New Member
I gotta give you a +rep for photoshopping a pic of your bong. You must really love her. That pic actually has something to it..... well done. 


Sweet bowl, where'd ya get it from?my new christmas piece
where did you find a puncher without a carb? all the weed stars on EDIT have them pictures with carbs, including the puncherbeauty. ive been lucky enough to smoke out of two jbd originals at my friends house years ago. they clear like you wouldnt believe. Anyhow i got me a Weed-Star blue label "Puncher no ice" model, it doesnt have a carb like most weed-star tubes.
this thing is basically the same exact shape as the roor zumo's and it clears like one too. im smoking some fresh cali-o nugs out of it and ive never been more satisfied with a 50$ bong in my entire life. this thing. Rips.
my girlfriend has dubbed her "Big Bertha". will have pics tomorrow, vids too more or less.
this thing is...well it is what it is and its sooo...satisfying.Everyonedoesit for the long haul!
where did you find a puncher without a carb? all the weed stars on EDIT have them pictures with carbs, including the puncher
thats one of the biggest let downs of the weed stars imho. If you look back in the thread around page 30 or so youll see i was looking at them. i decided on the mahoney ice 2. i didnt end up getting it because i was waiting for chistmas money but then my friend told me he was selling his bong
its called a "tornado" if anyone has heard of it. I cant seem to find any information online about it. I think i described it earlier in the thread. its basically shaped like an old oil lamp...but like a foot an half high...on the top bubble there are air holes that spiral in so when you take a hit the smoke forms a tornado in the tube. when you clear it the tornado explodes open and fills the bong. hes selling it to me for 80
i like the swirl in the mouthpeice, how it comes down to a point on the inside of the glass. Usually not big on bubblers, but that's a nice lookin donkey (as i've been known to call them for being short and hitting like a mule)I have 7-8 smoking tools here the latest one ,