Active Member
Booooooooooom chalk a lacka I can feel the shock wave here in Canada
Better find a buddy with fenced backyard and don't be a burner
Better find a buddy with fenced backyard and don't be a burner
yes, your own risk is one thing. the risk of others is another.
Here is "Pure Irony"...Dannoo93 works in an environment Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TOXIC!!!....that he readily ADMITS that " people get headaches in like 5 minutes inside my work shop & we have pretty shitty ventilation", YET calls vacpurge a dipshit for questioning Dannoo93's ventilation methods....AlexUr a dipshit man saying everyones gonna blow up if u now how to make airflow or use a inline fan to suck the butane out of ur house how u would using an inline fan in a tent just exhaust it out of ur house....even iso I use that shit all the time dont tell me about fumes I work in a nylon ink printing shop I deal with 5 gallon buckets of lacquer and alcohol everyday plus all the fumes from the inks ...people get headaches in like 5 minutes being inside my workshop and we have pretty shitty ventilation
Here is "Pure Irony"...Dannoo93 works in an environment Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TOXIC!!!....that he readily ADMITS that " people get headaches in like 5 minutes inside my work shop & we have pretty shitty ventilation", YET calls vacpurge a dipshit for questioning Dannoo93's ventilation methods....Alex far as your opinion of "far short", are we metaphorically talking in measurements of millimeters, kilometers, or a universe...Far Faaaaaaaaaaaar away???!!..Alexthe choices of his work and his choices at home are two very different controlled settings...for one controlled by different people and different choices.......
good try to make a solid point but far short
fact is that a proper vac purge is not required if you knwo what you are doing , ISO winterizing can eliminate that need, but tbh vac purged oil is a standard and if one step is worth removing for lack of time or patience or money or proper equipment, then what other steps are being skipped
i cold purge now, auto winterization....think about it
I disagree!...Dannoo93 has the ability/"choice"/ "control" as a person of free will, to LEAVE a place of employment, where a Toxic environment is self evident...Check & Mate...Alexthe choices of his work and his choices at home are two very different controlled settings...for one controlled by different people and different choices.......
good try to make a solid point but far short
fact is that a proper vac purge is not required if you knwo what you are doing , ISO winterizing can eliminate that need, but tbh vac purged oil is a standard and if one step is worth removing for lack of time or patience or money or proper equipment, then what other steps are being skipped
i cold purge now, auto winterization....think about it far as your opinion of "far short", are we metaphorically talking in measurements of millimeters, kilometers, or a universe...Far Faaaaaaaaaaaar away???!!..Alex
....I'm able to differentiate with uncanny accuracy the difference between a hand gun & a rifle, although with full knowledge & understanding the primary purpose is to fire a projectile.the choice to leave or stay has nothing to do with his choices at home making BHO, your false equivalency stands
self proclaimed check mate, is a ironic cherry
a facade is a facade , i cant make you make logical progressions though thought
i believe it was a red hearing
your logic-----a informal fallacies i believe
all pistils are guns
so all guns are pistils
he chooses to work in a unsafe environment , their for he makes BHO in a unsafe environment by choice as well
hense the far short comment, cognitively speaking , for all i know he very well could be a bad BHO maker but it aint for cause of his choice of employment
a false equivalency
What kinde of car/s do you drive?....Any FAST Exotics???!!...AlexI hate to tell you but I endanger your children's lives every time I get behind the wheel of my car.
I hate to tell you but I endanger your children's lives every time I get behind the wheel of my car.