Potpimp's 99 Bean Grow


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah, I might be biting off more than I can chew. But I'm doing it anyway. Last night I put 99 seeds in water. This evening I put them in the custom blended potting mix that I made.

The seeds are:
50ea Mini-Thunderfuck autos (Dutchbreed - but from seed run last year)
13ea Lowberry autos (Dutchbreed)
11ea Super Lemon Haze (Greenhouse)
1ea White Widow (Greenhouse)
1ea Bubba Kush (Greenhouse)
1ea Power Kush (Greenhouse)
1ea Kings Kush (Greenhouse)
1ea The Church (Greenhouse)
10ea Hindu Kush (Nirvana)
10ea Orange Candy Floss (Dutchbreed)

The potting mix that I made consisted of a bale of Sphagnum peat moss, a 1.5 cu ft bag of Miracle Gro Organic Growers Choice potting soil, a bag of perlite, a bag of vermiculite, a cup of crushed (in the wifes food processor) alfalfa meal, and a cup and a half of dolomitic lime (peletized). I punched holes in the bottoms of 16 oz plastic Dixie cups, numbered them so I know which ones are which, and filled them with the potting soil. I actually did each strain, numbering the cups and keeping them together. I put numbers on the bottom and side. The MTF I did not number so any cup without a number is the MTF.

Just so you know, I bought two 5 packs of Super Lemon Haze (feminized) from Attitude and got 6ea freebies, all feminized; that's where all the 1ea seed strains came from. The onezies will remain as mother plants for clones.

Not much to take pix of yet; just a bunch of red plastic cups with brown potting soil. I'll probably do individual grow journals for each strain.

This is my most ambitious project - by far. I'm probably in over my head and I'll probably be pulling my hair out before this is all over, asking myself "WTF was I thinking?" Oh well, I wanted to get these babies in the ground right after the first of April. So that's 63 auto-flowering that will be ready to sex in about 3 weeks, then top for 4 colas. Those will be ready to chop by first of June.

I would like to gratefully acknowledge Master Jedi Uncle Ben for the knowledge he has imparted to the community and to me in particular. Without his help I have no doubt that this grow would be less than half in quantity and quality.
well you might get just a little stress relievers out of those MTF seeds, hope you keep some hair in the process cuz for some of us it just isnt a grow back part of the body. haha


Sector 5 Moderator
I did get a little bit of bud from my MTF seed run last year. It's "2 toke" stuff, very typical sativa, complete with the creeper high and just soars and soars the more you smoke.

Still nothing as of this evening; just dirt in the cups. I left them out on the back porch for the night; the sun comes up before I get up. Hopefully I will see some sprouts in the next couple of days; I'm ready to get this show on the road.


Sector 5 Moderator
Hey guys, I have a progress report today; I have 16 plants up so far. The weather was nice until the day after I planted my plants then it turned off rather cool again (low 40's) and I couldn't see any activity so I began to worry. I had always used the paper towel method or germing in water til they sprouted but this time, following the advice of Uncle Ben, I soaked them in water for about 18 hours, took them out and put them into some prepared potting soil. I had wet the soil slightly, just enough to make it moist but it rained the next day and really soaked the cups. I brought them in under the porch but it never got warm enough after that for the water to evaporate much. I have drain holes in the bottoms of the cups.

Yesterday morning I put a heater in the bathroom where I have the containers of cups and cranked the thermostat up. I dialed it back at about 80 - 90 degrees. I figure it took it at least all day for the soil to reach ambient air temperature. I went out of town today and got back just before 7 tonight; I checked on my cups and didn't see anything at first, then I noticed one little seedling sticking up, then another, and another. I started looking very closely at them; the leaves were still covered with the little camoflauged seed shell, making it very hard to see the emerging seedlings. Some were laying on the ground; one had the tap root sticking up and the seed head was in the ground (I fixed that). In all I had 16 seedlings up, some about an inch high and I'm pretty sure they had not breached the soil in the last 24 hours.

The tally for today is:
4 mini-Thunderfucks
4 Super Lemon Haze (Yipeeee!!)
3 Orange Candy Floss
1 LowBerry
The Bubba Kush
The Power Kush
The Church
1 Hindu Kush

I had to quickly rig up my T5 fixture to give those babies some light. I figure no light is why some were laying on the soil; they didn't know which way to grow. I would post a pic but my camera is in the car and it's not much to see anyway at this point.


Sector 5 Moderator
Got 9 more seedlings up this morning - just overnight! I noticed that several of them must have just been sitting very near the surface because the tap root was out but not in the soil. I stuck a hole in the soil and gently placed the root in there and covered it up to the seed head. I'll post pix tonight.


Sector 5 Moderator
Here are the seedlings, two days old (at most). I put the others out in the sunlight today and found 2 more that had sprouted on top of the soil. I guess the rain had washed up the seeds. I didn't want to plant them too deep.

The initials and numbers indicate what strains they are. BK is Bubba Kush; HK is Hindu Kush.



Sector 5 Moderator
10 (total) sprouted yesterday and 8 this morning!! I'm really pumped to see that 9 of the Super Lemon Haze has sprouted. I didn't have extra heat in the room last night so it got down to the high 60's but I just put a heater in there. I think the soil being warm makes the biggest difference of anything in germing. There are several of them that are already growing their first set of true leaves. I'll take some pix of them tomorrow; I've been drooling over them enough this morning.

Edited to add: That makes a total of 34 plants that have sprouted. I'm 1/3 of the way there!
8 days and 1/3 sprouted, sounds like my last batch of seeds. 10/18 is all I got and 3 were auto boys so they got dumped.

too bad you dont have a seedling heat mat to stick under the slow pokes


Sector 5 Moderator
I have three digital water bed heaters that I could use but I have a heater in the room and the temp is at least 90. These cups take up about 20 sq. ft.

I watered them for the first time today (since they got soaked by the rain). The photos show water droplets on the leaves; that's not a good thing to leave water (or any kind of solution) on the leaves with the lights on, so I flicked the water off each seedling. After I posted about the 8 this morning I was looking at them about an hour later and found 3 more. I'm up to 9 of the 11 Super Lemon Haze. I heard that they were bad about not germing; if I don't get another one I'm tickled.

The most vi... damn, I can't think of the word. The hardiest of the bunch are the Power Kush and the Hindu Kush.



Sector 5 Moderator
I got my Spinout treated pots and I'm ready for upcanning when the plants are ready. I will probably sex and top them before upcanning them.

I've been seeing a few fungus gnats. The soil got rained on and was really wet for several days. I guess it was good for germing but bad because of the gnats. I'll pick up some goGnat at the hydro store.

There was a little foreign plant popping up next to one of my babies and I picked it out and somehow I managed to yank my plant out as well. After screaming and fussing, I poked a hole in the soil, replanted it and watered it in good. I stuck a little stick in the pot so I could keep an eye on it and know if I killed it or not. Crap happens.

Some of the sprouts do not seem to be doing anything. The tap root came out about 3/8" and I replanted them but I'm not seeing any action. I'll give them a few more days; maybe the tap root is just finding it's way down into the soil before pushing the seed head up or making the leaves. If they don't work, I'll just germ more seeds.


New Member
Right on man looks interesting. That's a shit load of plants you got going on there, good luck with the grow.


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks for the kind words guys. I have plenty of lights. I have two double-light T5's (4'); 2 blue LED's; 2 red LED's; and a 400w HPS. I was able to get all the plants into two containers and put them outside this morning for some full sun. For the most part, this will be an outside grow - in pots. Half of the ones that are up now are the autos and they don't get very big but they finish in 60 days or so. So those will be perfect for little spots around the yard, here and there, where nobody will notice. The Super Lemon Haze, Orange Candy Floss, The Church will have to be planted (in pots) where they can grow to 7-8 feet and not be noticeable and the kushes will be probably not get over about 4-5 feet tall. Keep in mind that I'll be topping every one of these just above the 2nd node (and cloning the top).

Some of the seeds started sprouting but seemed to stop when I put them in the soil. That's disappointing but I've learned to never count your blunts before you grow them.

I can't wait to get some outdoor shots for you guys but I'm not putting them outdoors til any threat of frost is past.

I have some obligations next week and I probably won't have a chance to post much; just wanted to let everyone know up front about that.
its starting to stay warm where I'm at so Im excited to get some outdoor growing started too. hope you still are having fun and havent pulled that hair out yet


Sector 5 Moderator
its starting to stay warm where I'm at so Im excited to get some outdoor growing started too. hope you still are having fun and havent pulled that hair out yet
Nope, still having fun. Here are some shots from today. These are all the ones that have "made it". Some of the ones that sprouted (notably the Super Lemon Haze) evidently do not like damp soil after they sprout. I dug out the seeds and sprouts to see what was going on. About half I could not even find the seed; the others I replanted the sprout and seeds and hopefully something positive will come up.

Here's what's left:
17 Mini-MTF
4 LowBerry
2 Super Lemon Haze
the Bubba Kush (2nd largest of the seedlings)
the Power Kush (largest of the seedlings)
the Church
2 Hindu Kush
4 Orange Candy Floss
32 total; that's almost exactly 1/3 of the seeds planted.

It's a beautiful day so far so I'm saving the electricity and they are getting better light.

