Also I wasn't referring to any of those specific instances when I said lack of understanding
"In organic chemistry, aromaticity is a chemical property describing the way in which a conjugated ring of unsaturated bonds, lone pairs, or empty orbitals exhibits a stabilization stronger than would be expected by the stabilization of conjugation alone. There is no general relationship between aromaticity as a chemical property and the olfactory properties of such compounds.
Many of the earliest-known examples of aromatic compounds, such as benzene and toluene, have distinctive pleasant smells. This property led to the term "aromatic" for this class of compounds, and hence the term "aromaticity" for the eventually discovered electronic property."
"Other evidence for pi stacking comes from X-ray crystal structures. Perpendicular and offset parallel configurations can be observed in the crystal structures of many simple aromatic compounds. Similar offset parallel or perpendicular geometries were observed in a survey of high-resolution x-ray protein crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank. Analysis of the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine, and tryptophan indicates that dimers of these side chains have many possible stabilizing interactions at distances larger than the average van der Waals radii."
"Aromatic molecules are able to interact with each other in so-called π-π stacking: The π systems form two parallel rings overlap in a "face-to-face" orientation. Aromatic molecules are also able to interact with each other in an "edge-to-face" orientation"
Now go look at the structure of thc...and think real hard
I can only think of one compound that's never been crystallized.. even with the craziest of structures, under specific conditions almost anything will crystallize, that doesn't mean its stable and will stay a crystal or that it doesn't fracture easily....grrr starting to work me up I said, if your jump you fell a few tiers...maybe post some awesome hash and you'll have more respect from me. But for now , with your attitude in that thread....... (yea I know I'm not the most cuddly)