Post that might be frowned upon

I was ok with him crawling on the was when he kept tasting stuff off the floor and saying “nope that’s not it”.:spew:
coke is coke we all know it’s not good for us. My question wasn’t asking if it’s ok to take it it was asking if it’s healthier for the nasal passages to take it in a Rizla

coke is coke we all know it’s not good for us. My question wasn’t asking if it’s ok to take it it was asking if it’s healthier for the nasal passages to take it in a Rizla
Crack is NOT coke that was my point to the story. I was on coke he was on crack.
Well thanks everyone for your input but it was just question of interest I’m not a crack head nor do I take coke i don’t judge people that do it it’s just not for me and was just a convo I was having with someone that takes it
lolz ... "seriously officer she fell down the stairs, then took a right to the kitchen, then she errmmm"

asking for a friend hahahaha!
The fact most of you can grow a plant from start to finish while knowing what the plant wants I thought that I’d get an answer with close too scientifical knowledge tbh
lolz ... "seriously officer she fell down the stairs, then took a right to the kitchen, then she errmmm"

asking for a friend hahahaha!
well if im not asking for a friend I’m a crack head haha
Who is a crackhead?
crackhead (plural crackheads) (derogatory, slang) A person who is addicted to or regularly uses crack cocaine. (derogatory, slang, US) Someone whose thinking makes no sense; a fool or an idiot.
I don’t know where to post this and can’t find any info on this so thought I’d ask here. If one was to bomb cocaine instead of snorting it (same amount) would it have the same effects or are they weakened. Asking for a friend
Don't to that... its very dangerous and you can od easily. Your stomach is meant to absorb shit... your nasal passage is made to protect you.

Best thing you can do if you don't want to snort it is wrap some in a rizal and put it under your tongue or between your teeth and cheek.
Eh... I didn't expect to see a small village mentality I'm surprised?
I don't see how people have to be labelled coke head, crack head, meth head etc imo it's as pathetic as dope head.
If you think your choice of class A drug is somehow superior to someone else's choice your fucking dreaming wake up!