Ppm meters

Why do they like ec more then ppm?

Because the meter is measuring electrical conductivity, not dissolved solids.
The ppm displayed is simply EC x constant (usually 0.5, but could be .64, or .7) and is the source for needless confusion,
The "ppm" values given by a meter are NOT the ppm of the elemental nutrients; the source of yet more confusion.

Stick to EC when describing nutrient concentrations.
Because the meter is measuring electrical conductivity, not dissolved solids.
The ppm displayed is simply EC x constant (usually 0.5, but could be .64, or .7) and is the source for needless confusion,
The "ppm" values given by a meter are NOT the ppm of the elemental nutrients; the source of yet more confusion.

Stick to EC when describing nutrient concentrations.
I was making sure someone didn't already answer before I did
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Lots of thing in this statement are concerning. Do you water to run off always? Do you know what a slurry test is?

I was making sure someone didn't already answer before I did
I kinda kbow what a slurry test is and no i dont water to runoff. I use the ac infinity self watering trays. They work great
What should i get to check the nutrients? Like ppm ec or tds. Idk anything about them. I got a ph meter and thats all need to check the runoff for lockout and what not 9
If there's any Amazon links to these products that are quality, a great Patriots have any to provide please provide. I don't think I have 48 hours I would like to have for next girl though.
Honest question, what makes a Blue Lab ph meter better than any other quality meter?
I have one and love it, rock solid since 2015. That being said I'm sure there are other high quality meters. I love the cute kit the Apera comes in and I'm having to restrain myself from buying on cute when I have perfectly good meters. So there are plenty of good meters out there.
I have 1 ppm/ec meter 2 years old for 2$ works great and i bought a new one for 7 dolar that messures 7 types of salts and ph.both show the same.i just had to buy a new ph pen i guess after a year of no use the little spunge becaame a rock.
There no difference between a tds ppm or ec metre. It measures the conductivity of the solution and then converts it to which ever units you prefer. Most metres you just scroll with a button through the various scales.
I rhink i have lockout, i think i have a nitrogen deficiency i grow organic and my plants have yellow leaves on the bottom that keep falling off so dont i need ppm pen to check the runoff for lockout? Im a newish grower
Did you figure it out bud? If not give me some more details. Whats in your soil, what do you feed and water and how often. Also a picture of the plant would really help. From what you said it sounds hungry and I doubt its lockout, thats pretty rare unless you really messed up. I await your info to better assist.
I spent $60 on several brands of cheap ph/ec/tds meters from amazon before I finally bought a Hanna combo pen. My friend has one as well, that's why I got mine. He worked in a water testing lab so he knew about hanna quality from the instruments they used.

Mine is over a year old now, and working perfectly. I used the included hanna storage solution in the cap when I had to store it for a few months off, I also stored the pen in a large mason jar with a moisture pack to prevent the tip from drying out. They sell replacement tips so an entirely new pen is not required if the tip does malfunction. I know it is top dollar, but so far, well worth the investment. Unfortunately, the price is now $225, I paid $150. Inflation sucks!
