Potentially getting hired as Head Grower for small legal micro-grow. Need advice/clarification on some stuff.

you blame the indsutry, when its' simply a victim of the federal tax code , that does not allow banking for schedule 1 narcotics

just my take. they literally cant do a number of those things legally.

you have to have large amounts of money, at least in Wa, vetted in a bank just to start a farm so the banking thing is only a fed issue.

their are 2 banks in wa that work with Rec weed and they are both in olympia

my farm vetted 250k, required by the LCB just to appove our 6 month plan, we pay taxes we have a bank account and do direct transfers...

its an industry where we make was we have...its honest as fuck right for me.

i come from WASDA and fed training from greenhouses, i do the same for my farm. the LCB doestn require that, its a standard you bring and uphold... or dont. blame the people not the game
The people made the rules eh,? And it was people with influence meaning $$$$$. They didn't just happen. You obviously have some resources. I know of what I speak. You have a unique situation. Find that in Alaska or other legal states.
The people made the rules eh,? They didn't just happen. You obviously have some resources.

the entities that regulate my farm start at, local, municipal, county, state, fed..at each level a grow here can be stifled....

the fed las, tax code 280E has been in effect since 1982, so unless you about 15yrs older then me , its Rome to us,

and the state created and voted on rules that kept state employees safe as well as mitigated any federal las liabilities, it was a tight rope walk

but no one is going to jail ant more in Washington, Cannabis is very decriminalized. that's a win

the person who owns the license i run, is well off and like any person with money looking for ways to let it make money versus sitting in a bank or buying another john deer tractor

its alwasy been quod pro qou, and tbh who do i hate more in the legal market. the rich suits or the moronic homegrower self made libertarian" dont tread on me" crowd..

def the latter...at least capitalist are predictable
the entities that regulate my farm start at, local, municipal, county, state, fed..at each level a grow here can be stifled....

the fed las, tax code 280E has been in effect since 1982, so unless you about 15yrs older then me , its Rome to us,

and the state created and voted on rules that kept state employees safe as well as mitigated any federal las liabilities, it was a tight rope walk

but no one is going to jail ant more in Washington, Cannabis is very decriminalized. that's a win

the person who owns the license i run, is well off and like any person with money looking for ways to let it make money versus sitting in a bank or buying another john deer tractor

its alwasy been quod pro qou, and tbh who do i hate more in the legal market. the rich suits or the moronic homegrower self made libertarian" dont tread on me" crowd..

def the latter...at least capitalist are predictable
I'm 72 so I'm probably older. I was born at night but it was not last night. I know exactly which group calls the shots on everything and that's the wealthy. You possibly were born too late to fully comprehend but they appreciate your understanding and patience.

Tell me any time and any meaningful legislation regarding a god-damned thing was the result of average people having the influence. You're what is called a capitalist tool.
I'm 72 so I'm probably older. I was born at night but it was not last night. I know exactly which group calls the shots on everything and that's the wealthy. You possibly were born too late to fully comprehend but they appreciate your understanding and patience.

Tell me any time and any meaningful legislation regarding a god-damned thing was the result of average people having the influence. You're what is called a capitalist tool.
dang well that would be a different perspective

the disillusionment of what legalization meant must have been hard pill to swallow... Disney weed and pepsi/ coco cola war march to lowest quality at best value...

but trust me, we are not al like that and my farm will prbably be bought out at some point but it will be fun untill then

i do subscribe to LEAN principls but no one at my farm makes min wag and everyone is skilled at one or more trades.

i dont know how long we can maintain that but im really hoping the quality is up their enough that i can keep the fair practices
dang well that would be a different perspective

the disillusionment of what legalization meant must have been hard pill to swallow... Disney weed and pepsi/ coco cola war march to lowest quality at best value...

but trust me, we are not al like that and my farm will prbably be bought out at some point but it will be fun untill then

i do subscribe to LEAN principls but no one at my farm makes min wag and everyone is skilled at one or more trades.

i dont know how long we can maintain that but im really hoping the quality is up their enough that i can keep the fair practices
Legalization simply means going for maximum profits with minimal expenditure while avoiding any liability for anything.

It was no disillusionment to me. And absolutely no surprise. I've been an American my entire life. No surprises in what I've seen. It's exactly like everything else including hot rods and vintage guitars.
Legalization simply means going for maximum profits with minimal expenditure while avoiding any liability for anything.

It was no disillusionment to me. And absolutely no surprise. I've been an American my entire life. No surprises in what I've seen. It's exactly like everything else including hot rods and vintage guitars.

ok, maybe a bit of projection in disillusionment but if you arent suprised then all this is MO...

people arent going to jail for possession i still very much see that a more then a pyric victory

it could be better

it shoudl be

not derailing thread OP

congratz still

you know all the gardening expiernce i have the least in, i cant wait to see your farm prosper from it
Another example of money meeting cannabis and by damn I should know by now. Been in legal states since 2015.

No banking. No credit. So hello, rich fucks. Rich fucks. What rich fuck knows how to do a god-damned thing? Their expertise is $$$$$$.

They got it in part by fucking people and using them. So cannabis big potential boom. Lol. But they're going to try and after all other expenses are in there's only one place they have a chance of having it their way - cheap labor.

Standard practice is hiring a true expert and some helpers. Milk the expert for everything he's worth and then run his ass off. Then one of the side monkeys takes over.

At least this place sounds like they're cutting to the chase scene right off.
Agree with a lot of this. I've been in med legal state since '09 (off top of my head) and just recently the state has began allowing the sales/facilities. Been growing since the beginning here.

Had an interview at a place that was hiring novice growers for around 36-45k/yr, told them i'm not novice but i'd be willing to work if they thought they could eventually get me up to 50k over the course of a few years. Needless to say, they'd prefer someone who doesn't know shit that they can pay table scraps. This place is trying to be corporate as fuck. Even tried to sweeten me up by hanging the health care over my head.

The state is offering up grants to some candidates that don't meet the financial requirements and i feel like this might be the case with the place i'm trying to get into. I will definitely be hesitant to give these people too much info right off the bat. Job security is important to me. LOL. (but a nervous LOL)
Agree with a lot of this. I've been in med legal state since '09 (off top of my head) and just recently the state has began allowing the sales/facilities. Been growing since the beginning here.

Had an interview at a place that was hiring novice growers for around 36-45k/yr, told them i'm not novice but i'd be willing to work if they thought they could eventually get me up to 50k over the course of a few years. Needless to say, they'd prefer someone who doesn't know shit that they can pay table scraps. This place is trying to be corporate as fuck. Even tried to sweeten me up by hanging the health care over my head.

The state is offering up grants to some candidates that don't meet the financial requirements and i feel like this might be the case with the place i'm trying to get into. I will definitely be hesitant to give these people too much info right off the bat. Job security is important to me. LOL. (but a nervous LOL)
Try getting an SBA loan. Or personal loan. Try getting a mortgage on a building for cannabis. Try keeping a mortgage if they find out. Because federal laws. Federal laws the wealthy love. Federal laws they help keep in place. We should have a guillotine squad in every city stationed at the country clubs and gated communities.
ok, maybe a bit of projection in disillusionment but if you arent suprised then all this is MO...

people arent going to jail for possession i still very much see that a more then a pyric victory

it could be better

it shoudl be

not derailing thread OP

congratz still

you know all the gardening expiernce i have the least in, i cant wait to see your farm prosper from it
No worries on derailing. Healthy to talk about this stuff. and thank you!
Try getting an SBA loan. Or personal loan. Try getting a mortgage on a building for cannabis. Try keeping a mortgage if they find out. Because federal laws. Federal laws the wealthy love. Federal laws they help keep in place. We should have a guillotine squad in every city stationed at the country clubs and gated communities.

this so true.

i could never have started a farm. Their was a lottery system for Wa but ya. i want to do this so their is osm esort of stockholm sydrome where i eat shit so i shovel it and the shovel is made of weed.

i love growing. i love cannabis. ill alwasy be the ou
@Buddernugs, you know this guy??

lol.. all the things you can t do..upset you so much...

man just dont look you will be happier-ALGEA

keep bring up old shit that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand to try and be relvent
“Where can I put my money?” is one of the most prevalent questions in the cannabis industry. As licensed cannabis business attorneys our clients ask us this all the time. In the past several institutions, primarily credit unions, had a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach to accepting money from the cannabis industry, which meant that your money was not really welcome there but no one at the institution asked you for the source. This cycle has led to many cannabis business clients to “credit union hop”, which is where they would open up an account, have it closed when the credit union found out they were in the cannabis industry, and then move on to another credit union. While this was not an ideal solution, it was one of the only ways to have a business account for everything from payroll to paying taxes…and you better believe us when we say you have to pay those taxes."
To avoid failing heavy metal testing, you need to see reliable 3rd party tests on every single nutrient/supplement you use, including media. Here is one such place to look https://apps1.cdfa.ca.gov/fertilizerproducts/. You need to follow your state guidelines when you set up a grow, most of the time you'll have to pass a state inspection. To avoid failing microbe tests, you need to keep a clean room, not clean like "sweep up the hair off the floor" but more like wear tyvek suit/mask, have proper air filtration and machine trim. States make it as hard as possible for small growers to be able to set up in such a way they can pass these tests simply due to the great expense involved, but some states are much more lenient than others.
Can i ask how much time you have in a crop ?