Pot size and yeild


Well-Known Member
I am nearing the end of my first grow and thinking of going to a smaller pot. I currently amd using 7 gal smart pots and draining to waste. The plants look great, but I have had 2 challenges. 1) I water every other day with nuts. I don't think the coco coir is able to dry out enough between watering. If I water less frequently, I end up battling ph imbalances. 2) being that the medium doesn't dry out, I have had to battle fungus gnats and other root damaging bugs.
I have a seperate veg room that I veg babies for 8 -9 weeks in. I am wondering how the weild would be effected if I droppped down to 3 or 5 gal pots.

Here is my set-up details - I grow 12 plants in 2 4x4 trays(6 in each) under 2 x 1000w hps. I use coco coir as medium. I use a scrog screen and also lst and some super crop.

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.

Here are some pics-

This is where I started

This is when I put up the screen

This is what I am looking at now




Active Member
smaller pots are less forgiving with over nutes and water...if you kno your grow id say do it..if not then stick to what you kno


Well-Known Member
smaller pots are less forgiving with over nutes and water...if you kno your grow id say do it..if not then stick to what you kno
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking the opposite though. With smaller pots there would be more frequent watering, which I thought would limit ph fluctuation.

So how are smaller pots less forgiving?


Active Member
the nutes get locked quicker they dont have to be fed as much but the parts per million is grater then if in a smaller pot