Power Without Consequence


Well-Known Member
so, I just came across this article that is long and very disturbing. This is yet another example of police behaving no better than gangs. currently i'm feeling rather disgusted by the them (mostly the system in place).

BTW if your an animal lover (specifically a dog lover) read with caution. It hit especially close to home for me because the dogs in the story look very similar to my dog.



Well-Known Member
so, I just came across this article that is long and very disturbing. This is yet another example of police behaving no better than gangs. currently i'm feeling rather disgusted by the them (mostly the system in place).

BTW if your an animal lover (specifically a dog lover) read with caution. It hit especially close to home for me because the dogs in the story look very similar to my dog.


That is totally FUCKED UP. Who the fuck do these people think they are?!? That kinda shit makes me want to arm myself to the teeth and go out in a blaze of glory. Fucking cops, they think they have to answer to no-one.


Well-Known Member
What kills me most about this story (btw they're on the map) is that they cops intercepted the package of cannabis at the post office then hand delivered it to these unsuspecting people. btw the warrant was not a "no-knock" warrant. After having shot both dogs at least once, they shot them again at point blank range. If that's not the definition of a summary execution then i'm not sure what is. But to top this all off, these people weren't in anyway crimminals. Not people who grow but don't feel they are committing a crime, but people who are to the letter law abiding.

After all that what happens? the police say "we got the crimminals". I ask, how are they any better than the drug cartels or gangs?


Well-Known Member
This kind of shit makes me sick... If anyone pulled that shit on me I would want to stalk and kill the men responsible in exactly the same manner.
Corner them, shoot them to wound a few times, remind them of the dogs, say this is for my dog you piece of shit and boom, take them out.


Well-Known Member
And cops wonder why nobody likes or trusts their lying criminal asses and its exactly why I tell my 11 year old DO NOT TRUST A COP....EVER.