Active Member
Hey guys need some help asap. Im wondering if pot size really does make that big of difference when it comes to yeild. Im about 3-4 weeks into flower and have all my girls in 1 gallon pots. I've always done: clone plug/ to beer cup/ to 1 gallon/ to 3 gallon to finish off and have seen amazing results. The problem is with this cycle is that i've waited longer than usual to transplant from transition to flower and i am now 3-4 weeks in to flower and still have em in 1 gallons. First question: isnt it not to good to transplant that far into flower..??? Second question: will it really make that big or any difference in yeild/quality of my plants if I just finish them up in the 1 gallons..?? Anyone ever try anything like this..?? I remember seeing FDD's post of his outdoor plants and how huge they were with such small pots but didnt see the end result of that. So please guys help me out and let me know if 1; its to late to transplant anyway. and 2; is it going to effect yeild if i ride it out in a 1 gallon pot. I hope you guys can help me out... Thankyou -notcalek