There are thee different conversions from ec to ppm and it causes endless confusion, just go by ec.Why do they like ec more then ppm?
There are thee different conversions from ec to ppm and it causes endless confusion, just go by ec.Why do they like ec more then ppm?
Mine went in the trash after I checked the calibration.
Why do they like ec more then ppm?
Honest question, what makes a Blue Lab ph meter better than any other quality meter?Blue Lab make the best meters in my view, dont buy cheap crap
I was making sure someone didn't already answer before I didBecause the meter is measuring electrical conductivity, not dissolved solids.
The ppm displayed is simply EC x constant (usually 0.5, but could be .64, or .7) and is the source for needless confusion,
The "ppm" values given by a meter are NOT the ppm of the elemental nutrients; the source of yet more confusion.
Stick to EC when describing nutrient concentrations.
I kinda kbow what a slurry test is and no i dont water to runoff. I use the ac infinity self watering trays. They work greatLots of thing in this statement are concerning. Do you water to run off always? Do you know what a slurry test is?
I was making sure someone didn't already answer before I did
If there's any Amazon links to these products that are quality, a great Patriots have any to provide please provide. I don't think I have 48 hours I would like to have for next girl though.What should i get to check the nutrients? Like ppm ec or tds. Idk anything about them. I got a ph meter and thats all need to check the runoff for lockout and what not 9
I have one and love it, rock solid since 2015. That being said I'm sure there are other high quality meters. I love the cute kit the Apera comes in and I'm having to restrain myself from buying on cute when I have perfectly good meters. So there are plenty of good meters out there.Honest question, what makes a Blue Lab ph meter better than any other quality meter?
Mine went in the trash after I checked the calibration.
I bought one way back and someone at the grow house stole it a week laterBluelab Truncheon is the shitView attachment 5319108
$102 delivered. I remember when they were much more. Top quality components and a fine tool.Bluelab Truncheon is the shitView attachment 5319108
Bluelab Truncheon is the shitView attachment 5319108
Did you figure it out bud? If not give me some more details. Whats in your soil, what do you feed and water and how often. Also a picture of the plant would really help. From what you said it sounds hungry and I doubt its lockout, thats pretty rare unless you really messed up. I await your info to better assist.I rhink i have lockout, i think i have a nitrogen deficiency i grow organic and my plants have yellow leaves on the bottom that keep falling off so dont i need ppm pen to check the runoff for lockout? Im a newish grower
Are you in soil?I kinda kbow what a slurry test is and no i dont water to runoff. I use the ac infinity self watering trays. They work great