge I have this image of a big ass fireball poofing up in the woods at my apartments one day. Pretty sure that would cause some investigation ;p Blowing yourself up outside... that's skill; I can't even get a lighter to work outside.
I make bho in my kitchens... I take my 4 inch inline fan set it right next to my pyrex dish with the intake right next to it and have 4 inch ducting going out my lil doggy door slider so when I blow butane it gets sucked inti the inline and out my back door

Unless your 4" inline fan is explosion proof and has non sparking blades, you are sucking a flammable liquid through a sparking device indoors.

A butane/air explosion is actually just super heated air at about 3500F trying to expand and escape. Indoors, it does that by pushing things like walls and roofs out of the way, while outdoors, there is just a hot 3500F WHOOF.

I recommend blowing butane away to disperse it and reduce its concentration, unless you are using an explosion proof fan. I also don't recommend doing any open extraction with butane indoors under any circumstances.

To put 3500F in perspective, steel melts at around 2500F, so expect singed eyebrows and blisters at the very least.
Don't Make BHO Indoors!!! Pretty simple, think of the other people around you in their units, atleast have consideration for those folks and their belongings, which they will lose and you will be responsible for, not if, but when something goes wrong and you have an explosion/fire. (Did you know the fusion point of steel is 10,900 degrees? Fun fact for the day, im a welder, sorry lol)
I think how many cans ur blastin is a little of a factor, blowin 1 can on ur balcony with a fan blowin fumes away I don't think a whole lot of risk, 6 cans another story tho..but like someone els say if/when somthin happens its not just u but the others in the complex that gotta deal with it, so I wouldn't do it for that reason
hahah for some reason vacpurge when you post I imagine the dude from full metal jacket yelling your posts at people lol. But in reality people shouldn't be bitchin bout what your saying because the way I see it you may or may not have saved someones life or at the very least insured they had a better quality of life. I know for a fact you stopped me from going crazy indoors evaping my iso with heat, now I just let it naturally with a fan blowing outdoors constantly. The way I see it if you let it naturally evap with a fan constantly circulating fresh air in and out you'll never get enough ppm in the air to ignite a flaming ball. Just wanna say personally thanks for possibly saving my life bro. Everyone should understand the risks and hazards before jumping into something like this. I just jumped in ignorantly and I'm lucky I still have all my hair on my face and I'm blisterless. Anyway I think i'm rambling I just smoked a jibba of some good good. :eyesmoke:
hahah for some reason vacpurge when you post I imagine the dude from full metal jacket yelling your posts at people lol. But in reality people shouldn't be bitchin bout what your saying because the way I see it you may or may not have saved someones life or at the very least insured they had a better quality of life. I know for a fact you stopped me from going crazy indoors evaping my iso with heat, now I just let it naturally with a fan blowing outdoors constantly. The way I see it if you let it naturally evap with a fan constantly circulating fresh air in and out you'll never get enough ppm in the air to ignite a flaming ball. Just wanna say personally thanks for possibly saving my life bro. Everyone should understand the risks and hazards before jumping into something like this. I just jumped in ignorantly and I'm lucky I still have all my hair on my face and I'm blisterless. Anyway I think i'm rambling I just smoked a jibba of some good good. :eyesmoke:

really glad to hear that I was able to get someone to change their ways, for the better. thanks a lot, really appreciate that. it makes all the posts and rants and swears ive said all worth it if I can at least get people to not blast indoors. half the time I feel like im talking to a brick wall with some of these guys. you ever see the video of the guys making ISO oil inside? they evapped for 5 seconds and BOOM. didnt take much.

think of how much butane is in 1 can... itll fill a lighter like 25 times, and a lighter does 1000 lights till its empty.. crazy.

I remember making my first batch of ISO oil.... I evapped like half a liter in a small room at a buddies house, door closed... the fumes got me high/drunk they were so strong.. it still scares me to this day how fucking stupid that was, and if that room ever had a spark. I dont think id be here typing this today, not with my original fingers at least.

just please, be safe.... burns are the absolute worst pain youll ever feel. EVER. dont learn that the hard way, ive seen BHO ruin peoples lives, made one guy go bankrupt and fucked his future up. he has to work for like 10 years now and 90% of his earnings he doesnt get to keep...take the extra 2 minutes to go outside, I dont care if its not comfortable or its cold outside.

its better to lose a second in your life than lose your life in a second sorta thing.... you might not die, but youll fuckin wish ya did!!!