• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Prison experiences


Well-Known Member
This asshole OP claiming to know life in Folsom is no different then me getting a janitor job at Nasa and claiming to know how the place works,lol
I walked the yard at Folsom every day for 25 years......I've got more time on the shitter in Folsom than anybody that you know. If you don't think my 25 years behind the walls is worth reading about, then don't. I don't claim to be the hardest guy at the prison....I just know the guy!...If you have some relevant experience of prison, I'm all ears. Otherwise, quit running your soup cooler!!! P.S. If you were a janitor at NASA for 25 years, I'd figure you probably know a few people......Post up, or shut up!......I'm getting tired of your light weight whinning. Calling me out!.....let's see your papers.....why am I getting the impression you did your time on a "Special Needs Yard"?.......Where did you earn your stripes?.....Bitchin about me & got nothing to offer........lightweight BS......I'm standing here representing mine, what you got?....?......crickets!!!


Well-Known Member
Decades ago I was in the County Prison for something stupid, AND it was the weekend you set your clocks back! Even that extra hour was enough for me! Handcuffs always hurt more when you've done nothing wrong.


Well-Known Member
never did time except for two days for a DUI. Motherfuckers like letting you out at 2 in the morning. no cash for the payphone. i wanted to say, dude let me stay til ten. i was fortunate enough to get out with this older cat. he was getting picked up by a guy i knew. luckily i got a ride home. 4 in the am i scared the shit out of my dad cause i was kickin it in the living room watching tv. haha good times! :)


Well-Known Member
County & city jails are a lot worse than prison in some ways.......There's no "classification" in jail....everybody's all mixed up together. You have real hardcore's with jaywalkers.....recipt for disaster. At least in prison, everyone has been 'classisied' and they are all about the same level.....sort of...lol


Well-Known Member
County & city jails are a lot worse than prison in some ways.......There's no "classification" in jail....everybody's all mixed up together. You have real hardcore's with jaywalkers.....recipt for disaster. At least in prison, everyone has been 'classisied' and they are all about the same level.....sort of...lol

Saw some fucked up shit in county. Its like you said they mix everyone together then throw a dollar in the mix. Hell some of them would kill for a dollar depends on how long they been in their.I was in a bunk next to a dude who tied a sheet around his neck and top of the bed ,jumped off the top bunk. Broke both his knee caps. Then the guy under my bunk was doing the Thorazine shuffle. Slobber all over his face all the time. Meet some crazy peeps


Well-Known Member
Just to put some perspective on my POV of what life is like inside Folsom. There are several inmates at Folsom that I worked with for 25 years. Same guys, same jobs, 25 years.....think about that for a min. Do you know anybody that has worked with the exact same people on the job for 25 years?...We watched each other grow old together....if anybody can speak on what 25 years inside Folsom does to you, I can. I got to know them better than most people ever know their co-workers. We were outnumbered 15-to-1, yet the factory ran like a watch. My best skill in prison was communication.......I know these guy's better than their families!

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
I was in a city jail for a week and didn't shit because the toilet was in the middle of a 50 man cell, no walls, no privacy. One day a crackhead came in and we were having peanuts with our dinner. Dude shaves one up with his nails and tosses it on the floor near the fiend. MF finally saw it after a few minutes and dove on it like he was stealing home in the world series. On another day, guy got in with a quarter tucked in his ass or nuts. We used the bibles the "good guys" gave us every week for the rice papers. Somehow we got some matches. One thing they did was twist toilet paper really tight and let it burn real slow so we would have fire. I did a few days in another city jail, 6 man, boring as fuck. I went to a county/fed hold in LA for a few days. FUCKIN NUTS in there! Like someone said, poindexter sittin next to Dexter. There was like 40 guys in an 18 man cell. People sleeping on and under the stainless steel tables, everywhere. This guy got a magazine and started flipping through it fast, ripped a page out and announced "oh yeah, bitch, I'ma fuck you tonight" and took it straight to his bunk and tucked it under his pillow. On my way out this guy told me to give him my socks and underwear. He just wanted to fight, and we did, until the guards got in and seperated us. Shit was loud while we were fighting, EVERYBODY was screaming. Only thing keeping me from killing a few deserving assholes is knowing what is waiting if I get caught. Fuck that. Freedom to move about the cabin is some good shit.

Slowbus, I am sorry you got shanghaied. That shit happens every day, and it is fucked. Prosecuting attorneys and cops should have to do time when they get caught sedning someone up when they knew it was wrong. THAT would help the scales of justice.

Nether Region

Well-Known Member

This guy tells of getting the shaft. His storytelling is pretty funny


Well-Known Member

This guy tells of getting the shaft. His storytelling is pretty funny
SLOWBUS!......I'm sorry man.......... I take it all back, you got railroaded!............................but seriously, we'd always get a few of these joker's in the mix. The old timers hated them, youngsters always fucking something up & don't know how to do their time. They would finally fuck up enough shit to get into trouble & "it's the other guy's fault"..or."I was framed"!.....You should see the frivolous lawsuits they file......just wasting everybody's time with stupid bull shit!....Some little ass-hat like this, would do something stupid like this, and custody would show up in force & tear the whole factory up, searching....everything! He'd get all his hommies contraband confliscated, and when inmates would kick the shit out of him for it, he'd be runnin to me..."they're all 'picking on me".lol!.........Pacman feasted on guy's like this..... "I don't need no safety's"!....


Active Member
I just remember getting sentenced and hearing my wife and daughter crying in the courtroom. It's the worst fucking feeling that I have ever experienced. I couldn't cry because I had to go down to lockup and wait for my ride to jail. This terrifying wave of regret washes over you that makes you want to die. I didn't know what would happen, I had never been locked up and I thought what it would be like to not have contact with the people I loved for a very longtime.

You get to jail and you can smell the harshness of the place. Terrible colored walls that drive you insane, nasty ass artificial lighting, Every holding cell's toilet is clogged, scratched plexiglass and just grim.

Go into processing and it's one holding cell after another. They cuff your hands and feet and take you to another cell while they process you. You get strip searched, take a shower with some kind of poison that kills any bugs you might have and then you sit and wait. You get your goody bag, "pillow,"blanket and we're off to the races.

Next is the walk of shame. You get brought into your "pod" and everyone is screaming at you. I was in a level 4 so the cells have door not bars and you are locked down 23hrs (if there weren't any problems. I was scared shitless!!

For my first fucking cellmate they put me in with a dude who already has 5 years under his belt. I had no clue what to do. Boom they shut the door behind me and that was that. He tells me where to stow my stuff and I sat on the bottom bunk. And sat there and sat there and sat there. My celly was actually just very intimidating. He started telling me about cell edicate.

It takes a long time to learn how to sleep when you are locked up. They are always popping the locks on the doors which wakes you up, the co's shine a flashlight on you every 15 mins, bunk beds suck, your mind is racing, your depressed, you can't shit and on and on.I spent my first week sleeping. I would get up to "eat" and went back to sleep. I couldn't fucking deal with it my world was falling apart.

I'll pick this up later if you folks are interested. I don't like rehashing this shit but if people want to know what it's really like, well people are talking about the real deal and not what you see on tv. LOL. Great thread though but I found it hard to have to think about this in great detail. Not very comfortable to think about.


Well-Known Member
Thought so, I had a good friend do 9 there, back in the 70's-80's.
That was back when the M/C clubs could ride their bikes inside the walls. They wrote a book about it called the concrete mama back in the 70's,funny thing in 2005 one of the guys in the book was still in there when I showed up.


Well-Known Member
I walked the yard at Folsom every day for 25 years......I've got more time on the shitter in Folsom than anybody that you know. If you don't think my 25 years behind the walls is worth reading about, then don't. I don't claim to be the hardest guy at the prison....I just know the guy!...If you have some relevant experience of prison, I'm all ears. Otherwise, quit running your soup cooler!!! P.S. If you were a janitor at NASA for 25 years, I'd figure you probably know a few people......Post up, or shut up!......I'm getting tired of your light weight whinning. Calling me out!.....let's see your papers.....why am I getting the impression you did your time on a "Special Needs Yard"?.......Where did you earn your stripes?.....Bitchin about me & got nothing to offer........lightweight BS......I'm standing here representing mine, what you got?....?......crickets!!!
Laughed my fucking ass off..."soup cooler""Put up or Shut up""Paper checking""SNY" Definitely inside language here. In your time there did you notice some if not all of the slang that goes around you heard first on the yard?Remember these..."Lock it in""Tee Off"


Well-Known Member
One day I walk into our whse & see 2 inmates on the ground fighting. Being the take charge guy that I am, I rushed in to brake it up. Just as I was lifting the one guy off the other, out of the corner of my eye, I see the knife!.....UghOhNo!!!!They were wrestling over a knife!...Shit!.... I caught the first hit to the right side of my neck and blood went everywhere. I managed to get my hand on the knife & it quickly turned into a 3man death roll! It was me & these two inmates rolling around on the whse floor fighting for the knife. Before it was over I had cuts to both hands & my neck.....They were going to fire me for violating the rules & getting my stupid ass stabbed, but they didn't...instead, I became exhibit #1 at new employee orientation class every month for several years.....Stand up in front of every new employee show my scars & tell my story of stupidity......Like I said, no good deed goes unpunished at Folsom........


Well-Known Member
This is what it was like for me.



Well-Known Member
Laughed my fucking ass off..."soup cooler""Put up or Shut up""Paper checking""SNY" Definitely inside language here. In your time there did you notice some if not all of the slang that goes around you heard first on the yard?Remember these..."Lock it in""Tee Off"
LOL!.....How about "Grab some wall"...and "Quit that grinnin, & drop that linen"...