Potential CFL Yields


Well-Known Member
i see this video online about a guy who got approx 1 gram per watt of CFL lighting... using only CFL's...
but the thing is it took him 28 weeks... which is like more than 6 months!

so im trying to calculate how many weeks of veg/flowering + how many watts of CFL in relation to how many plants and how many g of dry weight to expect... compared to this video guy's parameters.

here's what he used, grew and yielded:
288 watts (true CFL watts)
6 plants
14 weeks flowering
290 grams

lets say (for example) one wanted to grow only 2 plants and wanted to reduce the veg'ing and blooming time (who wouldnt??)
if we reduce the flowering time but increase the watts, for only two plants, will the ratio of the grams per watt yield be similar? less? more?

here's my calculations so far:
imagine one was vegetating and flowering for the same amount of time. then for 2 plants they would need only 96 true watts to get approx 1 g/w.
but if we increase the wattage, to, say, 135 watts (which is 1.3 times the "needed" amount) may we then decrease the vegetation and flowering time and still expect to yield 1 gram per watt?

or is there another relationship that affects the yield? (ignoring other factors, let us please stick to only watts, # of weeks and dry weight)


Well-Known Member
for those who may have read this and said "oh, forget it"
i understand
because genetics is the key factor and plays the largest role on yield, regardless of how much light etc

thanks to a buddy of mine. im guessing this topic is closed :-/