Post that might be frowned upon


Active Member
I don’t know where to post this and can’t find any info on this so thought I’d ask here. If one was to bomb cocaine instead of snorting it (same amount) would it have the same effects or are they weakened. Asking for a friend
I don’t know where to post this and can’t find any info on this so thought I’d ask here. If one was to bomb cocaine instead of snorting it (same amount) would it have the same effects or are they weakened. Asking for a friend
Ask a mod to move the thread to the hallucinatory substances forum, where all non-weed drugs are discussed.
The only experience I ever had with crack was a guy smoked some and spent the rest of the night on the floor because he swore he dropped a piece. I will pass on that.
Well thanks everyone for your input but it was just question of interest I’m not a crack head nor do I take coke i don’t judge people that do it it’s just not for me and was just a convo I was having with someone that takes it
The only experience I ever had with crack was a guy smoked some and spent the rest of the night on the floor because he swore he dropped a piece. I will pass on that.
I finished off a bowl i found on the table at an old friends place. Screwed that thing on the bong with the gas mask, and finished it off. Turns out he had been smoking base in it. Very unfortunate event for me
I finished off a bowl i found on the table at an old friends place. Screwed that thing on the bong with the gas mask, and finished it off. Turns out he had been smoking base in it. Very unfortunate event for me
I was ok with him crawling on the was when he kept tasting stuff off the floor and saying “nope that’s not it”.:spew:
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